>character has literally no talents, abilities, interests, hobbies or motivation.
Character has literally no talents, abilities, interests, hobbies or motivation
Name 3
like most of Yas Forums?
>character has a dozen of well developed skills and talents, good looking, have regular sex
>still a miserable underachieving loser that spends his time wojakposting with people that has no talents, abilities, interests, hobbies or motivation
Im not sure how I got to this point in my life, much less how do I get out. At least Im not (you) I guess...
Just run down the cast list of Mallrats and Clerks
Do you realize how likely it is you’re just overestimating how skilled and talented you are?
Do you realize how likely it is you’re just underestimating how skilled and talented you are?
>Wow this character is literally me
If having sex and getting a girlfriend won’t motivate me I have no idea what will.
It would seem to be the logical answer and I understand why you feel there is some Don Krugger in here. But trust me. I am skilled at everything Ive ever tried. Still I havent achieved shit and I wont ever achieve shit.
>character is fit and considered attractive
>Achieved career
>Married and have kids
>Buys house
>Has child that will forever remain like a 1 year old
>Gives up career to take care of child
>Constantly caring for said child so begins to neglect self
>Gains 80lbs over 2 years
>Celebrate child's 5th birthday
>Never once stopped loving child
Any movies for this feel?
Any protagonist in a slice of life or harem anime.
>Has child that will forever remain like a 1 year old
Did he die?
There's not shortage of masochist movies.
>character too stupid and poor to get into university
>character has no skills or interest in things that could become trade jobs
what should a character like this do? off themselves?
im literally you without the talent
i think my problem is nothing is valuable
family? marriage?religion?fame?
all i have is sex money and the internet
idonteven use drugs anymore
Join the military. Memes aside, it'll at least give you some skills, and a leg up in law enforcement.
Rip it up and start again
Even animals know this
My life is total dogshit and a complete waste. I don't see it ever getting better at this rate.
>I havent achieved shit and I wont ever achieve shit
Doesn't sound very skilled to me.
I was motivated. Had been exercising a couple years, good physique, then I broke my leg. Took an entire year just to recover. Then a year after that I've just been lazy and depressed because I lost everything I had.
I just started exercising again though.
There are some hobbies you can do. Buy a metal detector, or start fermenting vegetables. Those are fun. Not very social though.
>i'm skilled at everything i do
>i've just never done anything
What are somethings you..uh..your "character" never learned to do or has ever done?
>ride a bike
>drive a car
>actually graduate highschool(just stopped going senior year)
>hugged a girl much less kiss one
>never played a sport on any team outside of pe
>shower more than twice a week
>floss teeth
>got drunk
>tried any drugs harder than advil
>smoked a cig
>have bank account
>have anyone outside of mother call/text me first
Thinking about all the shit normalfags do it's bizarre how they take everything for granted.
>30 is approaching
>parents are getting old
>siblings dont give a fuck about me
just do something, you'll get interested eventually. t. nobody with no skills decided just because I had nothing "welding sounds alright" now im making 70k after 5 years
>character is "the chosen one" or has some kind of special gift/ability/superpower
>character doesn't know how to use a bus or any other public transport
they expect me to believe this shit?
Why'd you drop out of highschool?
is this the power of single moms at work?
Bro are you okay? Do you need a friend?
and Irene
Start drinking. That's what I did and I've never been happier. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, 3pm or 3am; getting shitfaced is my life now.
you gotta have at least one talent
Keeyune from The Fall of Devil (70's TV Series)
Dines from Utility
Walter from Broken Net
This is literally all me and i'm not even kidding
Also i'm 40 year old neet with small dick and no job. Plus still live with parents
World/life be like that if there’s no purpose. I was in the same boat...
Look into Islam to find out Who created you and why... but you need proof it’s real. Muslims say the Qur’an (Word of God) is this proof as it has yet to be replicated since it was revealed 1400 years ago.
So worth looking into at least. I did and it saved my life.
"The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.
If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."
- Hamza Tzortzis
how did it happen?
inshallah brother
this advice will lead to suicide.
>drive through unfamiliar areas, must have someone driven me there multiple times first
>make friends
>get haircuts
>leaving my room
the mallrats liked comicbooks alot
Funny enough I think about killing myself almost every day. Suicidal thoughts have become a normal occurrence.
>character has no friends
>mentally and physically slow
>27 and still a khhv NEET
>still lives with his mum
>no abilities or talents - in a constant state of being mogged
>his only contacts are his two brothers, his mother and father
>only ever had one job at a factory and was fired after a week for holding up the production line and dropping his spaghetti in front of the supervisor
>wants to drive trucks because it's good money and his last chance to be something
>can barely drive an auto car let alone a truck
>main character moves back in with parents after losing job
>secures a new position after about two weeks of searching
>writers introduce global pandemic which wrecks in-universe economy
wtf are they doing? these hacks have had ONE good plotline over the past two seasons, the rest has been shitty filler
pfff haha fucking manchildren
The global pandemic is a pretty decent plotline. I hope we'll get to see some zombies
hey me, except it's just my mother and i and literally no one else
i wanna fucking go back to school but i don't know what to study. i'm thinking of doing a trade but i just don't know, i'm literally directionless and i'm already 28
>floss teeth
>got drunk
Literally nothing is stopping you from doing these at least.
oohhh now there is not sounndd cause we all live undergroundddd
What happened to this little queer?
This is pretty much the only way to keep the bad thoughts out.
>character has no idea what to tell the barber when he gets a haircut
>>only ever had one job at a factory and was fired after a week for holding up the production line and dropping his spaghetti in front of the supervisor
had a trade job a few years ago that i quit over sperging out hard. i was alright until they started learning thing about me from spergisms like being too quiet, stuttering, and not being able to hold conversations. then they learned facts like i still live with my mom and when the foreman found out i dont even have my drivers license in front of everyone he said "jesus hes definitely a virgin."
I tried. I got verbally abused and disrespected for being a puny autistic incel, and I quit. Now NEET for 3 years. I know it wont be different for me no matter where I go, school or work. I'll end up exposed, humiliated, disrespected, and rejected until I fuck up and they have a reason to fire me.
>Character has no talents, but is okay with this because he realizes his value as a person isn't dependent on things like talent or abilities. He understands that almost everyone is just average no matter how much they try to convince themselves otherwise, but despite them most of them manage to be reasonably happy people.
You are better than you think you are user.
im sorry you were raised by degenerates
fucking hell
I can't swim