have you ever failed to understand the plot of an action flick?
Have you ever failed to understand the plot of an action flick?
I'd still fuck her wrinkled ass. When did we reach the point of caring what retards say just because they can cry well in front of a camera?
Love you retard. how could she not get that? THEY literally say it .
>Castrating males and putting them to work
So literally torture and slavery? That's their ideal society?
She's Jewish. They are absolutely incapable of love or compassion. This extends to shabbos goys as well who have inherited some of their master's less appealing traits.
No? 100% it's just a Twitter shitpost she made when she got bored
Is she talking about China because they abort all their female babies. That's why you see so many Asian incels on Yas Forums spamming bbc porn.
Yeah that's feminism for you.
Thanks for letting me know what a washed up comedienne had to say two years ago about a movie from 1997.
It was love, right?
Dude, she clearly just shitposted. You know how fags here like to go
>Haha day of the rope soon, fuck niggers
Thats basically the edgy Twitter equivalent
The tweet isn't even real. OP made it up.
>comedian makes joke
>fragile Yas Forumsflakes get triggered and start crying
that's not shitposting user
not even niggers like niggers
>Ywn nail one of God's 10/10 ginger angels in front of a room full of strangers
Life's not fair, bros
I’ve dated a girl like her. A quirky alternative art girl who was getting older (she was 35 and I was 25) and it was horror. These types of women are like pet tigers or something. Yeah that whole cutesy Schlick is fun and adorable when they are 23 or something, but it’s fucking sad when they are approaching 40 and they know it.
>i swear i was just kidding goy!
It's not the jewishness that makes her callous, it's the set of X chromosomes
People here are 100% serious when they say day of the rope.
This user gets it. Women get super bitter as they age and don't have a family.
No they're not
>T. Day of the rope shitposter
The only place that radical anymore is Cripplechan
>it was a prank goy!
Femcels do exist and they are every bit as insane as regular incels.
>The tweet isn't even real
It is.
Yeah that was about as funny as an average Yas Forumstard joke about black people. And she wasn't joking about not knowing what the 5th element is, I just doubt she paid any attention to the movie beyond Milla Jovovich being le badass or whatever.
Yeah, an extreme version of their real beliefs.
You mean unlike the bottom IQ Yas Forums fungus shitting up this site with their incessant hypocritical whining?
Humans are mammals, they are living creatures and if they don't get sex and have children their brain breaks
Yes they are. Not all of them but definitely on Yas Forums.
>female celibate
>clearly a slut
desu a lot of problems can be solved with chemical castration
>brings up Yas Forums for no reason
Must be the anger stage still kek
But but whatabout
makes me lol how the Yas Forumstards here behave identically to SJWs
People arent saying that shit with their real names attached on a platform that is on average more serious and less shit-posty
>Yeah that was about as funny as an average Yas Forumstard joke about black people.
Giga nigga would like a word with you
yes i am
Yeah and nobody is entitled to sex. Maybe hookers should be legal.
she clearly is, are you okay?
Why would castrated males choose to work? At least being a eunuch typically came with power and prestige since they often were highly influential in the courts. What would motivated the males she wants castrated?
Jews don't joke when they say things like that, they are testing the waters.
Right because they're afraid to because they know everyone in real life would think they're an ugly, hateful gremlin asshole(which they are). They're not refraining using their real names because they're not serious you fucking idiot.
How would you know?
>its thick skinned incels who are great unoffendables get offended thread
millenials and zoomers, everyone
Anyone who makes those jokes probably wouldn't care too much if we started lynching niggers again.
Pfft yeah no, Yas Forums is nowhere near as radical as it used to be. Stormfags all left from Cripplechan and the Nrx guys are on /lit/ now. The people who remain on Yas Forums are mainly just ledditors, American boomers, and twitter faggots. I doubt any of them even know who Joseph de Maistre, patron saint of Yas Forums shitposting, even is now
This. They want us dead and it becomes more and more obvious.
Being a eunuch wasn't a guarantee to power and prestige. Most of them were slaves actually.
I hate niggers... just kidding xD
yeah that would definitely fly
Go away rabbi. White women are great.
Burden of proof is on you to prove the comedian who makes jokes all the time is suddenly serious because she triggered an incel. The only reason you “believe” she’s serious with your mental handicap is because you’re a far right shill/SJW and she’s Jewish.
You fags are so fucking cringe.
She literally broke down crying out of no where one day and I didn’t know what was wrong. I tried to comfort her and she said this was “normal” and asked me to leave
Then on every date or time I would hang out with her, she would give these really depressing rants about how no one loves her and that I was too young to realize this is around the corner for me. She also would never let me speak and just roll over me whenever I tried to say something and would treat me like a little kid so fucking weird do NOT go for women like this I’m warning you all it’s not at all fun
That's the issue. If she was posting under some other handle so that people didn't know it was her then fine, it's a shitpost. However because she, like other actors, is an attention whore she has to post as her real identity and suddenly what would otherwise be a shitpost looks more like an actual opinion. Also I bet she wouldn't mind if it actually happened so long as she was able to choose which males counted as "surplus".
>i am the king of lifeless edgelords, i was wallowing in the Yas Forums shithole a decade ago, you guys just wouldnt get my memes
just letting you know what you sound like to the rest of us
>No kids
>already going senile
On me? I didn't claim anything. You did.
>it's another fucking blue checkmark thread
>Yas Forums incels insisting she’s serious so they have something to get offended by
how the fuck did this site become the storm front tumblr
She's a jew, so yes.
>It's ok to joke about torturing and enslaving men, you guys joke about day of the rope
>btw you are an uflt hateful gremlin asshole for joking about that
wtf lol which is it
the 5th element was the crazy evil fire guy ... right O_O
Remember she's just kidding teeheee. That is, until she turns out to be correct, then she wasn't kidding of course.
Ah, the ol' "I'm a comedian" defense. John Stewart would be proud.