Looks like the schizos are out again
Looks like the schizos are out again
Why do liberals worship billionaires?
Based schizos
Death threats should be treated as murder legally.
why do people hate bill gates now?
Because he's starting to make sense.
Globohomo who suddenly knows whats best for the world after making money from other peoples inventions and ideas.
They think he wants to put electronic chips inside their body aswell as make them infertile with vaccines
But they're already infertile by being incels
not nearly enough
Based fpbp
Go eat your foot cheese, rms
How many celebrities that got death threats actually had an attempt on their life in the last, say, 3 decades? This shit is meaningless, it's not like some John Malkovich looking guy is carving a plastic gun in his log cabin.
Also someone posting "kill yourself" on instagram shouldn't be considered a death threat.
>t. regularly sends death threats
Just because you’re an unimportant person doesn’t mean death threats shouldn’t be taken seriously. Sending a message as an anonymous person saying you want to kill someone should lead to jail
He is/has developed a "vaccine" for a "pandemic" which would be mandatory. ID2020
What retard doesn’t think vaccines should be mandatory? Oh i guess you’re from Yas Forums hmm?
Kill yourself to be honest
>What retard doesn’t think forced sterilization should be mandatory?
welcome to the slippery slope faggot, this is the brave new world you leftists fight for
it's not like you were ever going to neef those wrinkled little testes anyway
now? He is responsible of the worst OSS ever
why would they force sterilize you, you already won't have sex
Xp? That's the last time he was involved.
Because windows 10 is all Balmer.
>same tired retarded buzzwords with no coherent argument
It's what happens when you stop believing in God. You seek guidance with whatever powerful figures you can. See also corporate fanaticism. See celebrity worship.
I’m right but doesn’t matter. Vaccination shouldn’t be a right or left question. If you dont get it you actively hurt others because you might be a carrier of the disease
that fuckin wit
is that you, amy schumer?
Ecclesiasticus 13:23
“When a rich man speaketh, every man holdeth his tongue, and, look, what he saith, they extol it to the clouds: but if the poor man speak, they say, What fellow is this? and if he stumble, they will help to overthrow him
Why was this post deleted? If someone wants to do harm to all of humanity, I think this based user had a really good point
He was on Epstein's island. Some shills pretend there are bigger reason to hate him.
>If you dont get it you actively hurt others because you might be a carrier of the disease
How would that be if they have their vaccines?
Proverbs 30:20
...a lizard you can catch with the hand, but it gets into the palaces of the king.
You can't keep me out bitch!
But if you are vaccinated why do you care if I got a disease?
It's amazing how quickly everyone has forgotten that he had been visiting Epstein's pedo island.
don't poke holes in their smoothbrain arguments
the're already after trevor noah, and not for the crime of sucking horsedick on national tv for 5 years
Not me, i can get vaccinated. However, and you probably dont know this, not everyone can get a disease. They might have pre-conditions which make it bad to take a vaccine. Not only that but you yourself should get a vaccine because it grants immunity. Modernity has been to kind to you schizos
>Why do liberals worship billionaires?
Well that's ironic.
>"Yeah, hi, is this Trevor Noah's office? Don't ask how I got this number, just tell him to take a taxi home from work, he doesn't want to take his car..."
What the fuck are you talking about? Liberals want to tax the shit out of billionaires. Peolle talk to Bill Gates because he spends hundreds of millions on humanitarian efforts and has insight into the tech for handling disease epidemics. Meanwhile Republicans elected trump becsuse they wanted the billionaire to run America like one of his failed businesses and are dolling out trillions in bailout money to corporatations. Christ, why are republicans so STUPID and EVIL? Literally all you people do is fucking lie.
what did he say? webm?
dilate seethe cope maga
You talk like a wanker.
>t. another brainwashed leftist consumer
>posted from my iphone x
user, like anything humanity has done, at the beginning vaccines were an act of good will, now as everything is about money
p.s. are you pro transgenic food?
Bill gates and Trevor Noah should be —— repeatedly until they are —-
Post the police report.
I believe populations should reduce sizes, mostly in asia and africa. GMO food props their populations up so i would be against it for that reason but not for some anti-science schizo reason
>word salad
seek help
lol at this tard
He should be murdered.
KIll yourself LOL
>Sending a message as an anonymous person saying you want to kill someone should lead to jail
Yas Forums is definitely nothing but evil pathological liars, far more so than repubs in general.
>i'm on the right
>i believe the government should be given the power to force you to put things inside you
Yeah, consider killing yourself you bootlicking kike shill.
Trump supporters will turn on anyone and anything that makes Trump look bad.
>anti-science schizo reason
user, again it's about money
Who sold out to the corporations?
Based and true
They're on the same side.
Interesting theory. Why is this board then made up of conservative neonazis who worship celebrities more than teenage girls with magazine subscriptions? Idiot.
Posting images of celebrities and laughing at them is hardly worship.
>who worship celebrities
You don't browse Yas Forums at all. This board constantly hopes for all these giant companies to fail. At most you probably see people wanting to horrendously objectifying things to celebrities who they all know had their time on the casting couch at least at one point.
Are you having a stroke?
i am going to kill you
i relinquish my miranda rights and agree this post is 100% legally binding contract to my attempt on this fags life
Trump really brought out all the retards.
Pray for all the people with TDS.
Post the so called "death threats". I want to see the screen shots.
it's being handled by kurt eichenwald's people
post any rapid flashing gif for a v&ing and access to all the evidence and tenracles you'll ever need
Random youtube and twitter comments. Now feel sympathy for the millionaire talk how host.
Proof that Communist should be killed or enslaved.
You're mistaking liberals for actual leftists mate.
Centrist libs and republicans are basically the same shit, one is just more overt about their opinions of immigrants, black people and the jewish.
>here's a picture therefore i'm right
read any leftist on twitter and you will realize they've gone full blown commie it's insane.
that's actually a really good one
As opposed to the sanity of the full blown nazis on here