How come the males never have huge boners in this show...

how come the males never have huge boners in this show? I mean they have full visibility to live boobs and if lucky even on pussy. I'd masturbate so hard if I was on that show

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They have small penises

they probably do but it's edited out. after a while i'd imagine they get used to it too. if you ever had a gf (you didn't) you'd know that after some time you don't get a boner anymore from seeing her naked

>Naked and Wanking Constantly

They’re all gay, even the men who have wives.

user, I guess you're used to the stench of your crotch since you don't shower more than once every 3 weeks.

No one wants to fuck a pussy that's been in the jungle for that long.

Never watched the show, but surely the woman services the man using her mouth hands, seeing as he's probably going to be doing everything around the camp?

What are you gay?

>you'd know that after some time you don't get a boner anymore from seeing her naked
>>this is your brain on porn

That’s why no one ever had sex until the invention of indoor baths in the late 1800s.

all i want in life is the uncensored shots of shows like this and survivor when their rags fall off available to me

if you get a hard on every time you see your gf naked, you have a problem

The women usually does but they censor it, you only see her head bobbing up n down or something.

My wife is a Chinese very with a really sexy body, nice tits and great ass but skinny everywhere else. We’ve been been together for ten years and have two children. Seeing her naked ass when she gets dressed still makes my dick twitch, but I see her naked so much she really needs to start blowing me before I get hard. It’s just how it is.

I heard from a reddit AMA that one of the survivalists came as much as he could the day before they started filming so he could keep his head clear and prevent a boner from happening. It’s a pretty smart idea desu, it’s what I would’ve done.

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damn, she's fit

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Before that people lived near water sources where they bathed regularly. It was only cities that were filthy as fuck, also reason why things like the bubonic plague spread. Western civilization lost a lot of hygienic standards after Rome fell.

I find a clothed woman a lot sexier than a naked one because I can imagine for myself rather than actually see their boobs and vagina (which for the most part look kind of gross). I might be schizoid tho, not Yas Forums meme version like actually mentally ill.

>my dick doesn't get hard anymore when I see my gf
>n-no you have a p-problem!

I too was that virile at your ripe age of 14

Actually the show usually goes like this. Man and woman divide into hunter gatherer roles. Man fails to hunt anything because it takes a literal lifetime of conditioning to be able to hunt fowl in the jungle with makeshift sticks. Woman will find some nuts and berries that are edible. Man gets emasculated and passive aggressive towards the woman.

Not OP, in high school I confessed my feeling to my crush. I hugged her and immediately had a boner. She didn't see it, but I did get rejected. Now I'm 26 almost 27 and still scared of women. At Least I tried right?

>he became impotent after 14
go check yourself bro

I transitioned into a beautiful woman at 14 and have more sex now then you will ever have, sweety.

Doesn't your clit get erections?

I see my wife naked so often that I am somewhat desentized to it. I get a boner when it comes to sexy times but just seeing her naked watching TV or some other non-sexual situation doesn't automatically get me hard.

The politically correct term is boipussy, bigot.

jesus christ is this what men are like these days? the boomers were right about this generation



This is YOUR brain on porn.

Because the guys are gay, just like everyone in this thread (except for me and people who don’t reply to this post)

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Spotted the virgin

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They are in a harsh fight for survival, sex is the last of their biological problems, so they probably aren't excited.

I sometimes attend hippie festivals where people are often naked. Never got hard unless a girl was touching me.

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Speak for yourself. filthy stinking pussy is the best


What the fuck is wrong with you?

Same but not because im a schizoid, i like inwrapping the present. My gf has come straight out naked from the shower and i tell her to get dressed before we fuck


we all cant be as desperate as you

Why would someone watch this scripted garbage ?

Do you know the concept of a “favor” in medievil films? That napkin had the stench of their crotch on it so the knight could sniff it while he was away. They would also use apples cause it holds the scent in, like under the armpit for example

Unless you are fifty or so then yes.

Try it again user, it will only get better

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its probably something they have to cut away from and shit on the first day but after that they're basically slowly starving to death while getting pummeled by the elements at which point the body's sex drive gets put waaaay down its priority list

I was in a yoga class with like 15 women and myself. I swear, by the end of the class, there was a scent I can only describe as "fishy" and it was coming from the White milf next to me. I was so fucking turned on and grossed out at the same time. God, I hate being an incel.

Can girls smell when guys have been masturbating? It smells somewhat akin to soap

1. It's scripted
2. It's edited
3. You're an idiot for watching this garbage

Probably due to the lingering scent of dead sperm particles on your cock or whatever. I always notice when I do a prolonged "no-fap" that my cock has no smell at all - preferred - and when I jack off even daily, my glans can get a little scent to it no matter how clean I am, and I am very clean as far as hygiene goes. I am uncut by the way; could also be pee and other fluids coming out from that area causing the smell.

>woman enters bro's room (he's not in the room)
>"it stinks of sperm"
It's the same if you don't shower after imo

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they do they just don't show it, on one of the behind the scenes shows they talk about how they all had morning wood

Far too accurate. Modern man consistently btfo

quite the opposite really

That’s your asshole dummy. Your limp little cock is a clit. You’ll never trap a husband without knowing your own anatomy

because not anyone is a virgin that has never seen pussy.

I'm 31 and I still get boners while sleeping every single night despite masturbating.

>This is your brain on femdom
The men consistently get way more shit done.

Kinda based desu

Ask me how I know you're low test, faggot

really you mean they had to edit it down from 21 days to get 45 minutes for a tv show