The last jedi destroyed the trilogy

> When the conversation veered towards Johnson’s The Last Jedi script, Markey, according to IndieWire, said: “It’s very strange to have the second film so consciously undo the storytelling of the first one. I’m sorry that’s what it felt like. I don’t even feel that’s true about the third film. It took where the second film ended and just tried to tell a story.
> Markey’s The Force Awakens co-editor Maryann Brandon joined her on the podcast, and when she attempted to say she enjoyed some parts of The Last Jedi, Markey said Brandon wasn’t telling the truth.
>“It’s a completely different take on the Star Wars saga,” said Brandon. Rian wanted to deconstruct the saga and open it up to go in a different direction. That is the film he made.That’s why I say I feel very much in hindsight that the trilogy, the last part of the trilogy, needed one vision.”
> Brandon added that “it’s really polarizing” and that it was hard for Abrams “and the co-writer to decide what to do [after] with it. It’s like if someone wrote the middle of your novel. Now how do you get the end of the novel?”

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Good little leftists, with some nice empty pockets.

She cute

Someone is obsessed with liberals

rey is relentlessly handsome, in a girly way.

The objective of the "trilogy" was the denigration of the franchise and the humiliation of every white males character. So, the three movies successful.

It's absolutely true, Rise of Skywalker is a mess but more than anything it's contending with the fact that it's trying to conclude a trilogy without a middle entry. Even if JJ was a brilliant director he'd be hard pressed to salvage a story.

This, it's been obvious from the moment TLJ hit screens (I gave TFA the benefit of the doubt until its sequel came out)

Does anyone have the "The Jews had to destroy Star Wars" screencap? All I could find was pic related

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I thought the objective of the trilogy was to, you know, make money?

found the archive thread

cute liberal girls, yes

The objective was to output demoralizing propaganda.

which one was the last jedi?

JJ is a retard and the whole trilogy should have been given to Johnson

Ok, reddit

>JJ Abrams' Editor Feels

Fuck this title. They did this on purpose, to make it seem like Abrams said this. I bet the Jews did this.

I mean, I can get where this theory is coming from but it sound kinda like a bunch of angry white boys trying to make sense of a bad series of films. Isn’t it more likely that Disney rolled the dice on some “liberal” messaging because they thought it would sell better and didn’t anticipate that making 3 mediocre films in a row would piss off a bunch of white virgins with nothing better to worry about?

For disney executives? Yes, totally. But... are you telling me that a guy like Rian Johnson made The Last Jedi thinking in the profits?


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nevermind the all female superteam, or the black good guy, or the white males being idiots, what's really sealed the deal for the death of the entire saga is the forced center frame lesbian kissing simply for (another) attempted "LOOK GUYS WE'RE SO PROGRESSIVE"
last Avengers movie did the same thing.
blacks awesome, whites dumb, men dumb as fuck, womyn save the day, captain america is now black because MUH PROGRESSIVENESS

i really wouldn't give a flying fuck if it wasnt so obviously shoehorned in for that sole purpose, look at the massive orgy in the matrix, there were women and guys kissing in there, but they were all intermingled with the rest of the mass of people, not FRONT AND CENTER to highlight it.

it's really starting to piss me off.

Yes, after watching TFA, people expected some interesting developments for Rey, Snoke, and Luke, and they thought Finn and/or Poe would become Jedi or do something cool.
Instead Rey was a nobody, Snoke died without explanation, Finn did nothing but follow a dumpy Asian woman around and Poe did nothing but get bossed around by a purplehair. Luke was arguably interesting but many were disappointed.
Rian Johnson is oblivious and didn't realize what he was doing with the middle part of a trilogy. TLJ is only defended by dumb film geeks who are obsessed with auteur theory.

>I’m sorry that’s what it felt like.

>TLJ destroyed a movie about destroying star wars

TLJ acted like the third movie in a trilogy when it was supposed to be the second, it emptied out all the mystery boxes set up in TFA and left nothing to work with for other than some vague setup that works better as a massive timeskip hook than it does for an immediate sequel.

After the skywalker or whatever the last one was called I realised that the last jedi was actually a pretty good film

TLJ was a postmodern masterpiece that celebrated the destruction of all culture for an amorphous chaotic existence and worthless nihilists around the world love it for that.

>Make TFA, set up threads with no plan
>Last Jedi retcons everything
>TROS retcons last jedi
>Years of wasted time and money for nothing

It’s hard to remember which movie is which cus their names are so boring and vague

Ignorant cracker

Reminder that Star Wars was ultimately about a Christ like figure and his descendants fighting an ancient powerful evil bent on complete power and rule. Only for them to die and their great evil's heir to usurp their name and legacy.

But if it’s a corporate conspiracy to push a social agenda, wouldn’t the execs be the ones setting the agenda? Or is it someone higher up? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a cool idea, but people here keep saying it’s like this massive Jewish conspiracy theory but I don’t get how it would work, logistically. it seems more like massive incompetence but then again it’s also hard to imagine how a professional outfit like Disney dropped the ball so hard. idk

No shit. We all knew this.
And as bad as Rian is, most of the blame falls on Kathleen Kennedy since she and the story group were heavily involved with TLJ and it’s shittyness.

The objective was to make money with the least amount of effort.

That explains only TFA and TRoS

It is true. We could’ve had a mediocre trilogy that just ripped off the originals and instead we got a trilogy so bad it sunk the franchise.

Based, thank you user

Did rian Johnson just phone in the 2nd movie or do you think he really tried his best and thought that it would be really well received and everybody would think he’s super clever? Like is he a hack or just a failure?

It was fucked from the beginning with the "old generation dies off and hands everything over to the new generation starting with Han" theme of TFA. Throw in miss-expert-on-everything, the only black guy in Star Wars no one liked, she-yoda, the super-death-star, the trench run, not-Tattooine, hitting the re-set button to make the rebellion be back to struggling, and all of the other shit, and TFA itself had already fucked the franchise.

All Johnson did was piss on a dead corpse.

I prefer to believe that Rian "das boot" Johnson was trying to save us from endless disney star shit by torpedoing the second part of the trilogy

Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need right now

Yet Disney keeps putting out more shit.

So much for that.

This post best post.
JJ and RJ are just two different types of cancer.

Just because it isnt making money now...
It will age well.
Just look at where society is heading.
In 5 years kids will watch it that dont know about it and probably be more accepting, because it will he MORE reflective of the norm.
I'd wager eventually people won't accept it as being bad.

JJ, Rian, and Kathleen Kennedy are all just completely fucking psychotic. It's really surprising how sinister and jewish a toy vehicle franchise for manchildren could end up being. Somehow they managed to mix extreme apathetic greed with extreme egotist vision. What bizarre fucking disaster this trilogy was.

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In the behind the scenes he says something to the extent of "you have to just listen to the tingle in your gut and bet everything that you're making the right decision even if people tell you your not"

I imagine he really thought he was making a good film, and obviously many told him he wasn't but he ignored them

I think is the product of the environment that says "we get GoT actors and twists because that's what works".
Also Rian is a pseud. Is like Lindelof and his fake intelligent Prometheus script that impresses pseuds. You can see it from his other false clever scifi and his gratuitous old movie references.

hence tried, obviously disney will continue to shit out star wars films until the end of time.
But Rian got a boost on his career and made the first genuinely good film of his career, hopefully he'll continue

Yeah, I think everyone knew this was going to be an issue the second Episode VIII came out - if they were being honest with themselves. What do you do with your story when someone comes in, writes the second entry, and that second entries throws everything the first entry did out and leaves nothing to do and nowhere to go? It's a very bad place to be in. I'm not a big fan of VII, but I can only imagine how frustrating it would be, if you wrote it, if you loved it, to do the last entry in the saga.... after the second pissed on and burned everything in sight.

TLJ pretty much finished torching the setting, you won't get any SW stories taking place after the sequel trilogy because of how bad they wrecked everything (starting with wiping out the new republic in TFA). Now they'll just stick to prequel stories taking place either in distant pasts or in between the PT and the OT.

It certainly did, but TFA delivered the kneecap that let Rian execute the setting.


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the series as a whole is a train wreck.

But like...did nobody read the script before they decided to make the damn movie? Why would you just hand over the franchise to some indy filmmaker with only 3 movies to his name? I mean, they really should have had like at least one more meeting or conference call or something to go over the final script

They blamed Jumanji, "toxic fans" stuck on the past, racism, sexism, republicans, and fuckloads of others.

It wasn't until at least a year later that they backed off of attacking people for not supporting this shit, and admitting that they might not have made a good movie. But never forget their initial reaction to SW7 fan backlash was to go on the attack against the fans while movie critics swore that SW7 was a masterpiece.

They actually didn't, they used the first draft

The editors of TFA and TROS are two female jew friend of JJ Abrams who were hired against Lucasfilm advice. The editing of these movies is absolutely atrocious.

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tfa was trash and a lot of the backlash towards tlj was faggots coming to the realization that tfa was garbage too

The best part is a guy working for Lucasfilm is still trying to tell everyone to not consoom Star Wars.

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its over. miscast. shit writing. cuck luke, its over. let it goooooooo

That tantrum was astounding to see. Anyone could tell it wasn't doing shit to help after the first fortnight, anyone with any PR related qualification would have had a fucking aneurysm if you'd pitched it to them, and anyone with functioning braincells could tell it was why Solo bombed, but they kept it going strong right up until May last year.
Even if they'd backed off after a month, it would still have been among the most bizarre and colossal PR failures in history

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That seems like a really big fuckup for a company that’s literally in the business of making billion dollar movies...

I doubt anyone was conscious when they made TLJ!

To be fair, I’m sure we’d all prefer good stories over shite that happens to correspond with canon. Not that Star Wars is a good example of that, but still

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I don't understand why they even gave the film to RJ and let him do what he wants if he wasn't the one who would conclude the trilogy. It seems like such a retarded idea to (originally) give a trilogy of films three separate teams of directors/writers and expect it to be coherent

In theory, yes. It's the same thing with them jettisoning the EU stuff. That would've been okay if they replaced it with something way better, but instead they somehow replaced it with something even worse, so all the people clamoring them to bring back the EU stuff look like they have a point.

It certainly was, because it fucking killed the brand

Because they thought:
>George shouldn't be involved with the movies because people didn't like the prequels
>The OT had three different directors and it worked

And somehow forgot that they needed to make things cohesive. Lucas could pull off having a vague plan because he tried to link up all the movies together as best as he could, even if he fucked up some parts. JJ and Rian barely tried.

No one alive can salvage Jew Jew's shitty ideas like 'Rey must have no flaws or characteristics because feminism'. Something like this can work for one film but not for two more since the expectation is that the character has to develop

I honestly would prefer to sit down and watch the three prequels back to back than to watch the sequels. Like you said, at least they have consistency going for them

So there’s no hope at all?

Idk about that, we internet losers have short memory spans (hence the rise of prequel shilling on this board) but if they come up with a few years of quality content before trying for another trilogy I’m sure they can turn it around. Star Wars is a big brand, it’s not gonna go down that easily

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JJ hackery is more related to the mystery boxes, I think.
I bet Rey being perfect is the story group.

Feels good to have these jew "masterminds" and their arrogance crash and burn with the star wars brand. I wouldn't have traded 10 good movies for this not to happen because I'm glad it happened. Maybe they'll wake up a bit and start producing things people want to see rather than what they want us to see.

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That's why JJ while acting just like RJ decided that a non-Skywalker will take over the Skywalker name as a strong independent womyn who don't need no man.

JJ literally said that was his explicit vision for Rey

They killed Luke, Han and Leia. And they made the OT completely pointless by destroying the New Republic, wiping out Luke's Jedi Order and bringing back the Emperor.

How do you come back from that? The Skywalker Saga was the backbone of the entire franchise.