ITT Worst Character in a show

ITT Worst Character in a show

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that's not nadine

James is worse because hes in more episodes

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The same people that constantly shit on James are the same people that defend Skylar

what wrong with his head

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>You're a loose cannon, House. But by God you get results!

simp brain

huge fucking brain, needs extra forehead space to contain it

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James was always cool.

being a simp isnt cool


As per usual, fpbp.

qft :D

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I actually liked her.

You're driving that word into meaninglessness faster than incel. Impressive.

He makes that damn face in EVERY SCENE

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>Gets pussy from 4 girls by being cool
yeah ok retard

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The British lady is way worse

what was the point of that character anyway

he had what? six season headstart to develop his unrivaled awfulness

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Shut the fuck up, bitch ass nigga. Keep my nigga Malcolm out your damn mouth.

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This, he's a mega autist


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>Not Breakfast
>Not Skyler
>Not the cousins

Have you even watched The Return?

>not Ted
She might have fucked him but he's still more insufferable than her.

The fuck? Leslie is by far the worst character, unless you count Ann, which I don't, because she's not really a character.

>Not understanding that Skyler is written as a domestic antagonist
>Not understanding that after years of grinding Walt down she has, knowingly or not, made Walter the weak man he was in the first seasons.


what are you fucking 14?

he's been doing a lot of thinking lately

>it's an user confuses 'unlikeable with badly written' episode

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dan from gossip girl.

Does she even count lol

what show is this?


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OP didn't specify whether he meant worst objectively or subjectively

This one is a real headscratcher all around


Only fags dislike Skyler.

>almost ruined deadwood
the bitch

Never thought about it, but you’re right. These 2 irritate me even more than skylar or walt jr. They never speak? Why? Stupid gimmick. The intention was probably to make them look more badass, but to me they come off more as bizarre autists.

>bizarre autists
I thought that's what they're supposed to be. Like that whole crawling opening sequence.

Andy is based

You're retarded


I tried to come up with a counterpoint character but honestly, he really is the worst.

I think Francis is second tho, I always found his sideplots kind of boring though he's great when he's actually directly involved with the family.

Not even the worst character on Deadwood.

Nice pits though.

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neither of those refute my point

What irritates me isn't just how they act but it's how they're used in the show.

The whole time they build up this idea that they're super mega cool badasses but when they actually fight someone, it's not even walter, and they COMPLETELY butcher the fight. They don't surprise him at all and when one has the chance to finish him he gives hank all the time in the world to recollect himself and gain some advantage. So fucking stupid.

>liking Andy
what a horrible existance that must be

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Not even close to the english slag.

Nard at-least has SOME moments.
I can't think of a single episode that wasn't entirely cringe without her in the show.

you're out of your fucking mind
>mfw comfy lodenum addicted wealthy sexpot gf