Did Nazis really act like this?

Did Nazis really act like this?

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This guy needs to smile or something he looks like he's been suckin on lemons lmao lighten up guy.

no, they were the good boys. The skulls, the flamethrowers, the rhetoric of racial superioity, the invasions with giant menacing gray tanks, forced labour of civilian population to German war factories, experiments on humans and everything else - its just misunderstanding

Great movie, terrible cover.

Some people have a fetish and they want to be fucked by black people, but people like you want to be fucked by the Germans. You want Hanz to enter you from behind, right?

Impeccable argument

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You have to go back

Shit tier movie, all he does is pull that stupid fucking mug at the camera. "Oh I'm just a peasant boy who's seen the face of war" no m8 you're just an inbred Russin

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to Yas Forums*

You've got a weird fixation on gay sex, pal.

Kind of, but more gay

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People who admire nazis for their uniforms usually have fixation on gay sex.

good tranny

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There were actually people worse than regular ole Nazis.

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You saying you like a Nazi's uniform?

oh fuck he's here

He was a jolly ol' chap

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The film depicts the Dirlewanger brigade and it's drunken criminal Ukrainian collaborators which were far worse in their actions than any standard German faction in WW2

He led the first all-LGBTQ+ unit in history, stfu you bigot

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seek help

>the good boi ss and wehrmacht meme

No one said they were good, just that Dirlewanger was even worse.

*executes own soldiers*

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they took his chapstick


Ikr, looks like a Spongebob close up


are they trying to defend nazis??

wait until the venomous fanged german shepards saga

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Nazi apologist

4chub is fat disgusting

Yes, the Dirlewanger brigade was 100% exactly like that. The Wehrmacht wasn't much better. The film is based on the torching of the village of Khatyn, and the personal experiences of the director during the occupation of Belarus.

Just before Nazi faggots invade your thread and spam millions of images from their Facebook anti-communist groups.

Was he the Soundcloud rapper of his time?

Nazi's actually are good guys, just propaganda film

Allied forces would send young boys to die in Omaha beach just to send a message. They could have flanked, dropped a bomb. But no. They just love to kill their own boys.

Get rid of young hot attractive boys so that young girls will have to settle for men in their 40s

>he doesn't know

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They did worse

Yas Forums unironically thinks this

Nazis are scum. But russians are even more evil.

last i checked the nazis were the ones trying to exterminate the other

>implying the Russians weren't trying to exterminate themselves too

Can the right ever take history seriously? As soon as they're backed into a corner out come the same stupid jokes

how you gonna criticize an army for having big gray tanks?

This but unironically

>no u
that's pretty gay


Way to ruin a good cover. Everything reddit touches turns to shit

who knows, propaganda works both ways.Considering that the movie was made in the USSR take it with a grain of salt. Both sides employed propaganda during the war but only one side continues doing it after the war is over.

obsessed. that's the official re-release cover.

Georgian dictator and Jewish NKVD.

Other side stopped only because they have lost.

You realize there are historians right? It's possible to verify this stuff

Stale pasta

I prefer the one with the masturbation machines.
Or the one where they put Jews in a rollercoaster and it went so fast, it killed them.

>Yup that's me, you probably wonder how I got into this situation, it all started when...

Yeah like all the mass-graves with 1000s of bodies

Its cold war propaganda still a thing?


All Germans were like this, not just the Nazis

Has a mass grave with 1,000 plus bodies ever been found?

Allied forces are so toxic and bad for our world.

This movie was fucking terrible, I couldn't have been more bored. I've seen silent films that were twice as gripping.

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Ask the average person, you'll be told yes. Look for the information yourself and it's a different story.