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Anyone got a stream link?

Tonychads can I get a KANGOROO

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>controls the jury vote

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Me personally? I'm rooting for Tony

non bmx stream

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*blocks your path*

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the hero Survivor didn't deserve

Rubs his dick on your path

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Is Adam based or cringe?

>Creates the split vote in your path

is /bb/ cancelled this year

>David admitted that his dick didn't work for two weeks after survivor

bros, I don't think I would be able to compete, this is too much...

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As much hate as Adam gets I appreciate players who think outside the box like that.


vote holohoax survivor out

Lol I remember Cesternino saying he never lost his libido but just didn't want to jerk it on cam

Cringe as a player but pretty based in his role as the punching bag this season.

people isolated in a house for months, /bb/ is made for a shelter-in-place pandemic

God damn Danni looking rough

Yeah but if one of the producers manages to pass it to a HG it will rip through the house.

> you will never watch people dying of coronavirus live on cam


in every episode he gets into trouble (cringe) but somehow manages to survive (based).

he's a really smart player who makes these goofy gaffes all the time. he's entertaining tv.

>flip it at F5
>win the game after making fire


Ben's using the Fabio method of playing.

maybe fall season

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chinese takeout as reward, enjoy your rona!

Just imagine Shelby alternately laughing and then coughing, laughing and coughing

So which Survivor winners were left out of this season? I know the last 2 were left out cuz too recent, and I think Richard Hatch is a sex offender now or something, but who else was left out?

Source? What caused that lol

hey hey grilled bat ain't so bad

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Is that Will? Wtf is up with the hair?
also pony


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A fair number of the older winners don't have a good rep with CBS I believe.

based Sarah helping our boy


Fuck, now I want some pf changs

i hate getting caught up in the mument


>Wtf is up with the hair?
That's his trademarked bed hair. He's had the salt and pepper look since bb15, though now it's all salt.

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>Ben could have a five-some at the reward

he is seething

I think that's the coin Rob and Sandra used in one of their lessons

The meta has gone too far

>*unleashes cock*
>Michele, jump on THIS!

Michele is winning this season isn't she?


Is it safe to say they’re going to do a new school vs old school returnee season eventually ?

based James

Parvati or Rob, lad

did sarah always do the toothpick in mouth gig?

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missed the first 30 mintues

anything crazy happen?

Gonna need a screencap of Sophie flashing those headlights

I doubt it, I feel like they were saving that gimmick just for this season. Even if they do second chances again it might not have too many old players.

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sure, 20 seasons from now, Ben and Adam will be considered old school




>all this licensed music


nusurvivor sure is cringe