/tpg/ was over 2.5 years ago

>/tpg/ was over 2.5 years ago

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I literally just finished chapter 18. I'm moved. I think Laura Palmer is the most tragic character in any movie or tv show I've seen.

>Mr. Strawberry has been deceased for 2.5 years

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2.5 years ago was now about 10.75 years
Gravity bends space time you know.

What year is this?

What if Mr C was a girl haha

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Time stopped after ep 18.

........More please

did ya watch it on Showtime? also, did they run the whole Return for 30th anniversary? I just happened to turn it on about 5 minutes into ep18 went ahead and rewatched

See you in +22.5 years

Really hoped corona would wipe out a lot of the planet, everything since The Return has felt like a pointless abyss and inevitably shitty

the trick is to watch it over and over until you get completely burned out on it

Best 4 months Yas Forums ever had.

Glad I'm not the only one unironically feeling this way. Life has been going downhill for me since twin peaks ended. Some weird synchronicity shit.

I still try to have some hope for the future though

Well you write something good lazybones.

I just wanted to say that it was great to hang with you guys during season 3. Lynch gave us closure but for a price. Now the show is over for good, the dream has ended. Kinda sad that our hunger destroyed it.

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Best ending shot of any series anywhere ever.

Season 4 when?

Bravo Lynchian

rly makes you think

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Never, it's over.

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Someone explain to me the Beef Jerky thing, I really got filtered by it. Someone explained it in the past but I forgot

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fucking hell

To be fair you have to be really intelligent to understand beef jerky.

did you ever watched the sweeping scene at 0.25x speed?


In what context was the beef jerky displayed again? My best guess is that it somehow relates to tv consumption.

It wasn't destroyed, it was the perfect ending, completely whole too

ms palmer was aware of the merging and splitting of dimensions and realized a shift had occurred once the display changed

>mfw I read this in the dougie voice

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remember that Australian guy with the pliers?

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had nothing to do with the jerky. Sarah is two beings at once. Her she got switched up and began talking the woodsmen and other cryptic stuff

rewatching the whole series including the original, I'm just about to get to the Mitchums in the desert scene

david lunch lol

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/tpg/ helped me get through my only breakup. It has a special place in my heart


Watched at 1x and sat in complete awe at how Lynch was able to make such a moving scene with sweeping. My gf at the time thought it was stupid so I made her watch it again.

dumb bitch

But I like the red chair.

I don't even care about a season 4, I just want more Lynch on TV

>leave Yas Forums when the italian episodes leak
>don't come back until i can marathon the whole series (including rewatching s1-2 & fwwm)
Worst mistake of my life, lads

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Can we talk about Judy now?

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Aw shit, I wasn't expecting this to have a rational solution.

*judy machine revs up*

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anyone else quit this garbage ass boring show in season 1?

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Dougei Jons

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that was me a couple of days ago, nice

based /tpg/posters, I love you all. Even the Vedderposter that got BTFO

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Sheryl Lee is ____!

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just started season 2 lads, it's a magical experience

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There was a really weird period I forget about sometimes between fall 2014 and when the show aired in Spring 2017 when the show was coming but it felt very uncertain it was actually happening. There were rumors about Lynch stopping work over the dispute with Showtime and just the idea of new TP actually coming true was hard to believe. Everytime I would get pissed off or something bad would happen I would remind myself that TP is coming back. It was an uncertain time but there was still hope for something good to look forward to. And then when it was on every Sunday was like looking forward to what I imagine felt like a superbowl for sports people. There has been nothing, at least in entertainment, for me to look at like that since.


I had just moved to Hong Kong on my own. I used to watch S3 in the dark while torrential monsoon rain poured down outside, and then post with you fuckers afterwards

Fuck it was comfy, there'll never be anything like it again



no it isnt



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season 2 still has some of the most kino episodes

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Implying Lunch actually thought of this

Yeah same, I'd like to see he do another series other than Twin Peaks, his style really suits TV shows

I remember when the Bowie secret cameo rumors started when the few screencaps were leaked for this episode

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I was really hoping they would have a surprise two minute cameo at some point, though I guess if they'd filmed something with him the show would have advertised that