Is he the closest we have to a modern Rodney Dangerfield?
Patton Oswalt
but did he kill his wife
Take my dead wife, please. I've already got another one.
Did you take your schizo meds?
Did Dangerfield ever kill his wife?
didnt this nigga overdose his wife and get remarried real quick?
>Did you take your schizo meds?
What's it like knowing your minimum wage fast food job will never give you a better life that Patton Oswalt's?
Grow a chin schizo.
100% he killed his wife.
100% you live with your mom.
maybe he can borrow one of yours
Go back to Yas Forums skinhead.
I don't believe he killed her, but I do believe he let her die like Walt did with Jane in Breaking Bad.
lose some weight fatton you little manlet
Wanna know how I know you've never touched a woman?
Is that what your mom's bull said when you came out?
He's the closest thing we have to a modern Fatty know because they're both murders.
projection, lose some weight fat ass
Why does he look like a broke down Mr. Potato that pan fried his wife?
Not him but keep on projecting like a bitter virgin.
you taking out your bernie frustration here tranny?
sure you arent lmao
Don't you have a date with that cross eyed woman at Waffle House that talks like Sylvester the cat?
Patton Oswalt constantly molests his daughter.
>you're an incel
>no wait, you date ugly woman
Don't you have a date with a chilly dog, fatso?
Whatever floats your boat.
>sorry Doug but I'm going to stare at your wife's ass.
The worst thing about Patton is the hypocrisy
Did you ever have a date outside the family tree?
oh boy, next comes the wojacks
Didn't you go through school never having a date?
Well, the murder, then the hypocrisy.
and the scheming, the wife killing scheming
Then the libel and you losing in court.
Why do you speak like your Taco Bell salary can beat a rich celebrity in court?
How does it feel knowing you're going to be sued for slander?
I'd actually welcome the lawsuit. Then I'd countersue and prove you were responsible for the death of your wife, like what happened to OJ.
Is it true that Patton Oswalt murdered his wife? I've heard multiple rumors about this whole situation of Patton Oswalt being a killer, specifically of his wife, and I wanted to know: Is it true? DID Patton Oswalt orchestrate the premeditated assassination of his wife?
Not him you schizo.
What's your favorite King of Queens episode?
ive seen his standup before and turned it off after 5 minutes, he is cringey
sure you will, faggot
He surpassed him
The one where Doug, Deacon, and Arthur were hanging out with each other during the strike
Does your dead wife count?
Rodney? No because even if she tried, she'd haunt him and give him shit every day. He got no respect, no respect at all.
Look at this clown
Hi Patton!
You killed your wife. You will answer to God for what you have done.
Take your meds.
Your mom?