>the non family got taken down
The non family got taken down
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone got a mirror?
Feel privileged to be among the few who watched it.
mk ultra
glownigger thread
for real? why?
South Park gave them a cease and desist
lol what a bunch of faggots
s-somebody saved it right?
Woah. Now I want to watch it.
The Russian version is still up
Thank fucking god. This was the worse, most blatant shill effort I've seen on Yas Forums in a long time. I can't believe how many threads you cunts made and how many actually replied.
Oh my GOD. It really was a Russian psyop. Congrats. Everyone who watched it is now infected
Yet the advertisements to a dead link are still here... and will be probably for months
it was funny to me
how will I get my Molly fix now?
at least we got the ads to remember her
I google non family and keep getting weird results about abusive families.
Yeah and I'm sure you find Sneed funny too.
You autists are so easy to manipulate.
>Yas Forums
The ads for it were on every board on Yas Forums....
who faggoted your mind so thoroughly?
Russian kino versions still up lad
>defending advertisers
Kill yourself.
Should we create our own dubs?
Yeah, it's in my bathroom.
Without advertisers where would you download your nono kino?
> (OP) #
>Thank fucking god. This was the worse, most blatant shill effort I've seen on Yas Forums in a long time. I can't believe how many threads you cunts made and how many actually replied.
Violating terms and services.
I wish lmao.
It could only improve it.
>enjoying a good laff at some shitty ass media from a third world country means we can be manipulated
Anyone have a mirror of the first episode dub? Will make the redubbing easier
Manipulated into what? We watched a shitty youtube video that was advertised on Yas Forums and had a good laugh over it and the type of ads that get posted here. You must be fun at a party.
when someone paid to have it spammed in your face yes, you an npc
Anyone remember how April 6 and April 7 were written on the cars, and now on April 8th the video gets deleted?
They probably deleted their own video for that to happen
Faggot retard. Blame Hiro for allowing them to buy ad space here in the first place. Or do you call ads shill attempts too?
I think everyone remembers the dialogue word for word by now. If not, we can do shitty Russian-to-English translations
>let's make it into an ironic meme guys, it's so bad it's GOOD
You could literally say that about anything.
There's also a huge demographic (mainly RLM fans) who pay to hatewatch new Star Wars movies just so they can participate in the online circlejerk (a lot of which happens here).
Yas Forums posters' contrarianism can be easily marketed to.
Whether it's a shitty youtube video trying to get a bit more ad revenue and maybe a following or a multi-billion dollar blockbuster franchise keeping a niche audience in their machine.
Money well spent. Only a Japanese profits off whites stealing from whites here.
what? how was it violating youtube's ToS?
Hiro is in the wrong, as are Hiro-enablers.
fuck southpark
2nd phase of the marketing campaign. It'll come back soon.
You enable him from using this site.
This and based
Probably for looking too much like South Park. But even then they only delete things once they become well-trafficked, hence why the Russian originals might stay up.
>he doesn't have an assistant to use Yas Forums for him as a proxy so he doesn't directly enable Hiro
LMAO @ your life
>this amount of seethe
Looks like we got a unicorn over here
Sorry I don't understand your very organic meme.
I'm out of the loop, is this an episode of South Park? It got taken down from where?
>now we're stuck with these ads (for who the fuck knows how much time) and there is just a russian version available
this shit is hilarious desu
YouTube. But it wasn't South Park. It was a cheap South Park knockoff that was so bizarre it seemed like AI wrote it.
You can still watch them straight from the creators site
It's the adult equivalent of Daddy Finger.
Funny thing is these could legit be mistaken for real South Park episodes. I honestly can't tell the difference
It's some terrible Indian animation on YouTube that bought ads here to promote.
While they were at it, they made a few threads to draw attention to the slightly odd imagery in those ads.
3 days later, there's a bunch of memes to keep bringing people back to the video.
Basically it's not worth watching but the retards of this website will eat any shit just to appear funny to other strangers online.
No clue. That's all it says on the video.
Would be pointless to question Youtube's methodology though. It's not like it's a secret that they're selectively picky about what gets allowed on their platform.
Classic line from the show. It will be sorely missed.
The animation was made by Russians and we are the ones who made the threads because of how uncanny it was
You are undoubtedly a very sophisticated and well grounded individual.