What are some good movies to watch while on LSD?

What are some good movies to watch while on LSD?

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Either something very visual that you don't really have to totally pay attention to like Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Enter the Void, Alice in Wonderland, The 1970's Willy Wonka movie. Or something super familiar you've seen 1000 times just for comfy background noise/images while you blast off.

Sorta depends on how much you're doing too.

Inland Empire.

Cannibal Holocaust
Road Warrior
Bill and Ted
Chicken Run

I've never done acid but I've always heard that trying to watch a movie on it is just a waste of a trip.

How do you get LSD as a neet shut in?

whatever you like and/or something you've never seen that have heard good things about.

that's because you're a retard who hangs out with obnoxious hippies

Attached: Dredd.jpg (259x384, 19.84K)

Across the Universe has a tripped-out jukebox version on it's DVD menu I watched in college high as a kite and it's p good. That is if you're not a contrarian who doesn't like the Beatles

Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird

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Enter the Void

You cook it yourself


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Natural Born Killers?

>liking the beatles
why waste a trip on music like that?

Get in

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Amazing on Acid

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grow up user

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Tron Legacy

here user, watch this, and don't take this request lightly, it'll be awhile before someone recommends this again.

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I watched Sucker Punch on the cinema, had a blast.
Someone up there said Chicken Run, not a bad choice, even better if you haven't seen it.
Though it's a waste of a trip. Feels like 15 minutes if you are having a good time.

immersive as fuck, you will feel like you're in fucking belfast getting shot by micks

dark web
though shrooms are better than acid, and those are even easier for a neet to get

they really aren't, shrooms are just an 8 hour stress headache, whereas acid and cactus are completely based

Antrum: The deadlist film ever made
El Topo
Sante Sangre

this is explicitly a speed movie, retard

men in black
wild wild west

srs OP, if you really want to dose to something, this is it. only replying to myself for your own good.

Altered States
Being There
Concerts you like
Dr Strangelove

The real utility for shrooms is microdosing. 1/10th to 1/20th of a "normal" dose and it winds up just behaving like the greatest antidepressant ever invented.
Also every time I've eaten or drunk san pedro I power-vomit my soul up and feel like shit for the entire trip. Extract the pure mesc powder from the cactus pulp using the old naphtha method and the experience is so much nicer.

you shouldn't do the powder you should cure the cactus, cut it right and make tea.

Swallow your buffalo, don't let your neck react
You don't wanna see my hand where my hand be at

That's what I mean, every time I drink that tea I get the pukes. There's gotta be some nausea-causing alkaloids that get left behind when you extract the good stuff, because pure mescaline powder is smooth sailing for me.

whatd he mean by this?


Trust me, OP

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Right, when I say cut it right, the white waxy part in the cactus flesh and the wax coat around the cactus skin contain most of the stomach-buggery alkaloids. If you cut them out, you get minimal nausea. It still tastes horrible though.

He meant that he's the slickest they is, he's the slickest they is, he's the slickiwickiwickest they is.

ty user

My friends aren't really into movies so I haven't seen any on acid yet, but the visuals in this look perfect for it.

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>aren't into movies
what do you guys doing tripping, stare at the wall?

Taking long walks, talking, and some music videos mostly.

you can talk over anything though, especially a movie.

Also a little staring at the wall honestly. My friend's basement's walls and ceiling are completely covered with tapestries.

nothing wrong with staring at a good wall or two but at least have a movie or some music going...

Oh there's always music and occasionally music videos.

>lot of music
user, I don't want to alarm you by hardselling this post, but you really might like

the never ending story
fantastic Mr Fox
fantastic planet
the lord of the rings animated version

i watched the star trek episode of black mirror and a few others on acid and it was intense

Speed Racer

it wasnt a good idea really i should have watched something more uplifting

itt: junkies

enter the void

>no fountain recommendation yet
pleb board
fuck no, you'd be tweaking if you watched this shit

Attached: The Fountain.webm (800x400, 2.98M)

Planet Earth is the right answer. It will blow your mind and you will have constant revelations

I promise.

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Ironically it is usually those things not designed for tripping that provide the most bang.

this, some of the best movies ive watched tripping were just beautiful or thought provoking.

This user knows

Yes, because experiencing LSD in nature is far less of a natural experience than staring at a TV screen, ya fucking tard

right, experiencing it in nature, just like the man who discovered it intended. Do you hear yourself talk user?

> (You)
>This user knows
Damn I didn't realize the digits of truth. The digits know.

Clearly you've never taken it in the forest. You would agree with me otherwise.

You can only do that so many times, user. It becomes as stale as watching the same movie over and over again.

watched this last time I did lucy. Not that great of a movie but dat soundtrack


How many times must it be done? I do acid every few years and it hasn't gotten stale yet.

>every few years
why are you giving advice then?