Should I watch this? Is it good?

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It's subversive garbage

no it's gutter trash


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please explain

graffiti scene was cringe as was the whole nigger part of the movie.
really sub par. missed opportunity: the movie. they spent too much time adding every possible gimmick so they forgot to make a good movie.

yes its kino, Im the only in this thread who have actually watched the movie

Ignore the racist kids in here, it's kino af.

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It's probably one of the best Spider-Man movies out, I'd argue it's on par with SM2. Don't listen to these anons who are obsessed with talking about BBC.

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It’s a great movie with amazing animation. Shame they fucked over Alberto Mielgo, every change they made from his pitch was for the worse.

Based anons with sex life
Cringe permavergins

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Like the other user said it’s the closest they’ve got to Spider-Man 2 in terms of quality. Older Peter really helped tie the movie together.

I liked it
personally it was the based spider-man film


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Official best Spider-Verse character ranks
>Spider-Man Noir
>fat depressed peter Parker
>dead Spider-Man

Except for Gwen getting BLACKED its pretty good

They spent the whole budget on the animation so the writing and story sucks. I wouldnt watch it sober.

It's brilliant.

They also missed a great opportunity to have the ending up the stakes with multiple versions of the bosses instead of the underwhelming final fight they do have

is NOT a spiderman film, is a film where spiderman act as a support character

>watching anime

True. Kinda like how they did on the ps4 spiderman game.
That game has a way better story than into the spiderverse.

There's an implied potential blacked in the future, but they never even kiss. They're friends at the end of the movie.

I was looking forward to this, but it just ended up being a typical modern animated film with pure ADHD energy and skittles colour palette that just feels exhausting to watch.

yes its great mate

I thought it was fun.

Its the best Spidey movie released to date. Racists just dont like that they made a black character.

That's what I meant. They put some tension in there but don't deliver which makes you think its going to be ok, but then there's the thing at the end. I still liked it overall though but I am a sucker for easy jokes like noir spiderman not knowing what colors are.

>what is a coming of age story

Rightfully so

It's a pretty great coming of age story, but I don't know if those are for you. I personally love shit like FLCL so this was right up my alley.

It's style over substance and it falls appart when the movie starts cramming all the rest of the spiderman variants in the third act

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It’s shit. They turn Peter into an old fart in the hope the fans accept the literal pandering token Miles Morales. Trashy ghetto music as well.

I saw it in a theatre while high and the end with all the colours was fantastic. Can't say I remember much of the plot

Racism is bitching because Peter Parker is white and then making a black version, you dense arse backwards pleb.

garbage, but the soundtrack is great, i'm white btw

This. It’s not Spider-Man, it’s just tackily riding on his coattails for money, while pandering to the most racist and retarded black people who don’t like whitePeter Parker.

why are people racist

Miles Morales has been a thing for a decade

He was created specifically because RACISTS don’t like white Peter Parker, Shit-for-Wits.

Also this is not the first time Peter has been replaced as Spider Man, even in the 90s he was a hispanic kid.

I know, he was created because racists such as Donald Glover have a huge problem with white characters. He wanted to be Peter Parker but lost out to Andrew Garfield, then fat racist Jew Bendis created Miles to mop up his whiny effete racist tears. And plebs like you thonks it’s natural LOL

Which is low grade racist bullshit too, why does the year matter?

More or less the same time we've had this sjw push on media. Big think.

no, you're physically NOT allowed to watch this movie
we control you

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Jesus christ. The movie is good OP, give it a chance. If you like it you like it.

Cry about it faggots

garbage only black guys would enjoy it

It's great.

The animation is spetacular
The history is garbage
To many characters
The girls are ugly as hell

My wife and I both got bored watching it so I turned it off about halfway through. We both hate capeshit but we are stuck inside because of corona. If you didn’t know, the plot is about a nigger trying to black a white woman.

It's nice, but needed more Peni, and Peni in school swimsuit.

Im Mexican btw.


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>created specifically
and you know this how?

>style over substance

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The trailer showed all the best parts out of context leading to a comparatively disappointing film.
I suppose had I been suckered into paying money to see it that would've been a job well done for them.


I enjoyed it but thought I would hate it.

>minority good!
>minorities commit most crimes in most countries and usually don't amount to shit as people

Well, I can see why sony would change it. It was too crude for the kids I think?

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What was his pitch?

It was the best superhero film the year it came out. Also, stellar visual style and direction. You should enjoy it.