Mad Men Thread

holy fuck i hate betty.

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did she fuck kiki?


Why hate a woman who's so overdosed on redpill that she encourages her husband to rape little girls?

She's so not hot, it's not even funny.

....i'm not up that part yet, but when you say that I genuinely don't know if you're joking or not.

I juat want her to squat over my face

she was "just joking" but it was pretty elaborate for a joke

Pete is unironically based.

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She was an awful person, but justifiably so. Her parents and husband were terrible role models. She at least showed she was capable of some tenderness

Now Peggy on the other hand had no excuse for being so garbage

He was one of the few that ended the series as a protagonist

>Now Peggy on the other hand had no excuse for being so garbage

So true.

She's just a snotty piece of shit playing perpetual victim and feels entitled because she she feels she's hard done by as a woman, when she's treated pretty much equally, at least based on what Ive seen so far.

Gene was awesome, you've probably got no people... you can't trust someone like that.

i like the scene where she humps the washer.

Pretty amazing the turnaround he had, I hated his guts at the beginning but after each season he gets more and more likable.

You'll learn to love her after your third rewatch

lol excuse me? what the fuck did peggy do wrong?

I tried, I really did, but this show was so fucking boring. Couldn't get past season 1. What was it supposed to be? People committing adultery and overlaying how "sexist" the past was. Shit show overall I give it a 4/10. Shocked it lasted.

Betty is hilarious

>I'm not stupid, I speak Italian

Gene was probably a great father and we never met her mother on the show
her brother was reasonably well-adjusted, so I think Betty was just a sociopath

I thought she was ok at first but on multiple rewatches I've liked her less and less. She always seems to reward others' help with shittiness

it's OK you got filtered, just don't lash out at the rest of us

>entering a mad men thread before finishing the series

From what we gather the relationship between Betty and her mother was a lot like Betty and Sally. Very harsh and cold

tfw no gorgeous ice queen tradwife

Why is she constantly posting tits on Instagram? Does this middle-aged woman have no decency?

I love Mad Men but it only becomes all time kino TV from Season 3 onwards. Watch the episode where Roger takes LSD.

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In my opinion Peggy was the fish out of water for the viewer to relate to, at least before getting pregnant . She get's progressively more annoying and stuck up, Don is an ass but her treatment towards his in later seasons is still disrespectful. The only kino thing about her is The Suitcase. You're supposed to believe she's such a great ad woman yet her presentations are low energy and drag on. The gag ideas (the deodorant gag, satisfaculent etc) are more competent than Peggy's best campaign. Straight up insufferable in her interactions with Michael and Stan. She's only second to that lesbian hippy chick and Roger's daughter. Fuck even Lou is less annoying.

Is the modern marketing/communication business world this classy and full of money/drug/women ?

Bean ballet would have been adkino

Joan goes from really nice to an absolute bitch to Don later on after the Hershey pitch. I mean it's understandable also considering the Chevy thing, but Don literally stuck up for her every chance he got and she gave him nothing but shit until the show's end.

Lou had one of the funniest moments of the entire series when he randomly called up Don to brag about his shitty Japanese cartoon series lmao

You mean after he destroyed the Jaguar account she was pimped out to get?

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Yeah, I meant Jaguar, not Chevy. But she still got made partner, it just seemed slightly odd to me that Joan decided she could never ever forgive Don considering their earlier relationship.

Yeah, I haven't rewatched that part yet but I remember Don and Joan's relationship going to shit being one of the things that made me feel sad. But . Also, I couldn't care less about her story in S7 with the coke man and her ad agency. Happy about little Sterling though


>I want her

Who was the best and why was it Lane Pryce?

It's always surprising to me when I get to 7B and Bruce Greenwood appears out of fucking nowhere.

you can't have her

It was Jared Harris



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It wasn't just that, they were going to put the company on stock market or something like that and she would've got half a million immediately

Wouldn't you like to have a wife in a similar vein?

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Duck is my favorite character. Harry is a close second.

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The scene with the Thanksgiving Turkey ranks among the greatest closing shots in television history.

I'd give anything to just warp back to that time and live in that world as a young adult so that by now I'd be in my upper 80s-early 90s. I hate this time period with a burning passion.

Why is Pete just a punching bag. It really removes the effect of all the constant missteps in his life when there's no end to them

Why didn't they show more of don's secret mistress? we barely see her...

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She's a bit of a cunt but she def is the best looking girl in mad men

Why Duck? He’s so unlikable.

Why not?

'cause scout's on her

This character is literally me.

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Only at the highest levels that reach the international market. Wish me luck anons

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Ginzo's idea was really much better.

Mad Men-era Hendricks was a literal fertility goddess, fuck you

She absolutely was near perfect, but not the best m8.

I don't get the ending. Don just sells his enlightenment to Coke then abandoned his kids so whatever Betty's husband name was could raise them after she dies from cancer?

Wouldn't be the first time Don changes lifes

haha imagine if her husband called her bluff haha it'd be gross if she actually held her down for him like she said she would haha


Not gonna lie I got filtered by Mad Men when I first tried to watch it and then a two years ago I decided to give it another shot and it really is the best TV show I've ever seen. Pete is best boy. Nothing else I've seen can come close to capturing my attention like it did.

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>Don said, seething

>you will never live in 1960's California


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