Why are Soviet propaganda films so much more based than fascist ones?

Why are Soviet propaganda films so much more based than fascist ones?

>actually push film forward
>are surprisingly effective today
>are not boring
>have a few degrees more truth to them than fascist propaganda

People call the Nazis master propagandists, but by my yardstick they weren't shit compared to the Soviets. Only socially maladjusted losers rank fascist propaganda highly, meanwhile every film critic appreciates Eisenstein.

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Watch Chekist

Soviet propaganda films would be shit without Eisenstein. He wasn't the only one making good films, but it was his ideas that led to them being so good

*blocks your path*

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Thank god we have socially mal-adjusted tankies who appreciate true art.

>meanwhile every film critic appreciates Eisenstein.
>(((film critic)))

I'm an antisemite, but this is fucking retarded


>have a few degrees more truth to them than fascist propaganda

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seems like the propaganda worked

Saying "film critics" liking something more makes a film better is 100x more retarded

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Rightists can't into art. Simple as

For sure. I think The Iliad was the last right-wing work worth reading.

I'm not a tankie, faggot.


look how he recoils

Triumph of the Will invented moving cameras, aerial photography, the use of long-focus lenses to create a distorted perspective

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>Triumph of the Will invented moving cameras

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What does this have to do with the USSR?

do Americans actually believe Liberals and the Soviets have anything in common?

Your schools must be interesting

>Triumph of the Will invented moving cameras, aerial photography
It actually didn't invent either of these things. Nice try faggot.

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>fascists' "" "intelligence"""
holy fucking cringe, never forget you simps would be the first to be culled

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Lack of trannies

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When you're speaking to a person with an extremely limited world view, they do their best to approximate what they think you are with what they know.

Since Americans are dumb as rocks, the "left" they know is whatever caricature of liberals they get from American news websites. Since that's their only coordinate for left-wing politics, that's what it must all be.

It's just a symptom of retardation.

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Bern-tards and Leftists in general unironicaly idealize the Soviet Union. Otherwise they wouldn't wave their flags and shit in public.

Are you fucking retarded? Or just disingenuous?

Attached: Leftist Berniebros Parading Soviet Retardation.jpg (1024x768, 227.45K)

>Goebbels as Mickey
cлaвный kino


>all these butthurt Yas Forumscels posting Bernie even though he is seen as a centrist liberal to the non-American left

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>>all these butthurt Yas Forumscels posting Bernie even though he is seen as a centrist liberal to the non-American left

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Trump is the best candidate for communism because he actually gets people to speak out

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>Well he's RIGHT-WING in MY Communist Orwellian shit-hole!

Literally nobody cares about your fucked Overton Box, queer.

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why are you seething so hard? nobody brought up bernie besides you

And here we witness a right-wing mongoloid in his natural habitat. Incapable of having an effect on the world, he resorts to posting hundreds of images nobody looks at in a thread on Yas Forums. Will he win this time? No he won't!

Tragic that people like you don't understand ideology. Can you even explain what the left-right political scale is defined as?

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Making everyone into a cuck

Socialdemokraterna said he'd be in Vänster, maybe you're uninformed?

get load of this faggot

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Martin Shkrelli?

i meant to reply this fucker

Marxist directors: Godard, Antonioni, Pasolini, Bresson

Fascist directors:

>Incapable of having an effect on the world

Aside from getting the President elected in spite of overwhelming institutionalized hatred and triggering right-wing movements all over the fucking West, lol.

Micheal Bay, Stanley Kubrick, Sam Raimi to name a few.

If you like Eisenstein, watch Peleshian. He takes the dialectical editing and makes it circular.

me and my discord group watch that stuff all the time

t. lefty transperson

Because they are made by communists, in other words, people who actually take pride in their labour.

>actually push film forward
Triumph of the Will is regarded as one of the most impactful films ever made
Soviet films suck, I'm sorry

Leftists have always been the more intelligent, more creative, more willing to push boundaries.

This just isn't true.

>Leftists have always been the more intelligent, more creative, more willing to push boundaries.

They literally put people who "push boundaries" in gulags, retard.

>Leftists have always been the more intelligent, more creative, more willing to push boundaries.
Is that why antifags run around the streets punching people with other viewpoints than theirs?

>Triumph of the Will is regarded as one of the most impactful films
lol no it isn't. the fuck are you talking about

Some. They were plenty of innovative artists in the USSR who were free. They were treated much better than in rightist regimes.

Top Gun is the best fascist propaganda film ever.
Starship Troopers is the second best, despite attempting to be anti-fascist

>>actually push film forward

In order to get a film made you had to be well connected politically.
Almost all soviet films were garbage compared to the ones in liberal nations.

Starship Troopers is a pro-fascist movie if you're a retard pleb normie. If you're a kinoisseur you know that it really is parodying fascism.

And here we witness a right-wing mongoloid in his natural habitat. Incapable of having an effect on the world, he resorts to posting hundreds of images nobody looks at in a thread on Yas Forums. Will he win this time? No he won't!

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>Leftists have always been the more intelligent, more creative, more willing to push boundaries.
No, you're thinking of LIBERALS

Leftists are just control freaks that like to control people and they LOVE boundries.

>Some. They were plenty of innovative artists in the USSR who were free. They were treated much better than in rightist regimes.
Almost all of the art was created in liberal, freer societies than top down bureaucratic socialist ones.

>working for a living

I just realized I've been talking with the same 50-100 angry bitter people about politics on Yas Forums for 5 years

>people who actually take pride in their labour

Attached: Leftists and Work Workers against Work Protest.jpg (1024x692, 102.33K)

Artists in capitalist societies yearned for the freedom afforded in the USSR. I won't say the USSR was perfect for artists but it was much better than in Amerikkka, where to get a role in a film you are raped by a rich producer. You get a film produced if it appeals to the dumb masses.

You forgot your meme arrow.
Also, here is your brain, you dropped it

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>Ungrateful, uninformed leftist retards in capitalist societies yearned for the freedom afforded in the USSR as a form of hyperbole.

Fixed that for you.
You're a fucking idiot. If you were in the USSR at the time and openly said you "yearned for the freedom of Capitalist countries" they would literally gulag you, shitwit.
You're not going to win an argument for "the USSR was ACTCHUALLY more free than the US!", chapotranny. It's provably, objectively untrue.

The banner has a picture of people holding a banner.
These people are beyond parody.

>If you were in the USSR at the time and openly said you "yearned for the freedom of Capitalist countries" they would literally gulag you
Amerikkka literally started the war on drugs to lock up subversive black people in prison for life lmao

The Antifa Flag literally has a picture of a flag on it.
This is nothing new.

OK but what if I don't believe in your retarded leftist conspiracy-theories?

and soviets shot you potheads in the head.

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>Artists in capitalist societies yearned for the freedom afforded in the USSR.
How the fuck do people actually get this brainwashed?
America had a massive amount more artists per capita. The means to be able to be an artist were actually put into the hands of people in America due to cheap consumer goods.
In the USSR you had to go through layers and layers of state bureaucracy and/or be well connected.
Why do you people exist? Are you just bootlickers?

>where to get a role in a film you are raped by a rich producer.
Or just save up money/get a loan and make the film yourself?
Also it's better to try to have to impress a producer than to go through statist bullshit.
>You get a film produced if it appeals to the dumb masses.
Wow, you mean SOCIETY? Something the USSR seemed to constantly be against.

>Incapable of having an effect on the world
Well, that is true, because in comparison no rightwingers ever were able to grind the world to a halt with the viral pandemics like the leftists do.

You people are in a religious cult, seriously, wake up.

>started the war on drugs
Drugs were also illegal in the USSR you massive retard.
In fact after the USSR fell, you retards blamed capitalism on russia's drug problem.
Holy fuck make up your mind.

Jason Lmomoa.

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Because you're a communist and you're biased?

You forgot your meme arrow.
Also, here is your brain, you dropped it

Communism is the dumbest religion on earth.

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>freedom afforded in the USSR
Wanna know why no eastern block galery keeps any Normalization made art?

>retarded leftist conspiracy-theories
Happy to teach you history

The American prison population is larger than the Soviet gulag population at its peak. That is the capitalist efficiency of private prisons!

>In the USSR you had to go through layers and layers of state bureaucracy
What do you think happens in Amerikkka user? What do you think filming licenses are? lol
>Also it's better to try to have to impress a producer than to go through statist bullshit.
lmao you think it's better to be raped than fill out paperwork holy shit liberals are mentally fucked

Based Stonetoss

>You forgot your meme arrow.
>Also, here is your brain, you dropped it
A person with 10 reddit tabs open typed this post.