King Tutankhamun

Cast him.

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michael sera


anyone from Yas Forums

Why is he holding cane in other hand and not next to fucked up ffoot?

>when your mom is your aunt

He's retarded

Does a cane work like that? Wouldn't you want to be holding it in the hand with the weak leg?

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When I had to walk with a cane, I found I had less pain in my bad leg if I used it on my good side, since I could keep my weight shifted to that side and off my bad knee.

ezra miller

because this is how canes are used.


Why? There was nothing remarkable about his life.

Finn Wolfhard.

>According to ancient aliens guys, his father was an alien.
This is what happens when you racemix kids.

What a perfect body.

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Wow, so this is the power of racial (((((((purity)))))))

this its just a boomer fuckin meme. id rather every boomer died of corona than have to put up with 1900s memes anymore

>kangs and shiet

so this is the ancestor of europeans

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Oh well enlighten me. What did he do beside get born with a bunch of inbred deformities and die?

Fake news, THIS is a real Egyptian

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Beat me to it

Nubian era maybe. 25th dynasty. Tut was from 18th.

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Here comes the RACISTS

dem hips

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1900s memes are great. Go watch another tiktok video fag

This guy reigned supreme?

Born rich makes you famous with idiots

See trump, paris hilton etc. Although oddly enough paris is a better business man. Lol


Thats what happens with inherited wealth is allowed desu. Have you seen the walton retards

But can you walk like that?

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>This guy reigned supreme?

No. He was murdered in his adolescence because he was literally retarded.

Daily reminder that if you're a male born with this kind of phisique, you're obliged to transition (without cutting your dick obviously) so you can become a fucktoy for the rest of the boys

shut the fuck up you god damned sodomite pervert

He's right though

Yeah this pretty much
But preferably closed to like a femboy than full on tranny since it's more aesthetic

>Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun

This explains Britain

based as fuck

Daily reminder that anyone that thinks transitioning is a viable solution to anything is a braindead retard

Holy fuck

this always fucking crack me up you're supposed to workout everything in your body not just one part

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He isn't though

jason blaha has his sąme body type

John Boyega.

his daughters would be perfecf

>mfw i just noticed the face in the blue ball

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You're supposed to use it on your good side.

Admittedly no.

>Be random asshole in the 1300s
>Be born crippled and deformed due to inbreeding.
>your birthright has made you a king despite being too young and too feeble of mind and body to rule.
>die of multiple maladies before accomplishing anything of note
>be so unimportant grave is barely touched
>4000 years later literal boomers come across your grave and consider you to be the greatest of all your lineage and contemporaries simply for having almost nothing stolen in your tomb.


What was wrong with him? Inbreeding, polio, chariot accident?

bugman skull

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, Reddit.

SS+GOMAD does it again