Why does he call it a fried chicken, despite obviously being a roasted turkey?
Why does he call it a fried chicken, despite obviously being a roasted turkey?
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s a regional dialect
Because fat people are stupid. lol
stop criticizing this beautiful show, sir. we-I mean the writers and animators work very hard on this show, sir
Because Russians are stupid.
Because they knew it would make neckbeards get mad on the internet even though it doesn't matter even slightly.
I wondered this too. I think it's a kino creative choice by the director.
he was from Utica
What the fuck is this show?
this is most important post in 4channel history
Wtf what she doing down there?
Why does she tower over the police officers
Looks like Newgrounds style
What region?
dumping bodies she's a serial killer.
police in this show are tiny. you can see them the same size in the second episode.
Nothing much, boys.
its a motif for focaults idea of power dynamics, as a beautiful young woman its a metaphor for how she has all the power over the old, unattractive men who are awestruck by her and dont realize how suspicious her behavior actually is
alternatively it can be taken as a symoblism for the anarchic world where police have no authority and are therefore "small"
They're only 5'11"
Upstate New York
Grabbing the flight plans
The red balloon is an obvious KGB super spy activation/wake up signal. They dumped he or she somewhere and expected them to stumble upon the mass ad campaign
why is every single ad for this bootleg south park now?
When is the next episode of NonFamilyKino
Why did they now start advertising something that hasn't had an update in months?
Notice all the different races represented, where in Russia there aren't this many. Recall that during the 2016 election, Russians were target both partisans as well as trying to stoke racial tensions. If this series goes forward (and it will once they see enough interested has been generated) the show will go on to stoke racial tensions in much the same way. We can already see this in episode 2, when fat guy attacks Tyrel.
We are the early adopters friend
Ah yes. The famed "Russian meddlers" I've heard so much about, what master class propaganda.
Jesus christ youre right
She's a big guy
Its called "kino"
This, except unironically. Obesity correlates positively with low IQ and mental illness
It hasnt been dubbed into engrish yet
I'm seeing it right now
i'm from utica and i've never heard anyone use the term 'fried chicken'
Why was it blocked by YouTube yesterday and now it's back out of the blue with no explanation? What is going on here?
That foreign influencer money can skirt the grasp of justice
uhhh.. hello? based depot?
Okay, I came back here after watching this for three times, and talking it over with a buddy of mine. I think we got some of this. Here are a few things we noticed: 1. It has some quality behind it. Clean voice jobs, okay sound design, okay framing, okay positioning, much better than an Indian AI movie. 2. There are several jokes in here that are purposefully made unfunny or awkward to confuse and baffle you, like the condom scene. This is not because of the author's lack of English knowledge. It's made to slightly disturb in an uncanny valley kind of deal, just like the choice of South Park-esque graphics is intentional and is there to make you get in the mood to watch a South Park rip-off just to subvert your expectations seconds later. You were pulled in by the fucked up eye, right? Did you notice that at the dinner scene the fucked up eye changes places with the good one? 3. There is a message hidden in an opening scene. I can't read it, though. 4. At the start of the celebration you are made to feel that the joke is gonna be a. they are frozen because they are looking at her fucked up eye, b. the black guy is gonna be after the chicken. These two expectations are subverted by the while slob stalker guy attacking the chicken. 5. Did it make you feel anxious, as if you are witnessing a bad dream? Dare I say, it made you remember something? 6. The sound at 4:25 is played backwards. What is the original sound? Did you get it? 7. Have you seen the yellow sign? 8. Why were there no new episodes since November? Why is it being advertised on Yas Forums months after the release? Will there be more episodes? Are they waiting for a certain number of views before they post more? 9. Did you see how the name of the series connects with the plot? Is the slob guy an ex-husband? Get it?
In conclusion, I wanna congratulate the authors for capturing the spirit of kino. Excited for more.
Go back tranny.
i'm 100% sure this was AI generated. explains why it is so out of place and eerie.
About to watch this for the first time. What am I in for?
Well you're fucking wrong. It's translated from Russian to English. That's why characters say bizarre shit like "you filthy thief."
holy shit
this is a good reason to be against dubs
If molly was hurt on her left eye, why is her right eye hanging when she is eating at the table?
>that dancing scene
fucking kino
He's dumb
Do you think she actually bought condoms?
These threads are exactly what the goal of the ads were. It's a shitty forced meme cartoon that looks like south park. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Stop being an NPC.
It's actually pretty interesting. Just like Snow white, that girl's so egocentric that sees men as Dwarfs. She's looking for a real man for her... the rest just could be half-man.
But she pulled a bag out of the sewer and threw it next to a garbage bin
Maybe she kills people that live in the sewers
Scathing critique of western media, with Stephen King (a giant in both American “literature” and “cinema”) explicitly being called out and exposed as garbage
he put all his stats into strength rather than intelligence,
did you see him punch through that wooden beam like it was nothing?
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BACK BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s fine if you don’t get it, Russian kino can be especially challenging, but perhaps this just isn’t the place for you. Maybe r/movies would be more your speed
fuck phonefags
>fucking bill burr
This thing is trying too hard to be South Park.
And it succeeded, minus the humor, the fun characters and the silliness that made South Park into a funny show.
MK Ultra
I laughed harder when that guy punched the house than I have from any South Park episode in the last 5 years
I can appreciate what they were trying to do by setting up an obvious raunchy joke and just not following through, but I’m still fuming about that constipated cat
Reminder that there's nothing wrong with doxxing cuck posters