Steve Carell in a new show from the creator of The Office called Space Force

Steve Carell in a new show from the creator of The Office called Space Force

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Did he give up attempting to sell himself as a dramatic actor?

lol can you believe americans created a space force before addressing their collapsing infrastructure, healthcare, and broken corporate welfare systems?

>söyboy supporting cast
>one boring set

look what matters is that the stock market go up, alright?

This. I hope he returns to comedy and stays there.

Does Steve Carell deserve better than JUST-tier? Cause between that fucking doll movie and this, its what he has now, no fucking doubt

It's funny because leftists literally don't understand why we need a space force, they're so uneducated they forget somebody has to track all those satellites that let them post their tranny meltdowns on twitter

So don't think space as in outer space.

Think space, as in, you are different than me and I can kill you with that.

Leave me alone. Never has there been a day when the world wasn't trying to fuck with me.

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Will there be a drumpf-type character that acts like a total brainless imbicile? oh wait we already see that every day.

>before addressing their collapsing infrastructure, healthcare, and broken corporate welfare systems?
I'll give you infrastructure, yeah. Military, roads and trade should be the only concerns of the federal government. States rights for the rest.

oh shit is that jian yang

God I hope so. He was atrocious.

haha Drumft is so incompetent!
still your president

actually he was impeached

what? foxcatcher and the big short were kino.

>character that acts like a total brainless imbicile
I agree. It’s a shame Biden is still in the race.

i think he overacted on both.

#resist #blacklivesmatter #jimesup
still your president, lefty

Really? Then why is he still president?

foxcatcher was so very very predictable and flawed

That sure looks like a thing I'm not going to watch.

Yeah, let's just ignore the most important battlefield of the next war and put that money into nigger gethos and aid for africa instead. Let China build weaponized satellites in secret and not contest them in any way.

I eatah da phish

Remember when Steve Carell was going to be a big movie star?

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Except the air Force already did all that shit and more just fine you stupid faggot

This will now incur twice the taxpayer burden with twice the MilIndus contracts with twice the failed systems, and now they need more brass for the pentagon deep state

Biden vs Trump will be kino. Can't wait for the debates.


And proven 100% innocent. No matter how many times Trump outsmarts you, you still underestimate him. You retards will never, ever learn.

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He did really try for a few years for an oscar, just like McConaughey did but failed miserably.

Hey why even have an air force? Planes land on the ground or on carriers, right? Why the need for an air force then? If it were for people like you, we'd still live in mud huts. It's funny how retards like you praise Musk for wanting to colonize Mars, but when Trump creates a new branch of the military that specialises on space, that is suddenly totally ridiculous.

Foxcatcher is also basically fanfiction when put up against the documentary.

It must really get to them.... imagine you really believe your competitor is a moron, so below you and your intellect, and still he beats you at every turn.

A single meteor can contain trillions in rare earth minerals. It will be a worthwhile investment.

The career of Steve Carell -- the fact that he has one -- is proof to me that Hollywood is tightly controlled and ignores audiences.

We'll see who's laughing once we start mining the moon and get rich off selling novelty space rocks.

the bland normoid masses love the office

>chink guy
>fat beard guy
>paki woman
ah yes....its another we spent all the budget on the main actor so we fill the rest of with BAME nobodies

>but when Trump creates a new branch of the military that specialises on space, that is suddenly totally ridiculous.
Well yeah, because it is.

the murder scene was shocking and caught me off guard

You can’t reason with a toddler having a temper tantrum, user.
I think you mean “asteroid.”

How so? Explain.

pls be bait

it looks potentially kino but I can't trust Americans with political satire more sophisticated than "haha stupid other party bad"

Did contain, not can contain. An asteroid though does.

>Imagine licking a boot and being proud about it

is that elrich bachman on his left

nah bruh thats Elrich Bachman

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You mean Little Miss Sunshine?

>what is Space Command (SPACECOM)

so no new trailer and this thread appears
you can bet they're going to drop a trailer tomorrow
fucking predictible shills, I'm glad I never give these fucks a single dime

>you can't shoot rockets I need you to buy me lunch

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Because the air force has funding commensurate to fly planes and drones and operate the space wing

Existing commands need to adapt to the current threat environment like theyve done since their inception, not create yet another military bureaucra cy to toss money into

But hey let's drain that swamp right you pea brained boot licker

yeah that was nice too

What’s with his eyebrows?

fuck off, we all have to make our livings

>Because the air force has funding commensurate to fly planes and drones and operate the space wing
Dumbfuck, the USAF’s Space Command was redesignated the US Space Force at the end of last year — the new organization that you’re bitching and moaning about is pretty much the same thing as the old organization that you’re praising. Dumbfuck.



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>what is the difference between civil and military
If you have no problem with a civilian agency specialised on space and see the reason for its existence, you should have no problem with a branch of the military specialising on the same area. Even more when it is obvious that area will get even more relevant for national defence than it is already. There's no argument against space force other than Trump being its initiator and you not liking him. It's painfully obvious that that is what you are having a problem with. Had obama initiated space force, you'd praise him for his vision and foresight.

I mean, he was quite literally proven beyond any doubt to be a criminal. The only thing proven is that his supporters don't care.

>Part of United States Department of Defense
u wot
Also Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)