I don't get it

I don't get it.

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We call this kino, straighty.

You mean the gays actually loved it?

Why is he gay?

I legitimately loved this.

You are a faggot

Are you a gay or a straight?

Last episode I watched. Another thing I enjoyed ruined.

Could you explain why do you think it ruined the show? Honestly wondering here. I'm not sure what to think.


What a great season finale. Idk how you go come this to last season's shitty finale.

He's gay now bigot. Quane.

He is a narcisist and wanted a scene like this so he just put it in even though it made no sense.

Faggotry is unacceptable to everyone who isn't insane or evil.

That show was instantly dropped for good.

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I don't understand how anyone could take this seriously. After everything the show has done, this cringeworthy halfhearted stab at woke sincerity is completely laughable. So hollow. So utterly and deceptively cynical. It boggles the mind that I find people on here who were actually swept up in it.

Based and and whitepresenting blackpilled

There's nothing to get. Rob has gotten so far up his own ass and the show suffers for it.

I mean, the choreography was, indeed, beautiful. But the entire context of it? The sudden change in tone? Threw me right off.

Where's the joke? The dance was fine and all but where's the joke?

There isn't one.

All they had to do was have Frank say lol faggot

It was objectively good performance art. That aside, the entire joke was the juxtaposition of actual art alongside crackhead sociopaths.

Stop taking a low brow comedy show so seriously, faggot. I know reddit loves this show but that doesn't mean I'm going to play contrarian faggot along with you.

Dee's age is really starting to show.
Did she answer the call?

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That season got so weird. You could tell the writers were trying to push all that sjw shit on a show that actively is anti sjw. The tone shift was too much and weird.

GET IT ?!?!?

Gays and Negroes are JUST. LIKE. US.

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That's not her age showing, it's cosmetic surgery

Unironicly this

>objectively good performance art

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t. highest form of art consumed is network television

Hence the second part of my post.

why dont they realize how patronizing they are

What's unironic performance art about being a faggot which attempts to pull on your heartstrings with more desperation and less shame than a Hallmark Christmas movie doing in a lowbrow comedy? It's like ending a Looney Tunes cartoon with Daffy Duck dying of a smack overdose. Nigger, this ain't the time or the place for such shit, it just make the "issue" you're highlighting look ridiculous.

They legitimately see black professionals as monkeys in suits.

Not that they're wrong but they aren't honest about it.

I dunno. I didn't really notice any SJW pandering, although I remember Yas Forums getting pissed because of it. Seems to me like they pulled no punches making fun of the ridiculous shit leftists pull these days.

I'd say the real problem with season 13 was that a) pretty much all of the episodes were very topical in nature, almost as if the writers picked an issue (female remakes, transgender restrooms, etc.) and built entire episode around them; b) these themes were presented in a very on-the-nose manner, with the characters almost obnoxiously explaining what was going in, as if the writers did not trust the audience to get any subtlety at all.

>attempts to pull on your heartstrings
Except it didn't. The entire thing was tounge-in-cheek. It's adorable that it did make you feel something though, but that wasn't the goal of the episode.

Nah, I feel like it was the point.

>I didn't really notice any SJW pandering
Meanwhile...in the homosexual interpretive dance...

I regularly watch opera and ballet faggot, don't talk about two retards flailing about like it's automatically high art because it's lit nicely.

Holy shit you're legitimately retarded.

>it's lit nicely
Spoken like a true brainlet

Aww I'm sorry, did you think you found something beautiful and meaningful in their stupid little gyrations?

Well that's the only thing that threw me off and prompted me to make this thread. If the entire season was full of SJW pandering, I would have just gotten mad and joined the bandwagon. But since this was the only example (and even then, a confusing one) of SJW pandering, I wouldn't be so quick to deem the entire season as shit.

It feels like I unironically did not get it.

>I felt this way therefore that was the creator's goal
Huge symptom of narcissism, but that goes without saying on this site.

Art isn't made to pander to you.

kys faggot

ITT literal homosexuals struggle with their feelings

That episode wasn't really that bad, just horribly out of character. The Thundergun remake episode was so thick with SJW shit that it's painful to watch. To an absurd degree, honestly.

>Huge symptom of narcissism
Or just, you know, a symptom of interpreting art?
You fucking idiot. You're the narcissistic one here.

The season after it was a lot worse, including bleeping out the usage of "retard" in a clip episode.

Really the clip episode is more of a sign that the show is fucking dead than anything. SJW shit in episodes is bad but at least they're actually episodes.

Black hole brain.

Interpreting art is one thing, but projecting that onto the artist is when you enter faggot narcissist territory.

I liked it and I'm not even homosexual.
Reminded me of my struggle with being trans and being religious with a non accepting father.
Yes it was kind of out of place but I think that was part of the joke, especially because of how vulgar it was until that point.

Unless you can make a cogent argument, with evidence from the text, that the whole thing was meant to be tongue in cheek, then you're an absolute dunce talking out of your ass.

>Mac's dad threatens to rape and eat their butts til the room stinks
>Mac is terrified
>Fast forward a few years
>That shit's just a regular tuesday for Mac
It's like poetry. It rhymes.

Based dad

Are you acting like a faggot on purpose at this point or...?

>not a homosexual
why ah you ghey

Nice argument faggot, really showed yourself up as a pseud retard there. I really hope you're trolling desu; lacking self awareness to the degree that you appear to be is actually somewhat depressing


He killed himself so is he really based?
I'm straight.

>It was objectively good performance art.


Any real man would seppuku if he had a tranny as a son

Rob McElhenny has two mothers so him being a pandering faggot makes perfect sense.


wait is this sunny?
I stopped watching at season 7 cause the show was going down the drain.
People are still watching it?

you wont make it tranny

Reminder Glenn Howerton is a braindead Hollywood liberal now who rants narcissistically about orange man bad and the gang has outright stated they REGRET doing episodes like "Dee is Dating a Retarded Person" because of how problematic it is. They're so up their own ass with the Kool-Aid enema that they can't even view their own work with enough self-awareness to retroactively remember its contextual meanings.


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I would think the joke is that he wants to express his homosexuality with some sort of hyper sexual dance with him and a woman with the joke played completely strait, but I honestly just haven't bothered watching Always Sunny since like the 6th season and only know of this from osmosis and watching a clip

so you chopped your dick off and still like bitches?
or you chopped your tits off and still like dudes?
and if this isn't true you should've just admitted you're gay, not mutilate yourself

It was kino, and that's why it ruined the show

This, I also can't stand how reasonable all but Frank became when talking about these topics, usually they'd be totally against the woke opinion and that was Syed for laughs, but having them now half agree ruins the comedy

No I'm a woman who likes men.
That is straight.


idk what this is but he looks hot

Go dilate, disgusting tranny.

you're not a woman and you can only get people to acknowledge you as such by browbeating them. no one believes you.

You will never be a woman, no matter how many hormones you take or how much you mutilate your gentials.

I can't remember exactly, but --

Mac can't really express to his Dad that he's gay, for a whole number or reasons. It all bubbles up into a visual spectacle that doesn't resemble the show at all and the contrast of that sells the joke.

Should've cut at the end to show Mac doing a shitty dance by himself and everything that just happened was all in his head (AKA recycle the High School RĂ©union dance)