ITT: controversial Yas Forums opinons

I did not care for the grand budapest hotel

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I don't remember this movie being particularly liked or hated here.

Also Joker is plainly awfully average.
And those thread are almost always full of poser that says "It's not controversial/wow so brave"

that's only controversial if you're among hipsters

everything since rushmore has been just plain garbage

I don’t think that every A lister is a pedophile lizardman

I didn't think Thin Red Line was particularly pretentious

>controversial on Yas Forums
getting shitfaced and watching shit movies in theaters with friends is fun.

I like Uwe Boll

That’s one of the few Andersons I enjoy. Darjeeling, Mr Fox and Moonrise rub me the wrong way

apocalypse now is pretentious wankery

Fuck you coletrain!

Royal Tenenbaums is his best film.

I don't think Yas Forums is a very good board

This would be be considered controversial in Reddit but

I started to watch Community and I can't find something special in it.

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i don't mind black people or women in movies

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Also, pandorum is fucking shit.

that's agreed upon, dummy

That's not Mr. Fox.

is that john oliver

Godfather III > II > I
Apocalypse Now Final Cut > Redux > 1979 Cut
Back To The Future 2 >3 > 1
Star Wars: pic related
Brian De Palma is the greatest male director of all time
Kathryin Bigelow is the greatest female director of all time
Sofia Coppola is the second greatest female director of all time
The only flawlessly good science fiction film is Dark Star
Sex scenes elate movies
Cinecittà > Hollywood
Nichijou is the only good anime series
The newer a Coen brothers film is, the better it is

-but I accept that their suffrage has been the downfall of western civ.

Forgot pic related on Star Wars

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Season 1 of The Sopranos is the best

BCS > BrBa

I don't really watch Yas Forums or movies. Frankly I think they are a waste of time, and to call any form of acting artistic when a green screen is involved is an offense to the arts.
I come to this board solely to shit post, and occasionally lurk to catch up on new trends that are being talked about (tiger king).
TV rots your brain, has no philosophical or artistic merit, and is only entertaining to those who have to shut their brain down for a bit. People who use tv and movies as a form of identity belong against the wall. Looking at you Marvel, Harry Potter, GoT, etc.

cringe opinion but ok

What do you enjoy then?

The reason i hate black people and women in movies is because they are never interesting characters. It's like hollywood never learned how to write for them or completely forgot. There are occasional good female and black characters but its becoming so fucking rare it's embarrassing for them.
>every black movie nowadays: MAH OPPRESSION/MAH SLAVERY
>every female driven movie nowadays: I'M EMPOWERED, GIRL BOSS, WE NEED MORE FEMALE SERIAL KILLERS

Probably the most atrocious examples of both are Black Panther and Monster.

one of each off the top of my head that don't piss me off on sight.
>Sarah Connor

Very popular opinion user

>I didn't think Thin Red Line was particularly pretentious

The action scenes are so intense that the introspective breaks are a good thing and they build up why you should be interested in the characters. The contrast also heightens the sense of horror.

Paedophilia is wrong and immoral

/out/ and /diy/ stuff

eh, i can get that but i don't really mind it
you say it as if that's always the case but really is just a handful of movies that are like that

who told you that? The big bad gubbmint? You're a sheeple

Movies like Drive and Joker shouldn't be idolized

This. Fuck pedos
shoo shoo libertarian

i think Terrence Malick movies are very simple


is that supposed to mean they're well done though

It's not black or female characters this piss me off it is more their movies. The thing is I would have agreed with you a few years ago, but recently with all the woke crap it has become so obnoxious.

I had to go see aladinn remake (family shit) the empowerment of Jasmin was so cringe. Look up the lyrics for her song. It's not even subtle shit like "I HAVE A VOICE NOW". There was a really cringe line that Lindsay Ellis pointed out in her woke disney video that I caught as well. Jasmin is bitching about the monarchy and is like "The people in charge don't know what their doing......I would do a better job". Basically this monarchy wouldn't be bad if I was in charge. lol fuck u jasmin.

Also black movies....please name a black dominated cast movie that doesn't constantly bring up the theme of oppression or slavery. It's like holocaust movies at this point. At a certain point i just see the trailer and think "seen that before". Best black dominated cast movie i've seen is Black Dynamite.


getting shitfaced with friends is always fun no matter what you do
god I miss my old friends, people I've met after graduating from high school aren't the same at all

they are. another director has done the hidden life and it's a dreadful tv movie your religion teacher put on when she can't be bothered to teach.

malick elevates the subject though through craft

>pandorum is fucking shit
Yeah. But once those blue cat aliens have been genocided for good, it might become a nice place to spend your vacation.

Only star wars movie I have ever seen is The Force Awakens. Wasn’t impressed with what I saw and will probably never watch a single Star Wars movie again.

Enemy was pointless and confusing

EoE is the greatest animated film of all time

The best of anime is better than the vast majority of film and television.

It's a bad time to start watching SW anyways. If you haven't seen it years ago, don't bother getting into it now.

ok sure, i guess you're right at some level, but even then, what's the problem with it? i really don't mind it
i can get that it can get annoying, and desu it looks like it's just Yas Forums who gets annoyed by shit like that and the rest don't; i just don't mind it, not sure what else to say


i disagree
i love pandorum
not all of it but the backstory was great and the end reveal was fantastic and unexpected.

ye the characters drew me in and i'm a sitcom addict for scrubs, parks and rec, friend, frasier etc

>the best of a medium is better than the average-bad of another medium
you don’t say

the average anime is worst than the vast majority of average film and television

You are going to make it user.

Yeah. That's not how movies work. Shit script. Shit editing. Embarrassing acting. Even that ending you're talking about was contrived.

This is an opinion thread. Not facts.

I really like Alien vs Predator 2. Enjoyed it so much, I was genuinly surprised how hated it is. I mean Alians and Predators fucking up a small town in todays earth? Fuck yeah! I wished it had had some more military vs aliens scenes though.


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It's an often shit-upon medium, and I would maintain that shows like Bebop and Evangelion have every bit as much artistic merit as shows like Sopranos, and films like Grave of the Fireflies, EoE, even most Miyazaki, are better than most non-animated films.

i didn't say it wasn't bad
but it certainly isn't unpopular to dislike that movie

It’s so bad it’s funny

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Not that guy but for me it depends on the movie. A lot of shit today is either a remake or historical/based on a book and making half the characters non-white in a movie about the middle ages break the immersion and is cringe.

i tried to watch Bepop but i cringed so hard at the opening i had to turn it off

Talkies were a mistake
fight me

what is a good board?

Yas Forums is the only place in the world where people still praise that shit film. I bet the original filmmakers are embarrassed.


yeah i guess that example makes no sense but, again, i don't really see a problem with it
ehhh, i guess we just have different opinions

Based Godfather III aficionado.

The first scene of the first episode was a cold open if I remember correctly, rather than the intro sequence, and it was pure, unadulterated kino. Followed by possibly the most kino intro sequence a show ever had. I think you might just be a pleb, user.

super cringe

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