What did Dan “We deserve to die for Hebrews” Crenshaw mean when he said corporations did nothing wrong?

What did Dan “We deserve to die for Hebrews” Crenshaw mean when he said corporations did nothing wrong?

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This faggot didn't lose his eye for america, he lost it fighting against sandniggers for Jewish bankers to profit. And he looks like a gay solid snake larper with that pirate eyepatch LOL

>Joe, Joe, you're not understanding, We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in.

One thread wasn't enough, huh Berniezuelans?

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>also Joe, remember that Jesus Christ is only a mythical figure

>muh blue team vs red team
if bernouts are waking up to the jewish and corporate questions, there's no need to countersignal them; there's nothing wrong stated in this thread

Why does this board hate jews while at the same time suck corporate cock every chance they get, when most big corporations are run by jews?

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They don’t ever say that retard.

>suck corporate cock every chance they get

They're Commie retards, they'll never wake upto the JQ because communism is inherently Jewish.

why do you hate corporations?

They’re inherently socialistic. See bailouts.

bailouts are just government loans. They have to be paid back.

Which they never do before they are bailed out again.

They get written off.

I wonder who Joe is going to host for based episode #1488

>own a company
>sell shares and make a board of directors
>become a corporation
>WTF I'm socialist now!

corporations have existed forever. They're literally just companies

I remember last Christmas. This guy wrote a small sentence wishing people merry Christmas on his twitter and then proceeded to make a multi-paragraph post about how special and meaningful Hanukkah is.

How can someone observe something like that; a politician in a white majority, Christian majority country appealing to 2% of the population like that and not infer that this 2% has undue political influence? How else can you explain it? It's such a conspicuous thing and the only people who have a logical answer, the only people even daring to give you an answer, are the "antisemites".


Why did Americans get memed into believing that socialized medicine is communism, while at the same getting memed into believing that having fixed drug prices that are 10 to 30 times the production cost and having no way of negotiating for lower prices is capitalism?

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Honestly, I agree everything coming out of China is heavily slanted to fit a certain perspective and the Chinese point of view is very narrow, but I feel like Crenshaw's vision is lacking in depth, and he is really only seeing one side of things himself. I wish he would try to see the other side of things. Surely there is something that can cover the gaping hole between your position and the Democrats. You both need to get back to the table and open your eyes as to what is going on right now.

that's factually wrong. Look it up. Most paid back the loan.

By not paying taxes.

Most Americans are such uninformed cucks they'd rather elect a literal embarrassment who wants to rob them blind over a guy who wants to give them free healthcare. Then cheer and clap over $4.5 trillion more for the super rich while they're nervous about whether or not they'll be able to pay rent and feed their families next month.

and now you're just back tracking. I recommend you actually research your bullshit. From what I read, they literally raised capital to pay it back, meaning they raised money and used that money to pay it back.

They didn't magically not pay taxes. You have no idea what you're saying.

>while at the same time suck corporate cock every chance they get, when most big corporations are
wtf you talking bout nigger

No one actually thinks that. The problem is that when any country is significantly divided in terms of culture and demographics, inevitably half of the country is going to resent having to pay for the other half, and that kind of throws a spanner into the works of socialism.

there's many ways to save money by not being a retard.

you're supposed to save enough to last at least 6 months without a job. No one is stopping you from buying a used but reliable car, not eating out, going without pointless subscriptions, and budgeting.

GOP propaganda and their Fox News State Propaganda Network have brainwashed millions of boomers into thinking that every type of government assistance that doesn't benefit corporations is socialism.

Except Medicare and Social Security.

Are you a time traveler from the early 2000s?

he meant know your place, Americans. keep at the"democrats vs republicans" clown show and keep hating each other. keep thinking that everyone with a different world view than yours is stupid and evil you idiots.

So the problem is white people seething?

a) This slavish, bootlicking devotion to the super rich embarrasses me almost as much as it should you
b) Even among the tax revenue currently raised and spent, forgetting about making billionaires actually pay their fair share, it is absolutely pathetic that you actually think this way. Cheering on massive giveaways and bailouts for billionaires when people like you have to worry about going bankrupt because of an unexpected medical expense.

You are literally more of a cuck than a guy who likes watching other men fuck his wife.

It's clear you don't live here, the literal reason white people don't support social assistance, safety nets, etc. Is because they know they won't get anything at all and all their money will be taken by non-whites. That's it. There's not some fucking FOX news spook tricking them, they just know they won't get any money or help and will just be taken from.

Interest was written off and the loans were “paid” off issuing overinflated stocks that the government bought and sold. This is 100% unfettered socialism and yet rightest cucks support it. You’re no different from the left. I love being a centrist.

The racial component is one thing. There's also the fact that America is big. Try to convince people in France to pay the medical bills for people in Norway, and see how that goes down.

Faggot, white people are still the majority in the US. Whites just cucked themselves by mostly populating suburbs and places in the middle of bumfuck, nowhere.

Why are you literally making shit up? Ask any Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid recipient what they think of it.

hi, where are the facts in your argument? Oh, there are none. You're just repeating talking points that sound like arguments.

Shit example faggot. American whites would get theirs, they're just so bitter they'd rather eat shit than help someone else.

his point still stands. social programs in the US literally move wealth from white people to non-whites.

Hi, I know you must be extremely embarrassed being this much of a bootlicking cuck, but don't worry, the billionaires really do appreciate it! Remember that the next time you have to worry about whether you can afford some minor but necessary expenditure while they count their free literal trillions of dollars that you voted to just give them.

I mean, and rightfully so but, even if they didn't care, the situation of white people paying for everything and being parasited grows unsustainable as whites become a minority

> centrist
So you're a moderate classical liberal? The center exists between whatever extremes exist at the time. We're between extreme globalist neo-liberalism and H1b- conservatism as the main stream political ideologies. So basically your just a garden variety liberal from 20 years ago. Like the conservatives of today, they were the communists of 40 years ago in their rhetoric. Just like in 40 years being a tranny will be considered centrist.

Do you think that billionaires literally have billions in cash just sitting around?

White people are not one singular block, genius. There's a big divide between "whites" just in the north and south of America

>poor whites dont benefit from social programs
user I really hope you're just memeing.

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I think they have a whole lot more cash sitting around than everyone else.

that's not what the post you're replying to said

Yeah being the majority, doesn't matter. We get nothing from the system considering how much we put in. The reason whites live in suburbs is literally to get away from non-whites because they leach of them and attack them. Hence why whites don't want safety nets.
Those programs won't exsists in 30 years. All those old white boomers might get something but every other white person isn't going to get anything but left with the bag.

they do benefit moron, but the fact is that there is a huge movement of wealth from white people to non-whites in US social programs.
this isn't nearly as bad in homogeneous countries like Denmark or Norway where over 80% of the population are ethnic native whites so it is mostly whites helping out whites. the wealth of white people mostly stays among them in those countries. not in the US.

No, they don't. Not in proportion to what they put it. They get nothing. You can mock and attack people, but that's the literal reason whites don't support safety nets in the US, they know they will just have their money taken from them and get scraps if anything.

Okay, and Jay-Z and Kanye's tax dollars move money from black people to white people. What the fucks your point? Do you even understand the basic principle of taxation?

Correct. You'll have illegal immigrants having quicker access to benefits in NYC than a white person will simply due to them being white.

Look where no safety nets are gonna land the majority of people now. In fucking morgues.

No they don't, the amount of money millions of blacks take from whites totally cancels out literally 2 people in any case. That's retarded.

>Muh librul boogeyman keeping whitey down
You're worse than hood nigger 5G conspiracy theorists, Jethro.

>Whites just cucked themselves by mostly populating suburbs and places in the middle of bumfuck,
lol how retarded can you be? White people would love to live in the cities again, but this is increasingly untenable to white people unless you're rich or okay moving your family where they're under risk of racial violence. Suburbs are a result of forced racial integration in the 50s and onwards.

5G conspiracy is also very legit.

Oh, it's just Yas Forums meme-racism. Let me guess, you have strong opinions on "the Jews" too, right?

If we’re giving out free money to corporations that never bother to build a strategic reserve to weather out things like this but rather beg the government for money to not close then why can’t we just plifer them when times are prosperous? It’s only fair right? The taxpayer is getting fucked so why not help them out?

Yes? You think being "right" changes anything? That's not how life works kiddo. It turns out when you stick a bunch of different groups together and have them have to share one pot of money that people can't have social cohesion and trust. I bet you ask why the US can't be like Scandinavians but don't even try to take demographics into account lmao. And it's not gonna change no matter how much you say white people are evil and stupid because they know it's not in their interest because get robbed.

k lol

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>says jesus isn’t real
>demands americans die for isreal
>economy worship

The moment you stop hyperventilating over the fact that a minority might see a social security check is the day you might be able to finally get a gf, user.

No that's Yas Forums. We're left wingers who happen to hate the far left toxic subculture.

You faggots shouldn't have ran at the first sign of niggers. Now your kids are all trannys, school shooters, or BBC breeding vessels.

You ended up balls deep in niggerdom and developed inferiority complexes trying to run away from it so bad.

>why do you hate people who consider you cattle and think there's nothing wrong with killing you

calling things "racism" doesn't make them wrong

>We can't have Universal Healthcare because white people are racist
And yet here you are, in a thread sucking off the same assholes that flood your communities with spics and niggers just so they can save a buck.

>I'm trying to hold you to what I believe is your own standard, aren't I cleaver!
No, I agree that 5G fear is retarded, I don't care about that. Yes, there is a clear selection bias in the current system to favor non-whites over whites for federal and state benefits when you account population sizes, fucking college admissions will tell you that much. Whether you're willing to be honest, and not just try and be a weasel because your an ideologue is your choice.

>you're supposed to save enough to last at least 6 months without a job.
Tell that to the multi-billion dollar corporations who always have to come begging to the american taxpayer every time they fuck up, you literal bootlicking cuck.

You're disputing that getting really angry that a minority might receive a benefit from a system they paid into is racism?

Yeah you're not making an argument, your just being an idealouge.

Shilling this two time loser. Pathetic.

>Muh College Admission
I thought you faggots thought college was just liberal brainwashing? Why would you care if a bunch of spics get brainwashed?

I reject the left/right paradigm, because it's literally just bread and circuses to keep people amused by their petty rivalries and trivial victories, while they completely ignore the matters at hand.

kek I literally vote for the communist party in my country, doesn't change the fact that US wokeism is racist towards white people. it's like you do all you can to alienate white working class people. remember all those rust belt white dudes who voted for obama in 2008 and 2012? i wonder where were they in 2016, and now in 2020.

so you're Yas Forums

Companies should have to do that as well instead of receiving bailouts.

Who's worried about paying rent? Single mothers and unemployed louts? I don't care about those people at all. Stay in school, don't do crime, get a solid college degree (doesn't have to be at a fancy college), don't have kids until afte college, and you're set. Anybody who cannot do those things, should be nervous about paying rent. Bad decisions should come with consequences.

>why do the jews hate people who consider them cattle and think there's nothing wrong with killing them

that's a meaningless buzzword, try again

>sucking off the same assholes that flood your communities with spics and niggers
not that user but what are you talking about? you're the one parroting "racism" to condemn people that don't want to pay for their cheap labor

Trust me, that rona did more to fuck over the working class than liberals ever did.

Remind me which party got unions the fuck out of here again?

>"I'm really angry that non-whites are receiving any benefits even though they pay taxes too, but YOU'RE the ideologue"

wonder who joe will bring on for episode 1488

I'm not a conservative because I understand they flood my country with non-white h1bs for cheap moron. I'm a NatSoc :) cry all you want, there will never be a social safety net in the US because of people like you who decided people are just inter changeable cogs in a machine. And that's it's "racist" to take care of your own working class and manufacturing base.

Faggot, if you've ever bought fruits and vegetables from the grocery store, you've already paid for spic labor.

>tfw remembering when I thought Crenshaw would be our President Solidus
M-Maybe he’s just fooling the Patriots?

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Nigger you can impotently pathologies people all you want but nothing is going to change and you're still going to ve seething with anger over what you're own ideas and decisions have done.

"racism" is a meaningless buzzword created to demonize white peope, I have no interest in debating what is or isn't "racism"; by using that word you're implying there's something immoral or irrational about white people not wanting to be parasited, but there isn't

So you're a fucking joke, thanks for clarifying.

Name one thing America has done for the working class in the past 20 years.