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I’m into ugly bastard so I would hit on that.

based and NTRpilled

Um hello, based department?

I hate when faggots make tinder accounts and put their sex as female so they can match with straight guys, makes me want to kill a fag.

It's true. Same as how most of the people who complain about the negros behave more like negros than upstanding WASPs.

>gay dudes be fisting their boyfriends asses "we're just like everybody else, why do people still treat us differently?"

I swipe super fast so im always worried ill accidentally match one

They get off on shocking "normies". Same reason why fags here spam tranny porn. The fundamental nature of homosexuality is to destroy normalcy. It's why they wanted gay marriage. You think faggots care about getting married? No they just wanted to pervert the concept.

you fuck man ass, faggot

Gays are disgusting and will fuck just about anyone. Theres so few of them they basically have to.

i'm fucking ugly and ive been hit on by many gay dudes. there are a lot of ugly gay dudes

>tfw unironically heard two of my gay coworkers talking about inviting me out then roofy'ing me

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hey might be a fun night

>'people' who engage with random joes to suck their cocks in bus stations pretend to have standards.

You are a fucking faggot enabler for not going straight to HR.

How else we gonna get quick dick tho lol

>straight dudes don't care if you're gay
in your dreams, faggot

Gays cannot be Chads.

gay dudes be like "i got HIV from the bathhouse poop orgy"

report them


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>implying faggots wouldn't hit on that if he had a big dick
Fags will literally fuck ANYTHING.

gay people eat da poo poo and then want human rights

in my twink days of yesteryear I always carried a Saint Laurent bandana that my girlfriend bought for me and so many fags hit on me. I didn't know about the whole bandana thing at that point.


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When I went to a gay bar for a gay friend's birthday party, I was kinda insulted that my other straight friend got hit on more than I did.

Too bad this thread is off topic.

Just tell them they don’t need to roofie you for that.

top fucking kek

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Do you know how they get it? HIV infects the semen and when a gay dude ejactulates into the anus of another gay dude, his anus absorbs the semen into the bloodstream. Remember, the anus is a open wound for the most part.

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>gays continue to find ways for people to dislike them

Truly mentally ill

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You're right about most of that except tranny porn, that's popular because lonely straight guys have a hard time imagining themselves with a woman and think a guy that's basically a woman (I know in reality they aren't but we're talking fantasy here) would be easier somehow.

I'd be pretty flattered if a gay guy hit on me, it wouldn't really bother me if he continued to do it after me saying I'm not gay.

choot them before they r8pe yuo

What was it like? I’ve never been to one, closest I’ve been was an empty lesbian bar with my ex girlfriend.

Yeah you heard what I said faggot.

This dick has been in a woman once, and it only got hard fantasizing about men.

How does it feel knowing a completely gay guy has had sex with a (8/10 18yo) woman and you haven't? Seriously I suspect half this board is in the closest and the other half is simply jealous even gay guys are more interesting to women than you

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Nothing more cool and manly than sucking a cock.

It’s loud and annoy like every gay person. I how they never let them reopen.

shut up faggot

Yes we're all very jealous of you being fucked in the anus.

I went to a gay gym in Toronto and gay men will hit you non stop even if you are ugly

> cant be a neckbeard if you got no neck

LOL. Thank you in advance for the gold, kind strangers.

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HR are faggot enablers you fucking retard, with no proof or backup user will just get laughed at and maybe fired

You're larping and your thighs are fat

Exactly. And to go even further, faggotry is all about sex, even more than heterosexuality, if you can comprehend that.
It's only about the fucking part. There is no part about a responsible future together or a unit that really helos eachother.
LGBT community are the most toxic shits to eachother. Them saying they support eachother is only for the sex and not support of some generous or benevolent unit.
The homosexual lust is weak and will sacrifice for its partner. It has no strength. Heterosexual love between man and wife can build a family, a city, a nation. Homosexuality is the ENDS to a family, city or nation brought upon by symptoms of societal collapse.
Jews enforcing it in media only hastens collapse so they may buy everything super cheap once collapsed and rebuild into an even further controlled, martial law soviet-like jew order. I have spoken.

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nice try but i read my bible

>t.NTR heroine

fags are wild, my brother knows some literal crackhead homo who swore up and down that its just a myth that aids affects faggots more than normal people

*The homosexual lust is weak and will not sacrifice for its partner

Gay people hit on straight men all the time. A gay guy I work with constantly says stuff that a woman would report you for. Also I've had random gay men walking down the street at night ask me in coded language if I want to fuck.

Exactly correct.

Based gay men dabbing on angry incels

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post buoy poochie or gtfo

>tfw bi but too scared to ever attempt anything gay irl

They pretend they're better than that but they love the "conquest" of a straight person

Until an incel dabs back and shoots up a night club, kek

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I matched with a few dudes on tinder. Mostly because I thought it was funny to swipe right on a dude.
Then I let them on a bit. I went on dates with maybe 2. They insisted on paying for everything. Nice guys but I'm not gay or anything. Always said I thought about it but I'd ghost them if we did get to a date.
Jokes on them though in the end lol.

AKA a homsoexual who is in denial who goes out and takes 1000+ dicks up the ass and brings HIV and other STDs to his gf/wife. Basically a literal disease vector.

guys will fuck anything it's just that women are much less likely to have sex with a random stranger in a gas station bathroom

gay people be like "I have to take expensive medication every month so i don't die because my sexual proclivities are so perverse and against nature that I'm being punished for it"