Why did he give free candy to all the rich kids but not charlie?

Why did he give free candy to all the rich kids but not charlie?

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He didn't like Charlie

You have to bribe the rich kids to stay quiet. No one cares if a poor kid gets diddled, so Charlie could blab to his heart's content.

All the rich kids’ credit is good. They have tabs.

Charlie’s credit score is shite. He has to pay with cash.

Riff Raff is bad for business. The rich kids will buy twice as much as he gives out, but not even Charlie's stink drives them out. He's a shrewd businessman.

how in the fuck can you manage to keep a shop open selling nothing but candy. makes no goddamn sense.

It's a front for his sex trafficking operation. You really need to learn the lore.

There was a time when people cared more about quality than convenience. They'd rather go to specialized shops instead of big box stores filled with cheap crap.

$12 a box of 2 apparently

Sweet shops used to be huge business, supermarket's absolutely killed them

you really are a retarded faggot user.

what retarded question is this, the product margins are great, probably makes less than a cent to make a sweet and the fat kids can't stop coming back over and over again

While not common, shops like this still exist in my country.

He didn’t.
They probably paid him afterwards.

Plus it was a musical number.

Because the candy man can.

A few are still around, mostly tied to a big producer like Cadbury or Darrel Lea

For me, it's a slugworths sizzler

Get the fuck out this is a Wonka board

Based and slugpilled.

Slugcuck's should fucking hang

>There still isn't a better YTP than Will Wonk and the Chalk Factory


>hasn't seen boggle crunch


For me, it's the Scrumdidilyumptious

>For me, it's a slugworths sizzler

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Both of those are trash.

>hasn't seen full metal jackoff, half metal overcoat or hank of the hill

Is it strange that as a kid I thought Mike Teevee's mom was attractive

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How the fuck do you remember that? I remember nothing from childhood.

The rich kids all had tabs, Charlie was straight out of credit.

Capitalists hate the poor

>Charlie takes his deadbeat Grandpa instead of his worked to death mother to the chocolate factory
What a little asshole.

They're in the US, they're just solely in malls and airports.

Literally Soul vs. Soulless in movie form

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90s born queers were a mistake

Didn't the critics fucking despise this movie when it came out?

Was Slugworth a personification of sodomy and an allegory for children to avoid the temptation of such a sin?

I don't think he was even in the book.

>movie adaptations can't have allegories the books didn't

I know Roald Dahl hated the movie.

Drugs really hit you hard huh?

based zoomer

metaphor for the FED

He's mentioned in passing as a competitor but is never a character or personified.

How do you know im a 90s born queer
How do you know I've done drugs
Im anonymous how do you know so much about me.

Because I've done drugs too and have no doubt fucked my head. Sometimes projections ring true.

Well, they changed up his screenplay quite a bit, although they arguably improved it. Regardless, it wasn't his vision. That's why he hated it.

Only better parts of original was the candyman music number and Gene Wilder Wonka, Burton blows the original out of the water, get fucked nostalgiacuck.

They still exist in America. There's one by the beach.

Probably because they molested the memories out of you

>simping this hard for burton

>letting your nostalgia control your judgement
>using twitterfag buzzwords

We even had one in the small town I lived in a few years ago, the only reason these places have a chance of survival in modern times is they import more exotic stuff from all over that you can't get at the grocery store.

what the fuck does this even mean and why is it the current zoomer poof buzz word?

Why do boomers call queermoes poofs?

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poofs is strictly bong/aus slang
which is funny cuz their suuper duper gay

Know how his bread is buttered dummy.
Give rich kids free candy now they beg their parents to take them there later.
Then they grow up and are nostalgic about his candy shop.
My nigga is playing the long game. He ain't about to get played by some broke ass grandpas boy

zoom zoom zoom

Strike that. Reverse it

White privilege

based. it's not without it's flaws but it's the better adaptation

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I work at one during Christmas, most orders are seasonal and there's also coffee. Most of the customers are old people