
I Can't See Shit Edition


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>I Can't See Shit Edition
you mean DS9 ?

Whatever happened to the species/vagina taste chart poster? I miss him. He let me add Gorn pussy to the chart.

I think he means Geordi is blind.

It's a 'we're not sure if we're supposed to be in character or not' for this picture episode

>He let me add Gorn pussy to the chart

Attached: get a load of this dumbass.gif (480x208, 3.03M)

jolan tru, /trek/!

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OP does not own a mirror.

Attached: Geordie Pepe.png (700x674, 203.83K)

Starfleet Marine Corps

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>still haven't seen most of TOS
>still haven't seen the first or seventh seasons of TNG
>saw most of Voyager but that was years ago and I've forgotten most of it
>have seen like two Episodes of DS9 in total
>got about halfway through the first season of ENT but stopped for some reason
>instead of watching trek simply hang out in this shitty general and argue about pointless bullshit
Why are we here, just to suffer?

Attached: Suffering O'Brien.jpg (400x227, 42.88K)

Where's Valley Forge?

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after its common knowledge that Picard was a shitty captain.

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>OP does not own a mirror.
What was intended by this statement?

Dead at last

I was watching TOS with Grandma but I haven't been visiting her since the quarantine so my TOS rewatch is stalled.

watch ENT

it's faith of the hearth level kino

I will not spoonfeed you.

Attached: Sir Patrick Stewart.png (600x600, 131.56K)

>it's faith of the hearth level kino


>Implying the "I" is user commenting on himself and not obviously the picture
Why do some faggots reach so far to try and make lame jokes?

that video was made by a ferengi

>ds9 guide states starfleet has 60,000 ships
>somehow losing 40 in 359 was “significant”

Do you know how many tanks the United States had in 1939 compared to 1943? Production is typically amped up significantly in times of war.

There are ships and then there are ships, user. The ones at Wolf 359 are the latter.

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Remember the episode Riker basically says "I'll be in the holodeck masturbating if you need me"

What's this aesthetic called?

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Is RLM doing any more Picard reviews or did they drop it?
I want to know how the series ends without watching any of it

cabin boy

>not getting your opinions from clickbait doomcock or nerdrotic videos instead

I can't imagine they wouldn't. They're probably making a big gay production of it like they did some of their STD videos. Those came out much later, too.

>getting your opinions
I dont want their opinion I want the abridged version of the show

RLM are in multiple high risk health categories (diabetes, alcoholism, obesity, old age) they need to get that review done ASAP before the rona gets one of them.

>it's literally too dark
What else will they come up with next?

For the founders, i offer these digits to you after my repeated failures so that you may forgive me.

Attached: Dubsminion.png (600x450, 422.38K)

>Nerdrotic: gary is tolerable, if occasionally blackpilled
>Doomcuck: peak cringe that manages to discover unknown peaks of cringe with each new video
>RMB: annoying boomer faggot that nontheless has good insight into how hollywood works sometimes
>Critical Drinker: tolerable
>Mr. H: based
>Midnights Edge: trick question - Finland faggot is based but the other faggots are nigh intolerable. inb4 muh predictions (most were correct, and they were always just rumors).

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I love how they all have to make up autistic reasons and theories why STD and STP are bad.
Things can't "just" be bad, there has to be some big conspiracy in it.


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STD is the only good Star Trek series

I don't have an ST related this-is-bait image, but come on.


My favorite is the one about Alex Kurtzman.
In the real world:
>Alex Kurtzman is CBS' boy for Star Trek because A) he's part of a certain tribe and B) he's able to crank out a lot of product at once, more than most people
In Midnight's Edge and Doomcock's universe:
>CBS hates Alex Kurtzman and fired him in 2016, but he "won't leave"
Like, Jesus Christ.


Bland and boring

>Things can't "just" be bad, there has to be some big conspiracy in it.
Well... it's not just Star Trek. It's Trek and literally every other genre IP of the past 5-8 years. So, you could imagine why "it just happens to be shitty" no longer cuts it. The only exception that you could mention is maybe GoT, which is more incompetence than any kind of conspiracy. But, the rest I could totally see why you'ld wonder if there is some conspiracy to fuck up user's ability to escape into entertainment.

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he cute

What's this aesthetic called?

Attached: eBOwD (4).jpg (236x475, 12.97K)

pretty cool apart from the patterns or writing


First need to know what is going on? Can /fa/ weigh in on what that actually is? Is it a cape? A knee-length robe?

LOL the what?

>sees a pic
>needs help looking at it
>hasn't even seen the movie
why r u here

>why r u here

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What is it then? Or do you need help looking at it? Or have you "never seen TMP"? Or why are you here?

CBS gives the nuTrek writers and producers one condition: it has to appeal to normies. Trekkies are secondary.
But they're cheap and hired on the worst CW tier writers who only know how to write quippy capeshit.
So it's not necessarily bad "on purpose" to forward some kind of agenda like doomcuck would like you to think, the writers literally think what they come out with is quality television.

the point being that act like 40 is a significant number
one has to imagine they had at least 40k before the dominion were even a problem then ramped up production

To hell with /fa/, we need Fashion It So.

Kino outfit

But TNG appealed to normies. They have the numbers to prove it. Why would they not just tell them "make a spiritual successor to TNG" (like Seth McFarlane is basically doing) and bring on people who know what they're doing in order to do it? I think Doomcock is a utter tool who gets trolled by rumors and "leaks" that play to his sense of self-importance, but I find it hard to believe they would not find cheap writers who also know Star Trek. It seems more likely to me that they gave it to some faggots who just wanted a "franchise" and then used writing positions to reward and stave-off #MeToo bullshit when that started heating up

still waiting on you "spoonfeeding" me on what was oh-so-obvious....

TNG appealed to normies in 1987-1994, nowadays normies expect shows to be identical to GoT, TWD, BrBa