I want a black gf lads

I want a black gf lads.

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Asian Wifu for me !

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Also the risk of having a black kid and dealing with her black family.

I want one person in this entire world that loves me

White gf for me uwu


one less corrona carrier

Zoos aren't open at the moment aren't

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You mean a black, Asian, kawaii girlfriend? They don't exist.

Honestly same it would be an interesting dynamic and they can b sweet

You'll be singing a different tune when you finally see how greasy black pussy is. Even the gayest incel would be repulsed

The gayest incel would be repulsed by any pussy i would imagine on account of the fact that the niggas gay

just abandon it so it gets the true experience of being black

imagine the smell

i wouldnt mind a black gf but every black girl i ever met smelled weird

black people smell like shit.

48% of U.S. black women aged 18-45 have genital herpes according to the CDC

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>I want a black gf lads.

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holy shit no you don't. i went down that road, everything was about race to her and she had horrible expectations. pretty awful experience except when she told me i was like a black man in a white mans body because of my massive penis

smell and look

post it


That’s where you’re wrong

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that's what i thought

I'm not him, I just don't want to see his dick. The only reason you would is because you're a fag. So I called you a fag.

post what?

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you looked at your dick when you took a piss you're a fag, grow up homo

Only a white man can only make a white woman happy, and only a black man can make a black woman happy.

it's a shame cultural backgrounds are so tied to skin colour, but yeah this is pretty much true

>Everyone who faps also wants to jerk off other men
Homosexuality 100% confirmed

Knew a black girl like this at college who went to the anime club but dropped out.Think she had anxiety issues by how nervous she was all the time god i should have gotten her number.

in you

I'm not the one asking for dick pics, user.

Eww just imagine using that grease as lube that would be disgusting, haha.

it's 2019 no one cares if you're gay

Why not just break into the monkey pen at the zoo? Then you won't get an STD.

your ass does, you disgusting faggot.

>Posting fag cope this blatantly

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No matter how kawaii her clothes are it’s always the same underneath.

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>meanwhile, nigs in real life

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These girls must be optical illusions.

giv European black gf

African-American mutt sheboons can get gassed tho.

Please, take the niggers away from here too, we do not want them, fuck non-whites they are all animals.

>european black gf
So, an African, those that are too busy making mud cookies and starving to death?

>chick holds the door casualy like this happens all the time

>i'm so straight i've never looked at a penis in my life
kys yourself homos

>"Hey! Remember Ghostbusters 2016?"

they are legit monsters.


Literal gorillas, jesus fuck.

> European black
there is no such a thing

I can honestly say I've never asked another man to show me his penis. This is something you can't do.

>not being so straight light reflected off a penis just curves around your eyeballs so you can never actually see it

>European black

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>tfw i can smell the black chick that lives on my floor whenever she leaves her apartment
>i can smell her through two doors
I wish i wasnt born with this excessive dog like sense of smell

>he doesn't know about the black qts at southern universities
I think one was hitting on me once

That's like saying a European pig or cow

I love off topic funny threads

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Looks delicious

Which outlast is this?

ive had a choco gf. shit was so cash

How's your rash?

>I want a black gf
>but I also don't want her to have a black facial structure
>and I also don't want her to behave like black girls do

I don't understand why Americans do this all the time.
It's like they are programmed to racemix.

At least coronavirus will give them a swift end.

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because you're a fag

I have never a gf. But I don't think anymore I want one.
Dealing with her family and all that shit. No thank you.

If I want to get laid, I migh just order a hooker to come to my place

>It's like they are programmed to racemix.
(((I wonder why)))

White losers seek wives from less privileged groups because they have nothing to offer.

>It's like they are programmed to racemix.
Gee, I wonder why the country owned by Israel is the most jewish.

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>Godzilla theme starts playing

The fuck do you want with a number?
I never understood the point of "getting a number". What do you do, call her?

Now you've reverted to sheer retardation. Be well, gaynon.

and i want OP to neck himself, but we can’t have everything we want in life

Gays will always be seen as weird fucks with a horrible fetish

you're probably so insecure with your sexuality you can't even suck a dick without making it gay

>they have a cave troll

Mixed race girls with dark skin but Caucasian facial structure look really uncanny

what does that have to do with anything no one cares you're not special because you fuck guys in the ass

Imagine never making out with a pretty boy and eating his boipucci