Chicago or New York, which is the better kino setting?

Chicago or New York, which is the better kino setting?

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Aren't most New York scenes filmed in Chicago anyway

Its always NY because its always been the cultural epicenter of the modern world.

Many dream of going there, living their dream. Taking their shot. Its like going to Hollywood for many professions.


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chicago >
my mom was walking home from work while they were filming the dark knight and based heath talked to her in full costume. she got a pic with him and of the overturned semi

Post pics pls

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Los angeles, also
West > e*st

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they are on an old flip phone in a drawer somewhere sadly

Cincinnati or Seattle

Better question is which one has the better 'za?

For me, it's the classic 'go 'za.

Fictional rural suburb.

For me it's Kansas

>american cities
shitty areas completely propped up by hollywood movies lures idiots thinking it's magical or some shit.

complete delusion. everything smells like piss and there's too many crazy hobos.

I prefer east cause the fall city theme is so comfy.
Sure LA has a few kino atmosphere films but to me nothing beats the atmosphere of for example Devil's Advocate

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>Many dream of going there, living their dream
those people are fucking retarded
new york sucks dick

As a non-American, where I like US films to be set:

Los Angeles > New York > Miami > Las Vegas > Chicago > San Francisco

That said the over saturation of the first two is almost unbearable, feels like every generic film set in contemporary times from the 70's onwards was shot in NYC. Wish we'd get some good films from places like New Orleans or Detroit.

Depends on if we're talking about New York or the post Giuliani faggy Nu-York of the past 20 years.

I visited america last year and I liked Chicago far more than NYC. the latter was way too busy and chaoctic, chicago was chill. I also much preferred the architecture.

Cities are an abomination, nothing kinographic can be filmed. They are anathema to life itself.

Any of you have seen Bosch? Los Angeles looks kino af in that show.

San Francisco CA

t. Chicago nigga

NYC is the ultimate pleb filter

>New York

Neither. Modern cities are soulless.

underrated post

San Francisco is more kino

>For me, it's the classic 'go 'za.
Only because you don't know the correct way to eat 'ork 'za

>jew york or Chicongo

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Only film I remember being in Philly was Rocky.

For me, it's Miami.

New York is like something out of a dystopian film right now

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How do you find work to live in a big city? Seems like unless your family already had a house there or you work in finance it is impossible to actually move to a major city but instead 15+ miles away. I work in metal fabrication and dream of living downtown Chicago but can't possibly get the money or work

San Francisco is a much better backdrop for a movie. The Game is a great example, even venom

But Chicago is actually affordable and still has its tallest buildings and not many jews :)

you live in a small apartment with other people and work for marketing or tech.

I love driving around and stumbling across kino scenes, pic related TDK

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if by "back drop" you mean shit falling out of an ass

Chicago..Bc I love my city. Go Sox. Bear Down.

I'm from 'go, and fuck 'go 'za.
Traditional 'go food in general is just shit. Portillos is good I guess.


>doesn’t like Chicago food
>likes portillos

Dropped go back to Naperville you cake eating faggot

Only one I remember is national treasure

I lived in Chicago for five years and absolutely loved it - the city holds a special place in my heart.

But New York is 60 trillion times more kino.

First and foremost - New York can provide a fall setting that Chicago can't for the most part. Autum in Chicago only has a short foliage window, and its not very comfy.

Fall in NYC is maximum comfy. Watching a movie take place amid autumn Central Park achieves kino on a level we've never seen before.

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this, fucking tourist faggots and their deep dish shit

You have to be in something that actually has jobs downtown, or is at least commutable from the city center. So put a loop zipcode on Indeed and however many miles you think you could commute every morning.
>metal fabrication
From an industrial engineer, there's not much manufacturing near downtown.

My view.

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Well said. I was living in Lakeview and commuting (reverse-commuting?) out to the suburbs everyday for my industrial work. It got taxing after awhile - especially since I loved frequenting the downtown nightlife.

I really wanted to live the downtown chicago lifestyle - selling my car, walking to a neighborhood marianos for groceries, walking to city festivals and events, taking the train everywhere.

But unless you're in finance/law or some other type of business, it just won't pan out.

implying this is a problem

I think I would hate you a lot if we ever met

I'm in Lakeview right now (Wrigley). I'm new to Chicago in general but my roommates tell me downtown nightlife isn't much, which is hard for me to believe. I rarely use my car. I work in supply chain downtown but it's boring, I miss the plant floor.

Chicago, no contest. New York is a disgusting rat filled shithole.

>entirely ignores Chicago /polarkino/
Wanna know how I know you're not white?

Buffalo NY

You probably mean downtown as in the city limits, they probably think you mean downtown as in the Loop, in which case they're right, it's just old lawyers paying for dates that end by 8pm down there

Based psychotic bills fan


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Whiter than you, Mohammed.

This is really in reference to say, River East, Gold Coast, or the apartments/condos along or near the river. As opposed to near the theater district or like around the Sears tower.

Come now friend! Have a nice pumpkin latte while we wear earth-tone scarves and go apple-picking.

Blow Out and Rocky are the only philly kinos I can think of

Silver Lining's Playbook

Ok, then. Berlin, Tokyo, Rome, Prague, London or Paris?

I thought 12 Monkeys was in Philly?