I don't even need to watch it, to know this movie is right

I don't even need to watch it, to know this movie is right

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Yes incels are right about basically everything

Heres your incel bro.

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Cope harder. Incels are everywhere, and as more men get rejected sex for something they can't control our number grows even larger. See you soon

watch what

You shouldn't have a say in it. Men should be forced to watch it by the state.

incels are modern day greek philosophers

If he's under 5'10 I can see it

Looks realistically like some of the guys who post on those forums. Majority of incels are just severely mentally ill

What ethnicity is this?

>Majority of incels are just severely mentally ill
This. 95% of incels are just mentalcels

Looks French to me

soon to be dead?
what makes an incel is his behaviour, not looks.
most uglies can dress well and hit the gym to pull another ugly. the problem is a rotten brain

Makes sense to me. That guy will likely never get laid in his life

I literally know a 5'10 guy that looks just like this guy

and to be remember for generations to come

This, just be yourself.

Lol dyel

The casting for chad is hilarious.

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incels look like THAT

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uhhh, wtf makes you think such non-sense?

>character is supposed to be an incel
>literally able to actively cold approach random females in public and then even proceed to physically interact with them
always funny to see how clueless these normalfags are

Incels are the next step in homo's evolutionary process.
I am an incel.

Nope, this is explained in the "modern" part.

you mean the last step?

If he didn't even try approaching women he would be volcel, not incel

Ya know you lot should try something called having sex

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Is that an offer?

Umm, hello? Based department?


You should try something called rape

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So I am a volcel?

This. See

>time for your daily brain flattening


What's the point of an incel movie? A better idea would be a 24/7 neet livestream. You have to have at least some interaction with other people to make a decent movie. Welcome to the NHK pulled it off but that's a cartoon

wait that's Théodore Pellerin?

assumed it was Keir Gilchrist. another role absolutely perfect for him just like that last one about the angry 4channer that i forget the name of

Pretty accurate
ER looked better than this guy


Yes, once humanity reaches the right conditions, the unfit will be weeded out. Only the incels will remain and advance to the ascended species of homo.

incels are interesting people

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It's time to get laid you subhuman pieces of shit

Nothing is worse than misogyny so constant propagandizing about groups that are supposedly misogynistic is paramount

Too far. Not based.

Seems pretty anti-Semitic

Not really. They'd have to find the perfect candidate, a tortured artist or something like that to film, not just some guy who jerks off instead of having sex

why is Hollywood so terrified of ever casting ugly people even in ugly roles?

there isn't anything too far when we talk about mankind oldest tradition: rape

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>They'd have to find the perfect candidate, a tortured artist or something like that to film
Nick Drake? Pretty sure he died a virgin

dam is this really all we are gloating over the less fortunate who failed dice rolls about how much pussy we got

is this humanity

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>full head of hair
>strong jaw
what did they mean by this?

Its not all dice rolls though, you can literally just go to the gym for 30 days, get beginner gains, and slam trash pus everday

I would have fucked uggos when I was a teen but I never had the opportunity. I'm not losing my virginity at 25 years old to some gross skank. I will wait until a girl I like comes along so I can at least feel comfortable and be (hopefully) free from judgement. And if that never happens then I will die a virgin, so be it.

they gotta put them incels as cute and misunderstood so all those teenage girls talk about the movie, see it and idolize the actors, you know

Wow he's literally like me

>coomers are rapists now
shit meme

Try dilating troon

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Volchaste chad masterrace, virginity channeled into raw power whilst I preserve myself for my soulful lifelong bride (must abort retards tho)

Based and blackpilled.

He was quite attractive so maybe it was just the tism

Not all coomers obv, but rapists are definitely coomers.

you know how incels are so obsessed with shemales? why dont the just bite the bullet and get with one? thinking about them every is clearly more than hatred.

This. Inceldom is just modern Aryanism for common man
Embrace it

Lucky people gloat over dice rolls because it's the one thing they can safely gloat over without ever having to fear someone taking it from them. It's genius really.

but incels are literally a step from BEING shemales.
they hate women so much because they want to be them.
exact same thing with right wing gay haters

Nice try, incels live in everyone's head rent free, more than trumpfags, more than libtards, more than niggers, trannys, jannys. No one likes incels, not even other incels.

>the gym
stopped reading there

shemales are unironically better than women

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Dilate freak


2000iq post

I'm a incel and been curious on fucking a tranny. Women just aren't for me apparently

you think about them everyday though, dont you? its clearly something more...

Again dilate

incels are basically modern commies. they think they are owed something for doing nothing and blame everyone else for their missfortune.

I am a 28yo kissless virgin GYMCEL and i am proud of it, every INCEL should turn GYMCEL, its best way to do it

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>giving women attention, flattering them, and being another orbiter to own the foids

go on, lad, that obsessions not healthy, go and bum one!

Holy Shit. Why you posted this? I'm trying to get off gay shit