ITT: films where the good guys lose

I'll start.

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a lot of horror movies
it's why i don't like horror


I'm schizophrenic and every horror movie i watch sticks with me for months to the point i feel i broke some fourth wall and am in the film.
I still have problems sleeping when my mind thinks about that faggot it clown, its not that im scared its just the dread i feel that this nigger might roll up on me when I'm jerking off

Why watch horror movies if you know you're schizo?

i feel i make myself mentally stronger enduring them, i saw both IT remakes alone in theatres it was kinda fun.

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i avoid films about sleep paralysis though or general ghost/alien films, things where supernatural elements warp their victims perspective, "the fourth kind" still fucks with me even though i consider it a shitty doc

Huh, interesting

Star Wars

>the Persians were the bad guys

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Now what goes into the mind of someone when they post this? Do they really think they've stumbled across some original wit? Do they hope anyone will be shocked by this trivial and banal Nazism in this board at this time? Is it obligation to board culture?

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r.i.p big F last of the golden greats.

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Terrible ending for an otherwise good movie

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Based. FUCK Cromwell and FUCK the anglican """"""church""""""

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>When Kirk Douglas asked Stanley Kubrick his opinion of the "I am Spartacus" scene, Kubrick (in front of cast and crew) called it "a stupid idea". Douglas promptly chewed Kubrick out.

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Sort of, anyway. I mean he does catch the fish. But from a purely profit-and-loss perspective he doesn't end up ahead of the game.

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holy shit, didn't know Yas Forums was this BASED. I hate pr*testants so much bros

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Is that all? Where's the soijack to complete your nuanced argument?

It's an honest question asked in good faith. Did you really think there was anything subversive, funny, or unexpected in saying "Nazis lost. Nazis were good guys"? Did you really not realize how stale that take is on this board, so much so that Schindler's List is immediately followed by Downfall? I'm legit curious about
your process.

Similar to 300 I guess. It's not very good, sadly. They should do a big-budget, all-guns-blazing remake to tell Mexico where they get off.

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>Game over!

It’s for posts like this. They’d stop if you fags would stop giving the yous.

Is that all? Where's the soijack to complete your nuanced argument?

It's an honest question asked in good faith. Did you really think there was anything subversive, funny, or unexpected in saying "Nazis lost. Nazis were good guys"? Did you really not realize how stale that take is on this board, so much so that Schindler's List is immediately followed by Downfall? I'm legit curious about
your process.

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Tom always lost and he was pretty much in the right.

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Pleb. You’re supposed to root for the killer and enjoy the fictitious violence

Life is rough when you’re a Tombro...

Loved the episodes when Tom and Jerry worked together because the dog was also in the episode.

no i want them to win
unlesa they really deserve it

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Ah so you must be a big SAW fan

Eh, I doubt it. You see this all the time in posts like "ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong" and a dozen brainlets post Nazis without any follow-up or expectation.

I mean, is it just a "Sneed is a big guy" meme? Done out of obligation? My point is, I just don't see how a guy can snicker at posting a Nazi as a hero and think he's doing anything funny, shocking, or original.

I guess. Edward G Robinson isn't exactly a bad guy, but I suppose McQueen is the protagonist.

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Too many Jews died. Oskar Schindler had a rough time after the War and deserved better

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Forget it buddy

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they do it because Germany did nothing wrong
and it shows how soulless and braindead people who disagree are when YOU reply


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Cromwell was a religious fascist who banned Christmas and anything even remotely fun. Although he did well to get rid of the rotten parliament and regent, people's lives probably got worse under his extended tenure.

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>i'll ignore that the Spartans were very avid collectors of slaves and had brutal training methods. Nevermind the fact that Persia was the one freeing slaves. NO, the Persians were bad

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Jerry was an asshole

because they leave the golden city and prime golden pussy?

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>Lose treasure
>Only one Chell
>Lost in a jungle with no city to let them in, the only other force out there is a Conquistador army that will kill/enslave them as soon as they see them
They're fucked

>rebels are the good guys
derp derp

She murdered her husband, bitch had it coming.

makes sense why there wasnt a sequel..

That’ll never happen. They did a movie with goddamn Billy Bob Thornton as Crockett of all people and it was middling. Good battles in Texas to make movies about would be the Second Battle of Sabine Pass or the Battle of San Jacinto if you want the focus of the flick to be the lead up and the aftermath. The battle itself was a bit of a slaughter.


I'm braindead for trying to honestly engage by asking directly questions, but the kneejerk posters with their predictable "Hitler did nothing wrong" are what, geniuses? Thoroughly original?

Yeah, and from that point on I've hated Jamie Foxx. Every role they put him in, he's this fuckfaced hero type. Even when the "hero" isn't the hero. He's politically correct and that doesn't mean he's good.

But modernity dictates politically correct = good guy

The Persians were bad and slavery wasn't ever truly abolished there until the early 1900's.

He dies but the ending suggests rome wins

The best part is when they're standing around and it dawns on them: "we took the L for these niggas.. "

Commodus lost though

>Netflix original
>group of white guys slaughter a bunch of niggers in Africa
>not one of them dies
How did Netflix get away with this?