What did they mean by this scene? Is it not cool to ask a girl out? What's the "right" way?

What did they mean by this scene? Is it not cool to ask a girl out? What's the "right" way?

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Thats what I always asked in face of this crazy feminism shit. How are you supposed to meet a women? Do they have an answer to this? I guess the whore is just supposed to pick who she wants on tinder. Seriously confused

No wonder you're all virgins. Fuckin autismo

Oh look, a very thinly veiled Yas Forums thread

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I honestly don't understand how so many of you retards are absolutely hopeless

Imagine being this much of a sexless fucking moron.

my favorite one is where the nig is holding back the dude from an advanced modern society
oh look, niggerloving redditfugee

Please enlighten everyone then.

Answer the fucking question. How are you meant to approach women?

Grow up.

I have never seen this advertisement and this is the only clip I know of it.

Just talk to them like a normal person instead of acting like a fucking autistic retard reciting quotes from PUA. You imbeciles.

I have a girlfriend. Not an incel and not my point. I dont play by their rules

In the world of third wave feminism how is a man supposed to meet a women.

uh, you're not

you're supposed to be social distancing, pal

>How are you supposed to meet a women?
You're not. The sad truth is that the incels are right. Modern feminism is just a giant political machine used to extract resources from men and filter enormous amounts of beta males. Why do you think feminists demand open borders with the hyper-masculine patriarchs of Africa and the Islamic world? They desire domination by real men who will rape them.
>I guess the whore is just supposed to pick who she wants on tinder.
Yes. Again, this is jsut a filtering mechanism so that betas won't even bother women and will learn their place. Women instinctively hate ugly, weak, and lowly males.

Fuck off astroturfing newfag. Bitching about how you don't want to be hear isn't going to change anything. You are delusional. Just leave you masochistic faggot.

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You realize most people have sex right? You incels cant meet women because you have no concept of how to interact with human beings

So you don't have an answer?

The answer:

Feminism is a mass filter. Only the top sexually attractive men are allowed to approach and interact with women. Anything below fuckable men are creepy incels that are to be thrown away.

This one's got me scratching my head. Why can't he hunt the animals in Cleveland?

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Real life isnt like your poltard fantasies you fat shutin. Everyone fucks. Nobody cares about your Id pol obsession outside of Yas Forums.

I just posted the bird, I'm married and having a son in September :^)

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If a black guy stopped me from scoring a hottie, I'd deck him.

>bitching about how you don’t want to be hear

Illiterate trailer trash fat fuck

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What if the guy in OP's image wanted to talk to her like a normal person before getting cockblocked by the negro?

The answer is dont be obviously mentally ill but incels literally cant hide it. You are too fucked up to ever hold a womans interest


You think that what the guy in the clip was doing?

Why doesn't a comedy sketch show that satirizes this shit exist? Its so stupid and unreal.

I love this version of it.

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Based black boomers saving us from communism.

lmao how has conservatism not died out when they're literally all sexless freaks?

Normalfags don't "approach" women. Relationships are not some code that needs to be cracked they just happen. If it hasn't happened for you its over.

Because all of the people writing comedy sketch shows agree with it.

Have you tried having a personality that doesnt repulse women?

>face of this crazy feminism shit. How are you supposed to meet a women?

Stop listening to leftist retards and what they want and socialize with actual people.

black guys usually are good wing men in my experience.

Based black bro stopping us from going off the cliff.

>watching ES EN fucking EL in 2020
literal kike propaganda

Blacks would benefit by far the most of any group from Bernies policies. Fucking morons.

>personality meme

how do I know youre a virgin

>nigga trust me all dat iz iz baby mama drama and money fo dem programz


Basically you should be briefly assertive to demonstrate that you aren't a pussy and then back off and evaluate whether she's into you

The funniest thing about the election is middle-class white kids not understanding why black people don't want to pay for their student loans

Conservatives are the only ones with healthy sex and dating practices.

Yeah, why bother spending money on helping people when we could give trillions of taxpayer dollars to corporations and the ultra wealthy? BASED!!!!

Blacks don't like Bernie because they already get all the free shit he is promising.

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mass replies are for niggers and women
which are you

People normally get introduced by friends. Sometimes dating apps/sites too, but in general it's someone who knows someone you know.

>muh typos
I'll have you know I am a proper tryhard pseudo-intellectual, you suspicious filename having philistine

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They don't care
The guys the want to mee aren't phases by gay bullshit like this. They walk up to women and meet them
The thing that a lot of us don't realize is that almost everything a girl does is to increase the quality of her dating pool.
The more shit they throw in your way, the more dudes are weeded out from the dudes they were always going to fuck
"Chad" can do all the things we do and its still very likely he'll get laid and have women that want to be with him

>helping people
Zoomers in student debt and undeported ilegals are not people.

>The guys the want to mee aren't phases by gay bullshit like this

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Hi schlomo.
Hows that demoalisation programme working out.

>honestly don't understand how so many of you retards are absolutely hopeless
You lack creative thinking and problem solving
If only those things mattered in real life

i think he's talking about blacks

is this because bernie said white people don't know what it's like to be poor?

>haha nobody in real life thinks like this, that's why this ad was run by a giant company oh wait

>No white boy, she's only built for BBC.

>hates nazis
>is a spelling nazi

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It's funny to think he's talking about minorities but he probably means like squirrels, pigeons, stray dogs/cats, and the rare deer in the suburbs. . They don't let you hunt those in cities even if you'd be doing the city a favor most of the time.

A kind of wild animal you would get in trouble for calling a wild animal.

>What's the "right" way?
Don’t be white.

I hope nobody is bullying you over the coronavirus, chang

What's funny is that what the white guy does, is exactly what a black guy would do.

What the black guy does, is exactly what a lesbian would do.

Billionaires have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in brainwashing morons like you.

>Go on Tinder
>Post cheesy pick-up line
>Take a printscreen of the conversation
>Post it on Reddit
>Get upvoted
>Never have sex

>How are you supposed to meet a women?
Friends of friends and chance encounters.

blacks in general are pretty anti-semitic. the ironic thing is bernie has been a civil rights supporter his entire life basically. biden was just obama's VP.

just say niggers, we are not on twitter here

That's literally battery according to the letter of the law. The dude could sue the black dude and actually win, assuming he's a complete stranger.

You couldn't if you wanted to, pussy.

Taxation is theft.

Tell me you don't actually believe anything you just typed, and you're trying to be funny

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Stop worrying about what women want and just do your thing. What a woman likes and what she SAYS she likes are two entirely different things.

Also true.