Subtitles on or off when watching kino at home?

Subtitles on or off when watching kino at home?

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off if english, on if everything else

I generally need subtitles for the British and other foreign language speakers, but if they speak with normal American accents I turn the subtitles off.

Always on. I'm the type of asshole who makes people repeat themselves two or three times over the course of a conversation.

They're distracting if it's in your native language because it's just a constantly changing part of the screen that you instantly read if you look at them. I don't know why you would have them on for your native language unless you're deaf or retarded

My hearing isnt great so its generally on for me. Its part of the reason I havent been to a theater in the past 5 or so years, as I would literally sit there cupping my ear at times to understand what was being said.

I only have FORCED subtitles turned on. I find I get distracted sometimes reading the text so id rather them turned off, and only pop up for non English scenes.

On 100% of the time if they're available. I shouldn't be so autistic about it butt it drives me nuts if I can't tell what someone said.

Always on gang.

I'm half deaf and my family insists on having a wooden bassy entertainment center to hold the television set. Can't hear shit if its a drama show.

I keep them on because reading while watching something is the laziest brain exercise you can do. Yas Forums rots your brain.

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Depends on how they look and appear on screen.

Sometimes dramatic tension is ruined by dogshit captioning. And Netflix uses ugly yellow ones. I won’t read things in yellow.

British accents can be hard sometimes

Audio mixing is never reliable. You constantly find shit where you need to turn volume up sky high to hear dialogue, then musical scores or explosions are incredibly fucking loud.

It's especially hard in theaters because they always seem to fuck the audio levels up

If it french or english, no, but anything foreign I will use subtitles. The only movie I will ever watch dubs are Slapshot and Cheech and Chong movies (because they were dubbed using quebec french rather than france or international french)

on, most shows and movies now are genuinely dogshit at audio mixing and the amount of flubs and overly quiet or unintelligible lines and words i've heard come out of professional productions and actors is just too much. it's a lot easier and less intrusive to passively tune out the text when i don't need it than it is to have to rewind a few times and then just begrudgingly turn on the subtitles on anyway because i can't understand what somebody is saying.

>whisper scene
>whisper scene

if i have to keep that shit at 20% volume to avoid constantly adjusting for this then i have to keep the subtitles on

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I hate having to look at subtitles when I cant understand what the fuck the actors are saying since its a movie and the visual part is the whole point. Its especially annoying with foreign films or pretentious american films that cant be bothered to do an english dub.


Only exception would be for really thick Irish accents, or old English (The Witch comes to mind)

There's nothing more fucking annoying than when ambience sounds, musical scores, and backdrop noises are louder than character dialogue. Your choices are either constantly fucking with the volume or turning on subtitles.

The ideal way to watch any film is dubbed in a language you don't understand, with no subtitles. That way, you can truly experience the film without the dialogue getting in the way. If you don't understand what's happening while watching a film this way, either you're not paying enough attention, or you're watching a bad film

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The only time I've ever needed subtitles in an english speaking show was for True Detective s3. I tried and would watch a scene over and over trying to figure it out but I could not understand anything that black cop was saying.

Same here when watching sitcoms. I don’t like subtitles cuz they can ruin jokes but at the same time I want to hear every joke

understanding what's being said on the wire is a million times easier with subtitles, even as a native speaker

Besides foreign films, which require subtitles for obvious reasons, I try to leave the subtitles off as much as possible. I find them a bit distracting and sometimes they disrupt the cinematography, but sometimes they're necessary if I'm watching a movie with quiet dialogue on my TV. It's a trade off and I have to decide whether the integrity of the cinematography of the audibility of the dialogue is more important to me for the particular film I'm watching.

Supposedly center channels make hearing dialogue a lot easier, can any 5.1 chads confirm?

This is a good thread to ask this. Why THE FUCK don't they put subtitles in the letterbox for FUCKS SAKE.

Its dead space. I can't tell you how many movies just put it over the picture rather than the BLACK BARS.

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Always on no matter what language due to horrible audio quality of almost all shows and movies

Subtitles on, because people I watch with occasionally make noise or ask questions.

You mean human (American) English and not monkey brit speak right?

>Netflix uses ugly yellow ones.
When I do it on Netflix they're white. I watch on my computer though.

>he watches movies that have an aspect ratio wider than 1.85

On, there is nothing worse than having to rewind because you can't understand what some faggot actor mumbled, not to mention how many films love to fuck your ears when you jack up the audio to hear quiet dialogue and I don't just mean with jumpscares or whatever I mean explosions or even just music swelling suddenly.

Depends if the actors are cocksucking faggots that can't keep cocks out of their mouths for one scene.
My native language isn't english so I use subs from time to time, at first I though that i needed subtitles when actors were speaking with accents other than american, but after watching Gentelmen, which I watched in the theater without eng subs, and understanding every single word, shit I even got how much the black guy benched, I have to say that it's proably mostly depended on direction. ie. the dirctors told the actors to pull the dick out of their mouths and articulate properly.

VLC refuses to add subtitles when I watch kino on the iPad on top of my stomach.

oh and the audio mixing thing too

Usually off, unless it's in a different language. Only other time is when the audio is terribly balanced, leading to you turning up the volume to hear characters speak and then blowing out your ear drums when the action scenes happen.

Seriously? Are you American? I had no problems and I'm Australian

>Why yes I only use subtitles for video games, how can you tell?

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>cringe compilation meme

Always based* you mean

Good thread

Always on for me. It's much easier to follow the story/writing if I can also read it. Sometimes I miss what was said by ear, but that's a non-issue when I can read along.

This man has never read a mcdonalds sign in his life

I'll start with them off but if I can't understand what's said due to shitty mixing or whatever I'll pop them on.

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I think you can adjust the subtitle display settings through your netflix account

im kind of hard of hearing so I have them on for names and stuff when the actors are talking low

on. i like seeing spellings for certain new words i'm curious about

>black little mermaid

This. I don't have many issues with different accents (except some heavy African ones or heavy Indian ones) but so many times the dialog is low and the rest of the sounds are loud as shit. To me it's the audio equivalent of a dark blue filter over everything so that you can barely see anything without turning the whole thing bright as fuck.

Also, I like the availability of subtitles just in case but find they draw my eye there even when I don't need them. Most action takes place in the upper middle of the field of view and they are mostly down at the bottom.

And they put too much on the screen at the same time, multiple sentences, so it ruins any surprise in dialog. Maybe if they appeared one word at a time with good timing. Or maybe that would be even worse for distraction.

always on because sometimes i miss a word and reading the subtitles makes it easier to follow along

Also when watching the british Office, 90% of that dialogue is unintelligible mumbling.

i only watch dubs

what kind of retard spends time reading subs lmao

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I'm this way for most things but another part of my autism kicks in and overrides this for movies I deem "important". In this case the lights must all be off, volume at a specific level, subs off in case there is a visual detail in the part of the screen they cover, and complete silence must be observed.

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On. I don't want to miss it if somebody says something clever.

So, nu4chan just searches for EPIC AS FUCK nigger tweets and just makes threads about them?

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I like them in most of the time, and it's especially nice when watching stuff that contains either uncommon or completely fabricated words. Like I was watching The Witcher a while back and it makes it easier to be and to read some of the names, locations, etc that are solely part of that lore

cope boomer not your site anymore cry me a fucking river lol

I'm 20, you stupid fucking millennial.

Zoomers and redditors are obsessed with niggers. Just look at how offended that user got because you said nigger, until niggers start getting hunted in their homes this won't stop.

my asian gf can't speak english, so subtitles on

And you are not forcing her to learn?

you just need practice user.
Try watching foreign films like stuff from China or Korea, it's not too bad. It'll train you to read what they're saying and you can have an enjoyable viewing experience.

Do Americans really have subtitles households?

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You can definitely adjust Netflix subtitles, but you're right about piss yellow subs being absolutely fucking disgusting in general. Fuck any faggot typesetter who makes it yellow by default. Especially when you don't even have the option of changing them.

corona chan ist real

"People" who watch english movies with subtitles on are unironically low IQ. They need both audial and visual stimuli at all times just so they can comprehend a basic narrative.