KONG will use Godzilla's dorsal plate as a weapon

Thoughts? Kongchads get in here, lizardfags about to get btfo with their own spine lmao

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>tfw a giant monkey BLACKED you so hard you need a back brace

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You're not brave. Apes are brave.

And he still loses lmao




Godzilla has only died once in its whole franchise.

Kong die every time.

Save Mothra



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A new challenger appears

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Fucking retard

>Godzilla has only died once in its whole franchise

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Lizard cope

>Mega Godzilla

we pokemon now

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Based daddy ape


What’s my nigga Rodan gonn’ be doin’ when dis shit go down?
He was still alive at the end of KotM.

It's absolutely shocking you could be this wrong.

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leaks say he gets



he’s back

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Giving me some old 90s godzilla toy vibes right here

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This shit meme has been im every GvK thread since announcement faggot. Kill yourself newfriend


Nigga didn't you see the last movie?


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Probably shitposting

Fuck. I’m assuming Godzilla gets humbled too allowing Kong to become ‘King’.

>it'll be delayed again because of the virus

After KOTM and Skull Island...
Who actually still gives a shit?
Long time fan here, but I MIGHT watch it when it comes out on FX or something.


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Skull Island was good.

This. I like the campy vibe it had.



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>After KOTM and Skull Island...
>Who actually still gives a shit?
>Long time fan here, but I MIGHT watch it when it comes out on FX or something.
I'll see it in theaters probably, assuming it gets released theatrically. I wonder how they'll even market it after KOTM flopped so hard.

>I wonder how they'll even market it after KOTM flopped so hard.
I have no idea. They probably should have just canceled it.

More like due to Bond and Black Widow. Sorry but November is too crowded already for its own safety it should be delayed.

The correct answer is twice so it's not that far off.

Since Godzilla wins (unless they changed it in post) is it their way to appease the five people who prefer Kong over Godzilla? You noticed that every piece of art shows Kong about to punch Godzilla or something similar. We keep hearing about how Kong can beat him it's like they want people to stop seeing him as the underdog.

Neither of them will win, they'll discover the power of FRIENDSHIP

They better play his song

>thought it was the mecha godzilla from RP1
>it isn't

All memes aside there is no way that Kong could win. They set him up as just a giant gorilla, he doesn't have any "powers," he's smart but I mean Godzilla's been shown to understand what's happening in a battle (specifically his realization right before Ghidorah deepthroats the powerplant). Kong has no chance and I doubt they'll kill either, so I feel as though there's a strong chance they're gonna duke it out and come together at the end against something else.

Actually no Kiryu is the original Godzilla inside a robot.

We shounen anime now


Desotroyah (in which Junior technically dies as well, but comes back)

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If that's supposed to be from the 1984 movie he obviously lived and I never heard that he was meant to die. But Godzilla was supposed to die in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla '93. He did but only clinically.


Kotm was a travesty

>is it their way to appease the five people who prefer Kong over Godzilla?
>More ppl went to see Kong after 2 Godzilla tries

Fucking kek is this the ultimate Lizardfag cope?

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And most went to see Godzilla in the opening week. And then the numbres fropped for KotM and this is supposed to be a valid measure of populairty? Pretty much everyone who cares about movie monsters prefers Godzilla, maybe general Americans who don't care about anything are more likely to have heard about King Kong some time in the past.

I don't even know at this point if it's a legit plot-point in the movie or some random toyline shit

Pretty much every major blockbuster that came out after Endgame flopped, I'm not really worried, KOTM is still one of the best movies in the franchise, only autistic fans are somehow mad over this

>KOTM is still one of the best movies in the franchise
I would say it's pretty middle-of-the-road, but that's not really praise. Godzilla has a lot of shitty movies.

You like that military-wanking, don't you, faggot?
I said you're a faggot.

Pretty much every complaint I've seen about KOTM is also valid to pretty much every other movie in the franchise. At least KOTM was at worst an Heisei movie with glorious visuals, more than enough to satisfy me

>2 attempts for Cuckzilla and still couldnt make more than a mediocre Kong film


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Oh yeah, I definitely wanted to see more scientists or journalists or whatever the fuck we already had a hundred times, you moron

KOTM suffered from G2014 overuse of cock-teasing

At least Kong was more marketed as a fun blockbuster and it delivered

Proper cope lmao

Seriously nigga?

What a treat to be on Yas Forums at this hour and see one of the only five Kong fans. Really remarkable.

I don't think we'll see him again. At least in Japanese movies they re-used a lot of the costumes to save money, to the point where you could see some of them falling off on screen, I don't think they'll spent more money on a monster that already had enough of screentime in the previous one, even for a few seconds cameo

It's probably the first in years if not ever that for once they didn't straight remake'd the 1933's movie

Godzilla is definitely bigger in pretty much every way and pop-culture wise