Jar Jar Actor Says Phantom Menace Achieves Lucas' Vision Better Than Disney Sequels

>Best offered his take on why the prequels - and The Phantom Menace specifically - actually represent Lucas' true aim for Star Wars better than what Disney has done. In the end, it all comes down to the kids. Best explained:

>It’s very much for the millennials and gen-Xers like myself…so kids are kind of left out of these, and the kids have to go to the animated series in order to get their dose of Star Wars, or they do like Phantom Menace. Phantom Menace is very much a kids movie. The new iterations of Star Wars are not really skewed towards kids, which is not something that George ever really wanted to do. George was always about the kids, and he used to say that if you get the kids, you have fans for the next 20 years; he was very much about kids. This idea that the movies are for adults is a very new thing, to be honest.

They were always kids movies

Case closed

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oh yeah, let's listen to what JAR JAR BINKS has to say.

Why do Boomers hate Jar Jar so much? He's fine.

Jar jar is FICTIONAL user, this is something the ACTOR said.

His actor was very close to Lucas.

Meesa think JJ biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig doodoo

Watch the movie again. I’m a big fan of TPM but Jar Jar really doesn’t work.

I what way exactly???

He was a better character than Rey or kylo or the nigger or the chink


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>movie he directed achieved his vision better than movie someone else directed
Also, it doesn't matter. His vision sucked the same as Disney.

B-but he's the key to everything!

Meesa like to drink and smoke all night
Meesa like to fight and fucka you wife
Meesa don't care cause meesa so dumb
Meesa will fuck you with me thumb

>this is what the sequels have made to people's heads

i hope you're happy JJ

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Surely the sequels are at least more kid-oriented than Revenge of the Sith though, right?

god damn it's been years


If the Darth Jar Jar theory was true then it would be nothing short of kino. But as it stands, he’s just a comic relief experiment gone wrong.

And he is right.

The Disney stuff wsn't Star Wars at all. It was just a social platform that used the SW brand as a backdrop.


Lucas's vision sucked though, but at least he had one.

Phantom Meance was always a kids a movie George wanted the juxtapostion between it and RotS so it had more weight.

jar jar has an arc, has several talents he uses to help the heroes and is the moral heart of the movie. he absolutely works, both as a lighthearted foil to the rest of the story mood, and as a way to move the plot forward. First with going to the gungan city, and then later to convince the queen the gungans will help her retake the palace.
How does jar jar not work exactly?

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>the phantom menace is george's sophisticated vision

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You could use the same tiptoeing logic to describe Rose or any other hated character in the ST.

based redditlettermedia retard

>jar jar has an arc
No. He appears in the movie as a fool and end the movie being a fool. There was no arc.

Boomers built up Star Wars in their heads as an epic like Lord of the Rings when really it was always more like Flash Gordon mixed with a Samurai movie for kids. Jar Jar just made it so blatant they could not ignore it anymore.

Jewish woman is relentlessly handsome

Rose has an arc, has several talents she uses to help the heroes and is the moral heart of the movie. She absolutely works, both as a lighthearted foil to the rest of the story mood, and as a way to move the plot forward. First with going to the casino city, and then later to convince Finn to join the Resistance instead of running.
How does Rose not work exactly?

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Jar Jar is a Pimp-Master General.

tip toe logic?? how the hell do you figure?
arc: he goes from loser milling about in the edges of society to a respected gentleman warrior.
he helps the jedi through the sheer goodness of his heart, and aids them when he can (helping work on anakin's pod, inspiring the queen, talking to ani when they're stuck in a strange city-planet with no one to talk to).
the point about moving the plot forward makes him instrumental to the story moving forward, and i'd argue the moment is well earned. it shows us he's finally taking things seriously and is thinking for himself for once.
Also as a general mood thing, if you have a somber story about war and sectarian violence you need something to offset that, and jar jar works well as that character, too.
He's generally very pleasant and doesn't hate or talk sternly to anyone, which makes pairing him up with the jedi a good choice. He fills the role of c3po in that sense.

the sequels don't have any vision at all, so that's not too surprising

Prequels good and sequels bad, let's move on.

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both are shit

a fool who's told he has no worth and believes it
a fool that knows he's doing the best he can with the best intentions

it's development, albeit shitty development with a bad message (being a fuckup is okay if you mean well)

He becomes a senator, he hands over power to Palpatine, a Sith Lord, the very one he and his people fought against in TPM. He, unknowingly killed a billion people.

He has a most tragic arc.


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rose doesn't have an arc, in what sense does she have one?
she's not lighthearted fun at all, more like the somber, dreary, angry heart of the story.
fucking retard lmao
why are you even bringing up rose when no one talked about her.

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At this point, just about anything in Disney Wars is better than the mainline trilogy.

It's not surprising that the same people who attack the prequels are always unversed in real film or anything artistic, and that the people who praise the prequels (Zizek, Paglia, Brody, etc) are always literate, educated, and versed in real film.


The fact that everyone points to Plinkett as the authority on why the prequels are bad speaks volumes. Mike Stoklasa is one of the least artistic people on the planet - he can't process movies outside of the conventions of Hollywood films, his approach to narrative is tempered with the same surface-level requisites listed on tvtropes.

Any complaint that people have about the prequels illustrates a weak grasp on film. How many art films would they claim has 'too much sitting and talking'? They would watch the end of Breaking the Waves and whine about dated CGI. Their sensibilities for 'good dialogue' in what is intentionally pulp comes from bad pulp, ie, the original Star Wars, the only pulp they've ever seen. They would similarly view any homage-driven art film and miss the entire point.

Lucas' only mistake in the prequels was doing something daring, original, artistic and literate, not realizing that the manchildren conditioned by the original SW trilogy to loathe anything cerebral would lash out against his cinematic risks.

She goes from a mopey mechanic to a headstrong Resistance fighter. Did you watch the movie?

yeah, he's been treated like a monkey piece of shit by his serious war like tribe. even banished.
He keeps doing monkey stuff the whole movie, but somewhere along the line he starts doing things by his own accord instead of simply being dragged along by a string of accidents.
this leads to him leading the army as a general, and what follows is a brave, albeit kinda dumb looking showing in the big battle.

also he is blessed by the force. things like the droid catching his foot, and him expertly shooting other droids with that same droid is no accident. there's no luck, there's the force.

>How does jar jar not work exactly?
His humor and mannerisms dpn't work. If they made the character more serious he would be much better.

Considering the film fucking ruined his life and drove him to almost suicide, if he thinks it's better I'll take his word for it.

she was already a resistance fighter. all she did was fill a new role. she was a leia hardliner at the start of the movie, and ended the movie as a leia hardliner. nothing changed.
now go ahead and refute those other points

Read Shakespeare.

you're gonna have to explain what you mean with 'not work', though. I've already explained how the movie being serious is helped by the levity jar jar brings. the same role that c3po (and to a lesser extent, han solo antics) filled in the OT.

the actor, you fucking retard.

jarjar is salvageable he just had way too much dialogue, like half his lines should be cut

Yeah, because I care about the opinion of some fucking *record scratch*


Fucking idiot.

JJ literally threw George's vision out the window and the Sequel Trilogy was absolute dogshit. Now can we stop arguing which kid's film is better than the other?

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He's a funnier character

George may have gone too far in a few places.


>They were always kids movies

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It did not suck the same as Disney. I don’t think anything could or will ever suck that much again.

Who gives a shit what the nigger who played jar jar binks said, the prequels suck ass

Why would you willingly admit you were Jar Jar?

Based Lucas.

He is right you know. Jar Jar that is