>hahaha le so random XD
This was garbage
Hahaha le so random XD
>best AS show in years
>zoomer can't into
>liking this garbage
I bet you like stone toss comics and making fun of people trying to make the world a better place too racist bastard
this looks ugly as hell
like if someone tried to make reaction images into a cartoon
I thought it was pretty great.
the only people who like this shit are zoomers
I'm not gonna say it's great, it didnt have the grip that the Rick n Morty first ep had, but I'd be lying if I said i wasn't gonna keep up with SF if it picks up, I'm moreso just wanting new original shows at this point.
I too love oneymation
>but chris didn–
shut up fag
perfect way to describe it.
it feels like every frame was a deliberate attempt to get this show to become a meme
>it reused three different jokes Zach has made over the years
lol Yas Forums is trying so hard to hate this, it's kinda sad
Literally the other way around
I noticed that as well. One if them literally just being a copy pasted animation hes already done years ago. Makes me wonder if he had been working on the show for a while now and it was just him uploading early concepts.
have you even been reading the threads
don't worry, my boy timmy h is gonna make sure this doesn't get picked up
that's only if they openly support trump
>he didn't get it
user record yourself making little creature noises for me
Is Zach the one with the god awful voice?
I liked it.
So many zoomer newfriends filtered. I can guarantee you that the people who didn't like this wouldn't like ATHF when it first came out either even though they wouldn't have been born yet.
>Only now noticed that the CEO's baby looks like Gremblo
haha i post cartoon on tv board
Yes he is, I just checked he sounds like he has a permanent blocked nose and its impossible to hear what he's saying.
Im saying his voice isnt god awful. It's great.
It's worse than god awful.
its a pilot so of course he's going to use some of his best stuff to impress people.A comedian would do the same.
smiling friends is about people trying to make the world a better place
Well you're wrong
>press Esc to exit full screen
Yeah, they're all spammed to shit by youtube zoomers trying to promote their unfunny ecelebs
Yes. He’s the one with the nasaly jew voice
haha funny guy does funni scream
The Chad
The Virgin
Mike did a good job at pretending to be a fat depressed worthless sack of shit.
I liked it
Yellow rick and pink morty.
Zach should have gone with Shrimp & Shrew desu
>Mike has always wanted to do voice work
>gets on AS
I'm so proud of him
What was his fucking problem?
>generic Newgrounds style
gesh, I don't want to be on either side of this fucking bait posts
why is that a bad thing?
isn't a sign of well animated show if it spawned a lot of reaction images?
Reddit garbage
Yas Forums kino
Yeah that one homogenous newgrounds style
stop it, you're not good at baiting
ignore him, "newgrounds style" is just a meme that spawned out of some dipshit posting this on twitter
lol this dude's follow up tweet was him trying to shill his own terrible art
What’s the name of this?
Is newgrounds as good as I remember it when I was 14? I'm 32 now if that helps chaps
I want a big frame revolver like that, nice v-comp too.
The duality of man.