Why do these millionaires keep pretending they have problems

why do these millionaires keep pretending they have problems

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You would love to believe actors are artists adept at slipping into the skin of another character to convey a story to an audience.

This is no longer the case. They are only good at finding a place in the social consciousness and maintaining it. Without affirmation from an audience they are lost.

These are not the sort of people who deserve applause.

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Naomi Watts

I love how crazy normalfags are going having to stay indoors for maybe a month now. Even better is that they can still talk to their friends/girlfriend, they act like they’ve disappeared or something. Now imagine being cooped up in your room alone for YEARS. No one to talk to nothing, this is every day for me.

>why do actors act

to trigger incels like alpha beings should

Many are mentally ill and/or just plain retarded, but this is hidden by PR and such. The pandemic has put a lot of celebs unfiltered out there and you're seeing how much of a trainwreck they really are but are too fucking stupid and/or fucked in the head to be self aware of.

I see it as training for the eventual happening. we will prosper where normies despair.

Actors are deranged, they can’t stand not being rh center of attention. Combine this with Naomi Watts’ female mentality and you get a recipe for disaster

Have sex

She cute

its your own fault

they're being forced to be in their own company for the first time in possibly their entire lives. compounded with the illusion of their societal importance being broken by something out of their control

It’s my fault I was abused my whole life?

see, this is why you mentally ill retards are incels. you're alone because of your own actions, you're like a murderer complaining about jail. you're embarrassing

who's stopping you from going outside, you mentally ill incel? fucking kill yourself

Lmao jesus christ dude, yeah an observation made on the internet has damned me into a pariah. You fucking people are insane.

No one? I have a job, do I go outside and pick friends off of the friend tree? Nice victim blaming btw.

Whats are those drawing in the back bros were qboomers right

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Who will deliver your microwaved chicken tendies when your autism bucks dry up because the country can't pay its debts? Will you still be able to stay in your room alone when there's no more food?

never gonna make it

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>mentally ill incels
you sound like fucking parrots

just be yourself bro :)

That’s right incels walk among you.

tranny projection. nice

why are you posting that at me you weirdo? how isnt it his/your own fault that youre shut ins?
letting it dominate your entire existence is.

>how isnt it his/your own fault that youre shut ins?
because life.

K I’ll just get over about a decades worth of being bullied and ostracized.

I'm in the same boat man, I feel you.

refute that pic, protip: you can't incel:^)


>woe is me

>waaah it's other people's fault I'm pathetic
Kek, may as well be a tranny if you're such a little bitch already.


based normalfag sociopaths


Attention seeking. Same reason they start singing songs or posing naked or anything else they are doing during the virus. Just shit to remain relevant. C19 might be a godsend because by June, every single female celebrity will be posting nudes to stay in the news.

Yes. Abuse only happens to subhumans and untersmensch.

based, I've been trapped for so long I'm unironically starting to hear voices and see shit that isn't there. parents are worried about me but they have no clue how bad things really are. I'll never be a functioning member of society again.

no wonder she turned her son into a tranny

>its another episode of user thinking his mental derangement caused by extreme social isolation is somehow laudable or something to be admired

Have sex.

I never said incel in the first place. I love you thick skinned anti sjw types get so offended by a simple word that even people who didnt say it get replied to with one of your many, many shemale pics.

yes, you fucking loser

i make my tendies in my toaster oven you fucking philistine
much nicer CROMCH that way

Can’t argue this, just don’t be mad when I shoot up a mall.

Imagine all those couples breaking because of people getting tired of each other or not being together for a long time.
End of quarantine will be a fucking wild hunt so take your time to get in shape and self-educate yourself.

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lol you're halfway to being a tranny already

what exactly do you want people to say to " i've removed myself from society because bad shit happened to me a decade plus ago?"

why a mall? why not a wall?

>It’s my fault I was abused
>my whole life?

Glug glug glug *Ahhhhh* delicious incel tears! please don't go on a shooting spree next, ok? :^)

>prepare for the social garbage disposal to spit up last week's roast beef leftovers
nah i'll pass

what kind of abuse haha

I haven’t removed myself unfortunately because I need to make money to live, I’m not quite ready to take my own life. Nice reductionism, I said a decades worth not a decade ago. Out of sight out of mind, everyone’s always okay all the time, and when bad things happen to them it’s their fault.

What you must understand is why they decided to become actors in the first place.


When they can't get attention in a natural fashion they have to manufacture it in an artificial way.

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Well at least none of the good girls got spoiled by society too during the lockdown

>Naomi what
Heh, more like Naomi Who

Hahaha don't be mad, wakey wakey normfriend it's time for another day alone inside!

If you kill yourself because you don't have anymore normfriends to lean on, how long until somebody finds your body?

It's the case for a lot here, but definitely not all. You can't just wave it off that easy.

Awwww, poor little incel baby is hurt. It's okay some day you will get the gf you want :^)

Normalfags have no idea how confidence and self-esteem work. Funny how when I stand up for myself the situation just gets worse. Best thing is that this shit didn’t stop when I entered the workforce either. So pushing back has actual consequences now.