Got it, Yas Forums? You're distracted, not depressed

Got it, Yas Forums? You're distracted, not depressed.

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All of that is meaningless if you lack faith in God

IQlets missed the point of this comic. He’s not depressed, he’s distracted FROM his depression BY all the stuff he has around. He’s bummed because he wants to be depressed again but his life is too good right now.

I dont have any of those things and im doing fine. Normalfag

8/8 b8 m8

>tfw you realize god exists

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At least I have tea I guess.

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I don't know if it's just because I'm drunk but that's pretty funny.

Say that to my face irl instead of online, bitch

if you're depressed without an actual reason you're just weakwilled, probably a neurotic, anxious kind of wreck that gets colitis at like 25 lmao

You don't know a goddamn thing about me you little shit.

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Genuine depression always seems to be some sort of chemical fuckup in the brain

>unironically being a christcuck on Yas Forums
newfags need to leave

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You’re forgetting that since the quarantine this board is 90% reddit normies who actually do have all these things.

you know gengar loves jesus christ (our savior and lord), correct?


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It's never too late to let Jesus into your life, user

>he can't tell a meme from seriousness
>he thinks the deus vult threads were unironic
newfags need to leave

based and christpilled


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AMEN and based

No one has ever loved me in my entire life, not even a parent.
All my friends treat me like absolute fucking garbage
The dog who kept me company growing up is still with my mother, i'm moved out. I have no one.
I don't have tea nor cookies.
The only thing slightly accurate is that i have achieved some of my personal goals, but i am still dirt poor because all of those personal goals were related to other aspects of my life.
At least i have my frog jpgs, those will always be there for me.

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>tfw all of those things except pet and tea seem unreachable to me

AMEN and based

1. Often it's medical and neurological, requiring medication.
2. Life isn't 'fair', even in affluent western countries that tolerate whatever form of deviant you were born as.
3. Being a self aware creature is a total mindfuck and filled with constant every day existential dread most people can't handle. Either you attempt to be mindless or you dwell on the 'hell of freedom'.
4. Stuff and people don't make you happy, it usually only upsets you.
5. Look up Maslow's hierarchy of needs. You'll notice that your needs NEVER end. There is never a moment when a person could ever be satisfied for long. If you got 'everything you need' you'll only seek more and more abstract self actualization. It NEVER FUCKING ENDS.

The actual 'solution' to sadness/depression is to talk to a doctor to see if it's medical and if not abandon the bizarre culture myth that you need to be 'happy' or that 'happiness' is the purpose of being alive. There is no purpose in life other than what you individually choose, but choosing happiness is futile. Choose something other than futility (a perfect spouse, perfect kids, being rich and famous or other virtual impossibilities that will only disappoint you) and instead choose something noble like 'helping others' or participating in your community, or doing some kind of art for your own satisfaction instead of in order to become famous.


Oh shit... there's a cute gf waiting for me in the kitchen? Let me go check. Brb Yas Forums

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t. Demiurge.
Do not be fooled by his words all these things are also meaningless if you have faith in him

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Based and breadpilled

>since the quarantine



It's fucking hilarious and infuriating that normies just assume everyone has these things.

Fucking love watching them self destruct over having to stay at home for a couple of weeks. Welcome to the Hell that has been my existence for the past 15 years. They are weak.

formerly ignore and scroll

AMEN. Daily reminder, Yas Forums is a CHRISTIAN board and if you haven't accepted and embraced the teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior you need to got back to plebbit NOW

this is becoming more predictable than reddit opinions

I knew when I saw 8+ replies than most of them would be "based"
if you're actually Christian do you think God approves of you browsing this board?

Bonjour Goldie

>Good friends
>tea and cookies
I got tea
>pet who is happy to see you
My dog died some years ago, haven't gotten a new one.
>someone who loves you
I've been nothing but rejected by every girl I've asked out
>goals achieved
I do actually have a diploma, I got it last year, didn't find a job because needed to help my parents and started searching for jobs at exact moment Corona became a pandemic.

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AMEN & christpilled




a daring hypothesis

God knows that we are all sinners. All you need to do is ask for his forgiveness

No, you’re not depressed, you’re a faggot

God has been replaced by money

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So what brand of christian are you? Most would have you burn in hell for half the shit that goes on on this board. Fucking posers.



The eternal greed of needing more in more pisses me off. I've created a nice, comfortable life for myself and do not desire to change it. Yet human nature demands that I want more, and after years of being comfortable it just keeps telling me to go out there and grind something. I've had to pick a goal for the sake of having a goal that I can realistically reach and keep improving so I might deal with it - but my current solution has been daily heavy drinking every evening - I go through every day knowing I have a prize at the end of it.

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>thinking it's an achievement

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>rapes a child
>"Oh Lord please forgive me mighty Jesus for I've sin"

the last perfect person died on the cross over 2000 years ago

That's not an answer. You guys are genuinely disappointing me, this Christian shit is just anti-reddit contrarianism isn't it?

what sort of protestant fucking pagentry is this
your soul isn't bought and sold based on the words you speak in the public forum before your peers but those made in private wherein only god can listen
you all follow the sin of vanity, hoping that your praise will make you clean in the eyes of your peers and thus the lord
fake christians

Reminder that your ‘perfect person’ was a kike, making you a good goy and a race traitor

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Uhm.. no. Leave the coffee and erase everything else

Jesus wasn't a kike. He was a Jew, and he was hated by kikes

>if you're actually Christian do you think God approves of you browsing this board?
Unironically yes. Sinner’s need to be brought god’s love more than anyone. What is the point of spreading the gospel amongst the righteous?

Christcucks get off my board.

I have none of that shit. I am just depressed.

And thus, the Christcuck Mental Olympics begin.

Yes I'm distracted by the never ending mental anguish

Why would I need to ask God for forgiveness? I don't know him. He could be a cunt.

>if you're actually Christian do you think God approves of you browsing this board?
You're aware that Jesus spent most of his time with sinners and whores, and not with those of the church, right?


>my board

Again, who cares, he was a jew who tried to guilt trip the goyim into becoming their slaves. Jew cosplayers like you should be crucified

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jidf pls go


>knows nothing about Christian theology
Confirmed catholic lul
One of luther’s main issues with the church was their focus on good works being more important than faith.

>if you don’t follow a jew, you’re a jew

Christcuck cognitive dissonance never ceases to amaze me


*tips fedora*

I’m on an Iphone, so fucking what?


you're jewish tricks aren't going to work here

Wow, weird how I never see anyone preach Christianity except in these threads!
As an actual Lutheran Christian who goes to a Lutheran church you people disgust me. You can't say what sect you belong to, you only preach when it's in the form of "based!" to a virtue signaling Yas Forums post or an anti-reddit one. Jesus fuck. Stop pretending. You shitpost angrily about jews when it fits the thread and reply based to Jesus in another. God dammit. I'm glad MY god actually gives you all salvation because fuck knows I wouldn't.