Just marathoned Verotika

Just marathoned Verotika

what did I think of it?

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You thought whatever your pretend online friends RLM thought about it because you're a retarded 20 something redditor with no ability to think for yourself.

Mystery Girl a cute

>your pretend online friends RLM

you wonder aloud how Glenn Danzig was allowed anywhere near a movie

Was I talking to you, dumbfuck?


Some of the funniest shot you have ever seen In your entire life.

>newfag Johnny doesn't realize the adults can see when new IPs post in a thread
You need to be lurking, not posting, FAG.

I'm on my phone now.

>duuh so bad its good
im fine with mike and his little pal doing that for money but actually watching things like that on your own time is very fey, twee and like a put-on character like you think you're in juno
you're awful

>Good old fashioned horror movie without any pretentious metaphors
>delivers the scares and the gore without waiting around for it, and any scene without it still shows some titties to keep you entertained
>No Hollyjew producers and actors try and force some political correct message

It's based as fuck and proof Danzing is /ourguy/

Then you shouldn't be posting at all, FAG. Go back to twitter.

But I will continue posting. Deal with it.

Deal with getting brutally killed when society collapses because you were a FAG.

You sound like a communist.

You sound like a future murder victim.

That's not very threatening.

It's not a threat. It's a fact.

I don't care.

this thread is as sad as the movie. so much effort for such little outcome.

You will when the knife goes in and the red water comes out.

You're boring.

>is very fey, twee and like a put-on character like you think you're in juno

holy fucking contrarianism

>says the basic bitch

Why ask us? Mike already told you what to think.



Jesus this thread is a fucking mess lmao

I'm disappointed that the pink haired bimbo in the first segment isn't actually a porn star

>he expected something different from friendless kids who watch RLM and post from phones

Who the fuck is RLM?

Something the reddit tourist watch.

lmao danzig getting salty ITT

How do you know this?

Because they make threads about it on my site and you can tell they aren't from here.

Better clean up that English before I climb through that cum encrusted screen and beat your ass red with the flat side of my Bowie knife.

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How can you tell where they're from?

One of Danzig's comic book characters got their own porn movie.

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Because I was on this site before they came here and second hand knowledge is a thing. Any other stupid questions?

You didn't answer the question.

I did. You just didn't like it because you were going to try to imply that I'm from reddit and I beat you to the punch. You're so stupid and predictable, black boy.

You literally didn't answer the question how do you know that these people came from reddit.


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Why are you dodging the question?

>Why are you dodging the question?

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I think it stands for 'Reddit Letter Media'. Ive never actually seen the full name Im just guessing off of snippets of videos Ive seen and discussion of it on Yas Forums.

unironically think the movies cover is great

Cradle of Filth beat him to it by 20 years when they made the lame anthology "Cradle of Fear."

Was it better than Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror?

Dear Yas Forums, are the comics good for masturbating to at least? I liked jerking off to Crossed but nothing else has even come close to it.

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Kayden Kross makes my pp hard.

These are the people who make the threads screamign about A24 movies

well, look up fey, look up twee, and then watch Juno. you should get the idea

same desu she was always hot as fuck

Danzig here, shut the fuck up

It's a good cover.