I would definitely watch a Himouto Umaru-chan live-action adaption

I would definitely watch a Himouto Umaru-chan live-action adaption

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I would too, user. Praise nug

who would play ebina chan and her sweaty bra?

i hate this character s0 much br0s

I didn't choose the nug life.
The nug life chose me.

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Ebina would be fairly easy to cast imo.

umaru is a nigger

I just ordered the manga and deluxe anime box set with my Trumpbux.

out of all characters in this series she was in fact the least enjoyable to watch

i wanna marry real umaru


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It's more of a gag series than SoL


ok boomer

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The episide wher Umari and Slyphn go to the old mall just so they can enjoy it before it closes was surprisingly poignant.



Why is she so perfect, anons?



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she's just like (YOU), user!


I feel like the people who hate this anime are the same ones who takes slice of life way to serious and/or faggots

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I would pay obscene amounts of money to stomp on this bitch's ugly skull

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It's bomber...sir.

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cute thread

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Cast somebody with downe syndrome. It's perfect

why does Yas Forums like this show more than Yas Forums does?

Who would you cast as nugget?


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Yas Forums has good taste

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Because she's a slob

She's a low-tier imouto

Kirie is best girl

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She's a knock-off Kirino who doesn't even love her brother as much as Kirino

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>doesnt drink it

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its bad for her figure

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Because it appeals to the normalfags who sometimes post here and think anime and manga is solely posted as a "joke" or to be "ironic". Can you believe people like that actually exist?

read the op

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you cant expect animefag to have any kind of brain

Just because OP mentioned 3DPD doesn't make 3DPD any more appealing.

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I just read the plot of this shit on wikipedia and it is the most retarded shit I've ever read

shes the closest thing to it

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They will watch anything as long as it panders to their fetish.

Could be worse, could be actual trash like Yas Forumsshit

I just marathoned this post and it was the most retarded shit I've ever read, what did I think of it?

It insists upon itself

Impossible. Umaru is best girl and Kirino is shit.

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Is she dabbing?

I've never seen such poor taste in my life

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Is there nudes of this 12 year old?

Yes, she's dabbing on an indignant onii-chan

What does Kirino's breath smell like lads

Umaru is a fun-loving vidya hamster.
Kirino is a spoiled brat who acts like a total cunt 4/5 of the time.

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Yas Forums loves Umaru-chan, it just has one obsessed shitposter who dumps his entire umaru gore folder in every single umaru thread

shes 16 and no baka

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I would star in it because Im pretty and cute

How would they even do a girl-to-hamster ttansformation?

Your shitty e-girl is no match for the based anonymous cosplayer

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Strawberries and mint I wager
She just wants her onii-chan to notice her

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