Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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the public for watching this pornographic piece of entertainment and thinking it's a documentary
and netflix for making it

if it didnt have any niggers, was it really made by netflix?

its obvious netjew is trying to make the fagget meth pedo a hero because he's a fagget pedo

that bitch carrol baskins

the tigers

If you have to ask, you're an idiot. The show framed the cooky cat lady as a villain and left out Joes rampant drug use, his racism and only touched slightly on the death camp tier levels of cruelity he kept his animals in, instead focusing on a subpar quality of the cat ladies. Joe and the sex cult man were absolutely in the wrong, while cat lady is simply a victim of running a subpar shelter.



But especially that fat cunt James Garretson. What a fucking prick.

The drug kingpin was the one in the right

>drug use
nobody cares
nobody cares
>death camp tier
>sex cult man
fair, creepy as fuck
>victim of running a shelter
That makes no sense, she's guilty of running a subpar shelter. Also murder. Her current husband is creepy as fuck and is obviously terrified of her.

unironically everyone

allowing homosexuals to have animals is animal abuse

>C-carorl is a murderer!
>doesn't require proof for this
>asks proof for the poor quality of Joes enclosures despite there being plenty of documented evidence all over the internet
But hey you just watched the netflix doc and you're taking it as fact. Do you also watch TLC for your educational programing?

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Somehow her husband manages to talk only moving his bottom lip. The human mouth cant do that. Hes a reptilian wearing human flesh

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>his racism

Oh noes he's racist that completely overrules everything else about his life we must completely ostracize him from society and shun everyone who doesn't agree with this because we are such tolerant and diverse people.

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This, although id argue that Jeff Lowe is the worst closely followed by Doc and his harem of borderline retarded wives.

Joe isn't racist. The most intolerable group of people on this planet are prarie niggers. They are 10x more violent than niggers and instead of crack thier drug of choice is available at the liquor store. And the girl with no arm is obviously a prarie nigger.

>incel alty triggered by the scary lib
Even if you hail hitler and want death to all the sub races Joes still trash. His zoe was terrible without meeting any good standard, his business relied on cubs which is why he killed tigers when they were too old or not useful for breeding, he burnt down his own place and attempted to hire someone to kill someone else.

But yeah lets ignore all that cus BASED RACISM SO EDGY

Carole fucking baskins

>But yeah lets ignore all that cus BASED RACISM SO EDGY
Nigger you are the one who claimed joe was racist in the first place. No one else thinks this, nor is it the reason why people generally like / agree with joe. Hell even all the left wing retarded intersectional bitches on my instagram are putting joe in their story and glorifying him.

At least he paid his staff

>Nigger you are the one who claimed joe was racist in the first place. No one else thinks this
user, what the fuck are you talking about? There is miles of tape of him being racist. Netflix cut it because painting him in that light would have tipped the balance too much and they wanted to make the documentary entertaining by making you hate everyone. Its why a lot of things are toned down in relation to Joe.

Maybe go look up some real facts about the situtation rather than basing your ideals off the "documentary" that was made for entertainment first and formost.

>there's tape but you can't see it
did an anonymous source tell you that

Listen, i dont give a shit if he is racist or not. My point is that most people dont know that about him and 99% of people who like him dont like him because of his alleged racism.

Big cat rescue woman. Easily the most loathsome.

Mario is not wrong

>99% of people who like him dont like him because of his alleged racism.
Nice pull.

America is such a shithole jesus christ
Joe doc and carole would all be in jail in a serious and decent countries like Germany France or Russia for animal abuse

i dont even know what that means
t. eurofag

I honestly thought this was one of those fake Mocumentaries like the one about the kid drawings dick. Especially when that campaign manager did the soi face when Travis shot himself.

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nobody is disputing that he's completely insane but insane people aren't all that dangerous because they're easy to catch (which is why he's in jail). People who are sane but evil (like Carole and Jeff) are a lot worse.

And fat cunts with old lesbian hair like Garretson are worst of all.

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It means you pulled a stat out of your ass without any possible way of proving your statement.

Its quite shocking how jarring the differences between class and intelligence are in the US compared to here. Crazy how a first world nation can have huge parts that are borderline third world.

Saf and Reinke seemed like good people, even if they are both retarded

He got away with it too, scott free, he took the money, bought an exotic monkey and laughed at everyone involved.

Weak bait.

I think it's a good thing. I would move to the U.S in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity.

Making him a racist would endear him more to people.

Something I don't understand is how Rick Kirkhams footage was retrieved? That whole bit where he's talking about how the studio burned down with all his footage in it and no backup WHILE fucking footage from his documentary is being shown made no sense to me

some of what he recorded went up on the internet and it was retrieved from there

He had two crews filming both Joes Tv show, and the documentry. Its literally explained in the show. He only agreed to do the TV show if he could also film Joe. His 4D chess plan all along was to make a documentry about the absolute nut case. The footage he lost was likely a lot of footage from the Tv show.

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Yea i thought that too. Like for 4 hours now weve been watching your footage, you sure it all burned up bro?

checked and honestypilled
man literally inspired scarface just so he could pet his cats

They’ve actually gone too far this time. Yes I’m an autist. But their dishonestly, their blatant lying, it’s made my blood boil. I genuinely hate them after this. How dare you stare at me and lie. I know where their studio is. It would be like a 5 hour drive but it would be worth it just to see Howard’s lying little face crumpled and ruined after I fucking beat to a pulp with a baseball bat, fucking begging on his knees pissing himself and admitting that the Big Cat rescue is a fucking disaster, than Carole sucks, that he was fucking wrong and the whole endeavour has been a soulless hollow piece of shit worse than the G.W Zoo. That’s what I want. The little “I’m a good husband!” Act to just fade away under threat of death, under my wrath, and for him to finally be fucking honest for once in his tiny pathetic life. Tears in his eyes as he realises this is what it came to to admit his pathetic online legacy was a farce. I’d fucking beat the fuck out of him for everything he did. Im literally in tears writing this the thought is so cathartic. Id just pummel and pummel screaming at him for what he did, for keeping up the fucking lie. And bloodied and broken he’d admit it, he’d admit the Joe Exotics Mall shows were good, he fucking would. I’d lay down in the exhaustion, emotionally drained, we would cry and embrace. The wound would be healed. But he would have to be harmed to the point of destruction fist. And id fuck up Jeff merely for his smug pseudo intellectual manner, his boring insistence on used up whores nobody cares about. I’d wail about how he isn’t interesting, insightful or clever as I smashed his fucking ribs with a hammer, how wrong he had got life, how desperately wrong he has perceived it all in his nihilistic little box. And Carole would get possibly the most honest beating, the beating of a Woman who simply needs to be beaten.

Does he intentionally talk like that? I couldnt fucking stand the way he talks, sounds so obnoxious

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David Brenner used to talk like that too

>Rick Kirkham was a reporter for Inside Edition who appeared on a segment called "Inside Adventure". From the age of 14, he filmed more than 3,000 hours of a video diary; this included footage during his tenure on Inside Edition during which he was addicted to crack cocaine.
>He appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2007 to talk about his addiction, and clips of his video diary were shown. On Oprah, Kirkham said he was a functional addict, and that he would smoke crack at night instead of sleeping, remaining high for about six hours, and report for work at Inside Edition two hours later. Kirkham went days without sleep during this time. He said he once interviewed President George H. W. Bush while high on crack; the subject was drug abuse.
How fucking deep does this rabbit hole go?

He's a crackhead. Watch the documentary on his life and addiction.


Literally how? Amphetamines burn me out in a single go

Everyone in it

Crack isn't an amphetamine you stupid junkie retard

>sold everyone out
>got people begging him to let themselves sell other people out
>got a jet ski
>all because he bought a monkey illegally

Hi Carole

>James Garretson is the guy from the “Tiger King” documentary who cooperated with the Feds, and ultimately helped put Joe Exotic behind bars. He’s also the infamous jet ski guy in all the memes from the series! James explains his relationships with Joe Exotic, Carole Baskin, and Jeff Lowe, and gives some backstory on the murder-for-hire plot, the disappearance of Carole’s husband, and what it’s really like owning and caring for big cats.


if you can ignore the awful intro

You tell him king.

Lemurs aren’t primates you mongoloid.


Like 4 hours worth of footage and the most shocking thing out of the entire thing is the fact that there are TWICE as many tigers kept as pets in the US than there are in the wild.
This world is fucked up.

It acts on pretty much the same receptors

carole was in the right murdering her husband
joe was framed
doc is an alpha and everyone should strive to be like him

>halls 5 tigers upto the fence and shoots them for cage space


Trump said he will pardon him.

no it's not. puritan roleplayers are fucking cringe

I like how you only "refuted" one aspect of his pretty damning argument and had the audacity to post a smug reaction image like you won the exchange.

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Every single person interviewed.


>people buy a shout out from him on his fucking jetski