Here's your new Stranger Things bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Stranger chinks
>implying I'm watching something with chinks
made for our Chinese overlords.
Ignorant cracker
>creates Chinese character to pander to the Chinese
I’m so tired of all this nonsense bros
Someone needs to tell Hollywood that asians are never going to be happy with their "representation"
>half of it
More like "Hapa of It".
Asians don't even care about seeing Asians in films. Only westernized Asian SJWs give a fuck.
Asians in Asia only care if the lead is attractive.
Calm down Yas Forums it's just a gender reverse Cyrano de Bergerac
damnit! you stole my joke!
>Netflix: AI create new script based on Stranger Things, IT, To All The Boys I Love and I Am Not Okay With This
ur welcome
Netflix doesn't create content for China, probably wouldnt have as many nigs and fags if it did and this clearly wasn't made for them considering the girls gay. The only mention of gays in the entire MCU is a guy who mentions his partner in a scene that is easy to edit out
>over 30% of humans are Asian
>whites are continued to be portrayed as racists even though Chinese are the most Xenophobic country on earth.
>not just underpaying and slave driving a talented creative writer that is fresh out of college
why the fuck don't they do this?
I would high key creampie deep into a hapa creating the most genetically superior being alive... the quapa
Wtf I like Chinese people now!
just pointing out that Asian Asians don't give a fuck as long as the lead is attractive. I don't deny that they aren't racist as all hell and that Hollywood isn't out to swindle the white man.
why did they spoil the entire movie in the trailer?
no, I think they're just trying to piss off city people at this point. everyone who has ever lived in a small town knows people like these, the problem is it's not compelling to see ugly teens finding love anymore. netflix needs to grow up.
Which is what makes it so cringe when they try to represent asian culture. They're never going to get it right, since they'll always present an SJW-infused perversion of asian culture. Then the SJWs are going to smell blood in the water and whine all the more for more representation, and normal asians are just going to cringe.
>iphone filename
that is some highly sophisticated trolling user
nothing to do with ST or sci fi
this is an adaptation of Cyrano
>more wmaf shit
all jokes aside you can bet me and the r/asianmasculinity boys will not let this occur without consequences
someone from here should get some asian marketing advisor position for the hollywood mafia.
the average shitposter here is way more aware than they are.
>nobody ITT notices the main character is a lesbian
>implying any of us watches this garbage and don't just want to rant about chinese people
As an Indian man I like seeing a pajeet protagonist in films get the white girls, any movie/series for this feel?
I'd rather watch chinks than negroes of even worse, fucking pajeets.
>sells essays she wrote to people
That's racist.
Asian here. The only asian films I watch are korean, japanese and chinese. American "asian" films are pure pozzed thrash and they should be ashamed of trying to pander to us like this. We're not niggers. We don't need this.
Too unrealistic even for Netflix, bhai
I noticed but what confused me is the comparison to stranger things. It's clearly a carbon copy of Everything Sucks and To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Fucking hackflix. at least Everything Sucks had the little dyke about to masturbate.
Surely it happens in some Indian movie at some point.
In my honest opinion the first inevitable token diversity James Bond role should be an Indian guy because there are so many of them in England. Fuck female Bond and fuck black Bond. Imagine him putting a sniper red dot on his villainous Indian love interest's forehead.
based and I agree
yesterday was comfy
t. also a pajeet who likes white girls
We will not have peace on Earth until every single chinese man woman and child is exterminated mercilessly. We can make it quick, round them up and put a bullet in each of their heads. But I know one thing, if the chinese continue to exist, our world will be destroyed in under 50 years.
Let me guess: The twist is that the Asian chick hooks up with the chick the guy is in love with.
I feel like I just watched the entire movie. Every single plot point seems like it was spelled out right there in the trailer, no need to actually see it now.
I actually like this one though
Based WMAFWF kino.
I approve of this as an asian man.
But this literally has nothing in common with Stranger Things. Are you retarded. OP? Being able to recognize show similarities similar to autismal facial recognition?
We’ll see a surge of blacked shit now like have been seeing on Yas Forums these past 2 days because I made a few WMAF posts
We need to bring the Jewish depopulation strategy to the East. Give them cake, and they won't want to reproduce.
Yikes. Even white females are taking asian females.
How will the bug men cope?
How did you guess that? By watching the trailer where that exact thing happens?
It's too slow, they need to be killed now and quickly. And any of the faggots in these threads who shill these gook whores 24/7 like their plastic surgery is actually a bonus or something.
I feel nothing when I see interracial material anymore. I'm completely secure.
Still funny to BTFO the newfags.
Asian men self insert as white men just fine.
At least I do.
This show is still going, ridiculous
Why are they so mad though? I'm more than happy to trade some white women with them.
shes cute. Are we making a big deal of this?
At what point did that happen? Give me a timestamp you fuck
What about Asian Male Jewish Female kino?
Chu! Chu!
I really have grown to dislike Netflix original content. Can someone give me a good alternative?
This is what I figured. I've only seen college aged Asian women bitch about representation. Asian men were my friends all along.
The US population of negroes hasn't changed at all in the past 10 years. They are still 13% of the population. It's not working anymore because they are micengenating faster than ever before.
China must be contained. We wouldn't have these Asian programs and lesbian propaganda if people remained in their containment countries.
I highly recommend refraining from consuming any more content. Either wake other people up, or produce wholesome content yourself.
Otherwise, these idiots will continue to spread their deviant material.