ITT: Scenes that made you walk out of the theater

ITT: Scenes that made you walk out of the theater

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Immediately got up, did a 360, and walked away when it happened

Wasn't that the end of the movie?
Do you watch the entire credits?

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It was extremely unpleasant, forced and anti-climatic.

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well yeah it was the end

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I remember during PJ King Kong I was getting ready to leave if Kong spoke when Naomi Watts is doing the whole
>its beautiful

The entirety of sausage party if that counts

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Same. How did the apes get the statue of liberty and bring it to their planet? Dumb movie

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I'm not sure if I should point out that half the people ITT are missing the joke


This ruined an almost perfect movie

You're a real fucking cock sucker, you double digit IQ smoothbrain, you. Fuck you.

What did the rat mean?

When they changed Voldemort's death just to justify selling 3D tickets. HIM DYING LIKE ANY OTHER MAN WAS PART OF THE POINT YOU HACKS.


This ending was unironically cringe

What do you mean? i haven’t read the books so

He doesnt turn to ash in the books he just drops dead

When Harry killed the basilisk with the dollar store sword of griffindor. One of the worst movie moments of my life ever. Second maybe to battlefield earth, that was some true garbage. Got it on DVD at the time and you could clearly see the string suspending the ships.

Thanks, makes sense why the wiki says he has a tomb

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>implying Rowling actually had a point
lmao fuck off, his movie death was far better

you need to watch the sequels to understand it

Ignorant cracker

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>woah man it's like it's totally coming at me 3D is awesome!!!
kys retard.

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Whenever whitey beats black character I walk out because its non realistic.

To this day nobody knows for sure.

>start watching Boondock Saints 2
>first 5min spic with LA RAZA tattoed across his back berates White guy for being a "nazi"
>turn it off


Ironic cuckposting is still cuckposting

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when the wh*teoid girl didnt get the black BVLL bowl

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You would still be facing the same direction, retard

So you watched the entire movie and that made you walk out of the theater?


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clearly he walked out backwards

You are posting that one example because it's the only one. Meanwhile, internet is full of videos of white pussies being not so tough in front of based black brothers.

>somebody had to animate this

>the female buns has sex with the little wiener
Um wtf isn't that supposed to be a kid in the context of the show?

What's the greatest closing shot of all time?

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and they didn't get paid

is it unusual that i find this extremely hot and i had to immediately fap?

No, Jewish propaganda is pretty widespread at this point, you've been conditioned to COOM like many others.

i understand that my post sounds very coomer but if you believe me, i don't watch porn at all

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>hurr i'm new
we know

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