Why do people come to Yas Forums to talk about politics, Yas Forums shit and racial statistics?

why do people come to Yas Forums to talk about politics, Yas Forums shit and racial statistics?

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because of people like you

why do redditors come here to complain about what people post on a chinese cartoon website?

Because everything is politicized nowadays

Attached: apusuicide.jpg (310x163, 9.71K)

All media is propaganda so it is vital to discuss it as it relates to television and film

>Because everything is politicized nowadays

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he funny

That one's easy. I'll remove my politics from your television and film threads, when you remove the Jew from my everything.

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>insert propaganda in film
>somebody brings it up
>noooo you can't talk about that you can only say positive things like we do on reddit
crying wotjeck etc etc

It's just one mentally ill poltard that does it
he's been at it for years

Jews are politics.

I still have no idea who this guy is

this guy has gone past soi and come full circle into based

>Yas Forums
>out of absolutely nowhere!

Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to Yas Forums for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.

The terrible truth of Yas Forums is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.

You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".

Yas Forums is the Hurt Box.

Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. Yas Forums is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.

You could have prevented this.

Attached: Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!.jpg (900x900, 374.62K)

ok nazi

def the best part

Films are political. See: Ranciere

Holy shit please tell me this is satire
what is your "truth above all else"? FBI crime statistics? Jews being over-prevalent in the media? Women being whores?
Please tell me you have more to offer than this. Legit redpill me (hardmode, no links)

real reason

game of thrones brought lots of libshits from plebbit and its pol pushing back

It's a lowest common denominator board. The LCD on this site is always Yas Forums

You'd think it would be /mlp/ but somewhere along the way it changed

Why are tv and movies saturated with politics and racial propaganda?

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Because you asked nicely, I'll toss you a tidbit. Here ya go, champ.


>he doesn't even know the world is coming to an end, in near utter silence

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Nothing truthful about Yas Forums after the mods have let /x/ schitzos take over.

well, play it on easy mode faggot but I'll check it out anyway

>he fell for the /pol meme
>he gave himself severe paranoia through memes


You don't even know about the Electronic Frontier Foundation? Jesus.

Jokes on you mouth breather, I got LASIK

I hurt, so you don't have to. Yet. Arm yourself with knowledge and weaponry, if you give even the slightest fuck about humanity's chances of avoiding slavery.

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Are you fucking retarded?
I was referring to how I said "hard mode no links" but I guess you can't fucking read. Unlike you I'm actually processing words and reading this link you/your comrade sent me. Jesus Christ fucking kill yourself dude, learn to read

A) Yas Forums is full of porn
B) Yas Forums actually has stricter moderation than Yas Forums, I wish I was joking.

We didn't start this war. We didn't go into women's soap operas and "romcoms" and ruin everything. Feminist cunts drew first blood, not us.

Attached: feminist cunt kathleen kennedy, sjw star wars.jpg (648x365, 57.82K)

>he goes to Yas Forums to yell at racists over the internet
>he does this daily and gets upset every time
>has never made a post with nigger in it

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i see you found boogie2988's even stupider half-wit brother

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>tfw I have this copypasta saved because it's so good.
Excellent choice my man.

even EFF has gone to shit with feminist crap

>he hides his power level
I go full Mel Gibson after a few beers desu

So I read your ebin "tidbit" you posted. Is there anything solid in this piece besides the link to the actual action and link to the Shehan Testimony?
So far I'm reading a bullshit action posted on a bullshit website with little to no sources. Why should I believe this will get passed? These retards just put "think about the children" in an attempt to pass a law that reads like something out of 1984, good luck to them I guess

Filters exist, newfag.

Testing something.

Yas Forums is a joke

because it's encouraged by the mods

because politics is intertwined with all forms of media these days

>FBI crime statistics? Jews being over-prevalent in the media? Women being whores?

You completely failed to refute a single word of anything. That is why Yas Forums wins.

Attached: black crimes matter 2016, homicide, robbery, rape rate by race.jpg (1024x1024, 105.02K)

Reddit awaits

>never does any research himself
>Yas Forums infographics are the only evidence he needs

>never does any research himself
prove it

Yas Forumsfags come here to cry about women and minorities in movies so often that everyone thinks this is Yas Forums now

Imagine your enemies being so good that the only thing you can criticize them for is stating the obvious truth.

Attached: sjw feminist movie bombs, ghostbusters, tranny terminator, charlie's angels, harley quinn.jpg (1497x862, 486.54K)

>that webm
is this what happens when you overdose on soi?

Racist incels also happen to be the biggest consoomers and easily manipulated by propaganda

Dude you can't just post facts, you need to post insults and pictures of people to mock. Why does your side think facts are going to win? Emotional arguments will always trump facts anyday.

Next time I see this faggot posted he had better be fucking shredded, and shave that pedo facial hair, or had killed himself.

What do i type down on tiktok to see videos of girls sticking hairbrushes up their coochies?

I had no idea capeshit and the new starwars films were all praised by Yas Forums crazy times.

Because they are all autistic millennials who tell themselves that they are doing something good for the world when they aren't doing anything at all.
The very idea of an activist is cancer, civilians should never have a say in politics.

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it used to be “posted live” or something on youtube

>easily manipulated by propaganda

Because I don’t believe in the dogma spread by every politician, every government bureaucrat, every media talking head, every news channel, every Hollywood whore, every megacorporation, every bank, every social media network, every public school teacher, every textbook publisher, etc, etc, you call me “manipulated by propaganda”. You have no self awareness whatsoever.

>shove far-left politics into literally every TV show and film
>wonder why politics comes up on Yas Forums - Television & Film

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Racism is good

Yas Forums is a cesspool that only exists for bbc-cuck-interracial-tranny spam, at least on Yas Forums these threads are deleted eventually as its a worksafe board

>Make everything political
>Now you have carte blanche to argue it's "against you"
>Turn into a hysterical cunt whenever people tell you you're obnoxious
Huh I wonder where I've seen that strategy used before

You replied to an old pasta, what did you expect lmao

>you replied to a pasta bro!
>ignore the people genuinely responding with links from the past month its a trol xD