Masks in movies

Now that wearing masks in public is now a norm, who has the best masks in kino history?

Attached: Baldwin IV.jpg (707x343, 17.76K)

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don't you just loooooove halloween?

I didn't realize that was Edward Norton until someone mentioned it years later.

trick or treat

I love the masks in Eyes Wide Shut.

har dee har. let me see your work id


no id, no party

We are anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget

Expect us

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where did the wife leave that invitation?

The Masketta Man In The Iron Mask

Attached: bane.jpg (960x956, 62K)

Which is your favorite?
For me, it's the Moon

Attached: masks.jpg (912x1024, 61.59K)

id, not iv

>yfw you found out Baldwin IV didnt actually wear a cool mask

Top left, for the hat and reminds me of a plague doctor

How many times has TDK's meme magic affected real-life?

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"my bad"

For me it's a simple hockey mask

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I’ve lost count.

maybe i left it in my other pants

Good shit.

Unbeatable. The only real contenders are the Big Guy and Immortan Joe.
Does this count?

Attached: JackBauerArmyofOnebyCraig[1].jpg (1360x768, 366.05K)


Attached: simo-hayha-mask.jpg (600x319, 18.24K)

/film/ version

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The mask

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The Purge movies suck but at the very least they had some kino masks.

Attached: The Purge Masks.jpg (3840x2160, 2.14M)

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this party is embarrassing. can't we stir things up a little?

>everyone else is wearing masks
>me walking around not giving a shit

Attached: Batman_Returns_-_Wayne_and_Shreck.jpg (1200x793, 133.22K)

That fucking scene...

i'm on it

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go get 'em


Wish I could wear a kino mask these days... but I cant even wear a regular one because my nose is strangely jew-shaped. wish i was joking KEK

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who's that green guy?

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Can somebody stop... him from going outside?

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Francis Dolarhyde

Attached: Francis Dolarhyde.png (546x711, 187.36K)

> I cant even wear a regular one because my nose is strangely jew-shaped
You could always go for a classic plague doctor mask. Very relevant to the times, too.

Attached: Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(coloured_version).png (570x798, 905.35K)

>not posting the superior manhunter version

Attached: manhunter_dollarhyde.jpg (800x523, 45.68K)

you better cover young lady. you might catch a chest cold

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>implying Bruce Wayne isn't his mask

mfw I was the first user to post a picture of himself in a V mask

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maybe this is more of a helmet but still cool

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all are good.

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She does

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Are you my mummy?

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These are actually bretty gud.

the best

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I've been wanting to go around a con in one of those costumes for years and years,

Attached: Plague Doctor 1580178728510.jpg (680x497, 67.52K)

fucking retard lol

was just gonna post this and even if you think the new movies are shit the designs are still pretty good

in GIF form.

Attached: GIF.gif (245x300, 746.98K)

Second movie was better.
Well, the movie was still pretty crap, but Snake Eyes looked better. Those lips were dumb.

Attached: Snake-Eyes & Scarlett1370635389329.jpg (900x1165, 403.26K)

its hard to screw up. even avp had cool looking masks despite most of the predators looking too bulky

would Inside Man count as mask kino?

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I'm a little disappointed that Yas Forums hasn't been constantly bane-posting lately. I only ever actually watched the movie once and I don't know the character bg, but my impression of the film was that he had some legit breathing problem, a la Darth Vader.

Somehow that's simultaneously both based and cringe. Congrats on being the living embodiment of Yas Forums.

i actually liked this movie. the scene with the necromongers invading that religious planet was super neat

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