*makes fun of your right-wing kino*

*makes fun of your right-wing kino*

Attached: 1_FbtIbGflpUW3uGrJjnduyw.jpg (1200x900, 195.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who is the old faggot in the center of the bugmen?

>copes with bernout's loss, AGAIN

Attached: 20200406_213651.png (326x398, 242.3K)

>Loses black vote
>I-It was riggged

>hurr we can't go to south carolina because we can't LARP out our gay Fear and Lothing "dude drugs and politics" bullshit without getting a slap on the wrist

Reminder that Bernie's campaign ignored at least half the country and instead frontloaded their efforts on the early primary states and trying to win a slight majority in CA

Know how I know you’re a Zoomer? But really, OP...what did Bill do?!

Who are these people

These are the Lefts highest regarded intellectual minds and comedic talents


These are the hosts of Chapo Trap House, a left-wing podcast which is usually pretty funny even if you disagree with their politics

>thank you for sharing something that will trigger me, master troll!

they're literally on suicide watch right now

Name one right-wing person that is funnier and smarter than they are

I only recognize Bill Corbet from MST3K


I agree

Sam Hyde


youd have to tell me who these people are first.

Nick Fuentes

false try again

Who's got the clip

nick fuentes by at least 100 million light years

you need to be 18 or older to post here

Nick Mullen

Bg kumbi

imagine posting this unironically

Yes you're still here.

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what a fucking terrible comic my god

Cope harder leftist

Adam Carolla

Who the fuck are these faggots? They're apparently soooo funny and sooooo smart but nobody has ever heard of them. You won't catch me listening to these pencil neck soiboys

It'll be alright Timmy.

Attached: 1567835958797.png (2086x1440, 1.11M)

why do people on Yas Forums get so immensely triggered by anything outside their hugbox?

>*puts subreddit into private mode because you need your safe space and can't handle the bants from people who told you months ago that Bernie would never win and would be dropping out for Biden*

Attached: 1586374980767.jpg (640x432, 66.05K)

>i omit the grammar and punctuation to show how little i care even as i continue to respond

Attached: virgin.jpg (1518x2024, 276.25K)

Yeah i too enjoy flying out Australian cat boys who gobble dildos to come hang out with me on and off of stream.
Trust the plan guys

I am a Nazi and I enjoy listening to them



I love Carolla. Loveline fan since 1996, but all he does is the same tired, ‘just work’ monologues. He’s not funny. Fuck Gina

Why are you still alive?

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Only fucking tumblrfaggot and actual faggots even post images about that walking abortion of a fanfic storyline which completely didn't fit in with literally any other story.
Even arcades story is x100 more tolerable than "my lesbian girlfriend went missing, find out more in the next DLC!"
Fuck that fucking stupid character, fuck her annoying as fuck disconnected voice actor and fuck josh baseder for writing such a shit character.

I agree he's tiresome to listen to anymore but put him in a room with cumtown or these chapo queers and you'd realize pretty fast why he's been a name in show buisness for 25 years and nobody knows these losers names.

Carolla is an insanely talented comedian and all around talker.

Where does their nane come from? I genuinely want to know.

There is not a single podcast that is funny or insightful. Its just a bunch or unfunny faggots stumbling over their own words trying to think of something witty to say.

Bernouts will never learn.

One of the quickest wits. Carolla unprepared live is really, really good.

>right-wing kino

Attached: adam_sandler.jpg (720x480, 27.87K)

sleepycabin fags will desperately try to force their autistic bullshit, i'm making this post to prevent them

Left-wing cannot be funny on candid because that would require you to hold back from offending anyone.

Why are all left wingers so fucking hideous, weak and emasculated? Not to mention a large proportion of them are trannies too


Characters talked about previous loves because the game director personally disliked all romance options in games for being cringy and always poorly done.

At least post the unedited version

Attached: real bern.png (2086x1428, 1.64M)

They love offending people with jobs and pay taxes and establish well functioning white countries all the shitskins want to move to

Being liberal minded is being blue pilled from your natural instincts.

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Stop sucking Shapiro's cock, you stupid kike

They accomplish this by directing 90% of their ire towards establishment cuckservatives and NYT liberals

>make gibs your campaign program
>loose the black vote

How the fuck did they do it, Yas Forums ?


>not poorly done