What the Fuck

How is this possible? How the fuck have we gotten to this point?

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It should be legal to hunt these people for sport

how can retarded people make so much money bros

Letting children use the internet. It ruined youtube since they realized children draw in the most ad revenue so they push those channels and annihilate everything else.

that is still less than 3% of the US population. i wonder how these videos don't have more views.

i use a vpn and no cookies and these videos are all i see when i go to youtube. they are the default recommendation videos.

the colors are hurting my eyes

kids who start surfing YouTube at 3 years-old and hundreds of millions of people in developing countries liking, subscribing and commenting on every fucking thing that ever pops into their recommendations

what are they doing that's so wrong?

they're wh*te

contributing to the stultification of young minds and dumbing down the culture more generally.

the mass media already does a pretty good job of that already.

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lmao what the fuck

Link for this?
I want to find out what this is all about

If the parents put that shit in their hands to get rid of them, then that's honestly their problem. Ten years ago, the same parent would just sit the kid in front of television.

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>go to youtube
>post screen cap of your recommended videos
>be judged by Yas Forums for your viewing habits

Youtube when I was growing up:
>Happy Tree Friends
>Lego Videos
Youtube now:
>Everything is pandered to children for monetary purposes

This is disgusting and wrong. It's always been apparent YouTube is a platform for teens and adults. Letting kids use it, let alone unsupervised is a fucking disaster.
They're either going to get jewed out of their parent's money, become addicted to lets plays and video games or their mind will be warped at a very young age by some Elsagate shit.

The internet is not a place for children, stop trying to make it that way.

not that bad i think

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>Millenials: Oh my god, Boomers are the worst parents, they're so selfish, they got all these handouts and they won't share their wealth with their children.
>Also Millenials: Literally let a tablet babysit their child in public instead of trying to get them to engage with the world.
I see it so much and it's fucking disgusting.
I grew up glued to a television but when my Dad would take me out somewhere, he'd always talk to me and try and teach me things, I don't know what kids without that do.

>How is this possible? How the fuck have we gotten to this point?

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Me on the right.

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In 30 years (assuming we aren't all dead from societal collapse) putting kids in front of an Ipad will be seen like giving kids cigarettes.

It's all DBZ clips and MRE videos.

was it kino

>watching youtube like cable TV
The cancer is metastatic, but it was inside you all along :^)

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retards are a majority and they feed each other

Was thinking you were kinda gay until I saw Frank Hassle

>i wonder how these videos don't have more views.

the competition is intense

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>Literally let a tablet babysit their child in public instead of trying to get them to engage with the world.
But that's GenX, not Millenials

undeniably BASED

just activate windows already, asshole

It's both. Millennials are 30 now dude.

>8 year old cousin visiting my parents and wants to use my PS4 as a youtube machine while I'm playing PC
>plays one of these horrid videos
>out of curiosity, take off my headphone and see what is this shit
>two retards immediately talk faster than busta rhymes, jump-cutting, doing weird as fuck things extremely fast
>one just brings a watermelon, just slams his head in
>other one eats jello a lot for some reason
>as the watermelon guy tries to clean his face off, the other guy looks uncomfortable for some reason
>"okay this looks stupid but I expected wor-"
>second guy fucking pukes jello right at the empty husk of the watermelon
>they put it on the fridge and then take it off after it solidifies
>this is a "challenge" on who eats it the most without puking
>left the room and just wait for the horror to end
>this has 11 million views

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True, but they're having kids way later than previous generations.

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Women can't have kids past 36 so they better get on that.

this is going to give kids weird fetishes


I miss when Totally Spies gave me weird fetishes. Atleast that was a good show

>2020, I am vindicated

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Frank Hassle posted was in the link YouTube thread. That's likely how that happened.

Eh, nothing outrageous

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More like scary Janny Green Alien

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Yes, the solution to our modern ills is to live in poverty, work 16 hour days just to survive and die at age 30.

Ted's Utopia is already here, it's called Africa.


>watching anything on YouTube other than borko's Soprano's compilations

>society has evolved poorly after the industrial revolution
>therefore we should all shit into our hands like barbarians
teddy boy makes marx look moderate


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>shitting into your hand like a barbarian

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So you are gay and dyslexic, baka

youtube recommends garbage no matter what

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Gotta battle one extreme with another.

Youtube is such cancer they still put all of the normie crap on my front page even though I avoid it like the plague. They can't take a hint I'm not interested in their garbage.

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good taste, here's mine

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good shit
watch misesmedia videos
watch peter schiff

They're gaming the algorithm with basic psychology. The bright colors immediately attract attention, and the exaggerated emotions of the basedface engender curiosity. Also 90% of those views are probably kids who easily drawn in by that shit.

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>inb4 pedo

nah i was watching videos of dads scaring toddlers, shit is funny

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Based reaction chad loving kimchi &tofu 's reaction to JoJo

I’ve got nothing but cunny.

>tfw you let your 5 year old use a tablet for 5 minutes and they end up watching Spiderman Elsa inflation fart prank GONE SEXUAL

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based youtube recommending me alison vids

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Children are always the easiest market to capture. And think about it this way, youtube locking down kids is why hollywood is dying.