Movies about facts?
Movies about facts?
Do you mean a documentary Dr. Rerardo?
The Greatest Story Never Told
This guy is really fucking stupid, he just talks really fast so people think he's some fucking genius or something.
What is this Kike worm doing on Yas Forums?
Movies about sinking feelings?
Sophie's choice
Schindler's List
Yas Forums loves this based jew?
maybe /ptg/ but from all i've seen people hate him since he's a neocon zionist faggotp
all of Yas Forums love trump dont they?
I want his sister to smother me with her milkers
He's just such a massive retard
Why does he hate free markets and capitalism so much?
why don't you take a cursory glance at their catalog and find out?
He's not persuasive at all. That rapid, stuttering rhetoric works in aspie debate circles, but in the real world, you have to have actual charisma and oratory skills to convince.
Dennis wise, The greatest story never told
i wish i was Abby's husband and we spent passover together with the shapiros, and our little modern orthodox children were running around, while we all laughed at bernie sanders dropping out and giving all the donations to joe biden lol
cba with newfag containment boards. too cringe worth
How accurate is that?
He persuaded me that abortion is immoral. That is, unless we establish that we are entitled to kill inconvenient humans. Which is not a new thing, women used to commit infanticide all the time.
He does have some retarded opinions, like saying rap isn't music because it doesn't fit his very particular definition of what music is.
?? He doesn't. It's the opposite
Passion of the Christ
I heard he loves AOCs feet
Does he have a premium Blacked raw account?
His abortion arguments are based entirely on sentimentality and feelings, though. A potential human life isn't a human life - if it's not conscious, if it isn't sentient, it's just a grouping of cells. If you're against abortion you have to be logically against periods and masturbation, because each sperm and ovum is a potential life spent.
>that time this little faggot debated andrew neil who is literally a conservative and he stormed off in a huff thinking he was a lefty
American cuckservatives are so far removed from other country's conservatives that they can't even recognise them.
So a person in a come is not human?
Ben "Speak so fast nobody has time to process all my half-truth bullshit" Shapiro.
Nothing wrong with first term abortion. Murder is whatever the law determines it is. Calling it an inconvenience is a sneaky tactic to downplay the decision.
not him, but very.
*coma, sorry
A person in a coma still retains all their knowledge and memories. They're not comparable, dumb argument
This classic that was a box office sensation and hit with the critics:
So what makes a human human is a collection of memories? Is a book, a hard disk or a memory card human? Wtf.
I watched about an hour of it I think. Very eye opening but there are parts that are questionable in how they are portrayed, a bit biased
So knowledge and memories is what makes something human? How much knowledge and how many memories does a baby have 5 minutes before or after being born?
>cba with the newfag containment boards
You're in one
Oof cringe.
this, I hate this guy's half-true fallacious arguing and reliance on identity to deflect attacks, and worse yet the legions of braindead retarded fanboys that spew his dumbass rhetoric so much I honestly like the nazis better
Who is this guy and why does he trigger leftists and nazis so much?
Parts of it are contradicted by Mein Kampf
Doesn't matter what technically makes a person human, dumb low iq autistic gotcha argument.
Is this how we cope about Bernie's dropout chapotraphousebros? Make these threads? It doesn't work, it still stings...
Yeah, exactly. Their thoughts, feelings, personality and memories are exactly what make up a person. A clinically braindead person with 0 brain activity is no longer a person because they're no longer meaningfully alive. Without artificial support, their body will die too.
Turning it back on you -
Is a decapitated torso, whose organs are only kept functioning through medical equipment, alive? Are they a person, with a person's rights and responsibilities? Is it murder to turn off the machines keeping its organs working? If they aren't a person and it's not murder, why not?
it actually uses mainstream sources of Hitler often.
If the dicapitated torso could grow a new head, it will be human and a crime to kill it
A baby is sentient. It has consciousness. It reacts to stimuli - it learns, it grows. It has thoughts and feelings, in however primitive a form. A foetus hasn't any of those things, because its brain and nervous system aren't developed to the point it can do any of that. A person in a coma - a clinically braindead person - has none of those things either.
post that video of him getting BTFO
No, it is important, now we are back to . Modern law establishes we are not legitimized to kill other humans except in very rare occasion, such as those in which a human will, without a doubt cause physical harm to us or other humans beings, and killing him/her is the only way to stop it.
I'm ready to let this go, but until we continue operating under this premise, it cannot be legal to abort unless the fetus will cause great damage to the mother.
You could argue that, while we cannot say the fetus is not human, we cannot say the fetus is human. I think you'd be right. But just like you can't take a shotgun and shoot at a random direction without being certain that you will not harm a human by accident, you couldn't abort unless you are certain you are not harming another human. And because whether a fetus is human or not is debatable, that is, there is credible doubt, aborting should not take place.
Again, that is only if we accept (and in current society we do) you shouldn't be allowed to kill inconvenient humans.
So you agree then, that since decapitated torsos can't grow new heads, that allowing its body to stop functioning isn't murder? And it isn't a person any longer?
Or, alternatively - since sperm and ovum can become people - are all forms of contraception murder? Is masturbation murder? Is every sperm sacred?
You mean the video of ben shapiro getting destroyed by BBC?!?!
>Is a decapitated torso, whose organs are only kept functioning through medical equipment, alive? Are they a person, with a person's rights and responsibilities? Is it murder to turn off the machines keeping its organs working? If they aren't a person and it's not murder, why not?
I'm guessing it would be human, yes. And funnily enough, once we have the technology to keep headless humans alive, it would be a crime not to do it.
You should be specifically allowed to kill fetuses in the first trimester
Gametes are not human. They have half the genetic material of a human.
>haploids vs diploids
they half the amount of genetic material of a human, but have a complete set of chromosomes.
by your logic your cells are constantly becoming human and not human because during mitosis the amount of genetic material doubles.
>muh clump of cells argument
Neither the sperm nor the egg have the ability to develop into a living human on their own, undisturbed. The medical procedure we call "abortion" is literally the intentional abortion of a phenomenon that begins at conception. That is the beginning, the natural point of no return that begins human life.
the only people he truly "wins" against, are morons who can't control the pace of the debate. he's of the retarded school of thought (still reigning in high school/college debate:
The real reason to be in favour of abortion is because the only ones doing it are either undesirables or leftists. Banning abortion would be the equivalent of open borders
Fun fact: Ben Shapiro is 5'2" tall and his wife is 4'8" tall. On average they qualify as midgets under American law.
Lol, are we still having this asinine mental gymnast arguments?
Reminder that if you shoot a pregnant woman, no matter how early was the stage of pregnancy, you will be slammed with double homicide.
I'm against it for whites. Otherwise it's a good way to combat crime and welfare usage.
Ben Shapiro needs more goyim cattle to slave away for the Dow Jones. So based planned parenthood massacring black babies isn't good for his stock portfolio or securing greater Israel.
>Feeling: Ben thinks he's smart
>Fact: Ben jerks off to my used panties
Central banking is not free markets