Can we consider 2007's halloween as a prequel to the original

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Makes no sense

not really since rob clearly had a hate boner over the orginals I don't think anyone wants them to be canon he was pretty much proto-rian

why ?

Because it is a remake

I consider it the official movie actually. The original is ok but it cant match the shear brutality of Zombie's. Plus theres not the retarded "HOW DID MICHAEL LEARN TO DRIVE" plot hole

then why some think it's a prequel ?

Because some people are retarded

I like to pretend 2007 Halloween never happened.

not sure if good bait or incredibly fucking retarded

and what about the helloween crossover ?

because he thought he could do it better and he did. John Carpenters Halloween is cheesy and dated. Even as a kid I though MM was a faggot and didn't find him scary, Rob made it scary for the first time for me

i want a MM prequel directed by john carpenter

That mask should have been THE mask of the reboot

are you kidding ? that's not MM anymore if you do that !

fucking underage zoomer retarded fucking fagot
let me guess. your favorite band is slipknot

stupid edgy kid motherfucker

It's a reboot. Stop being a purist.


seething boomer

>he thinks Im joking
Zombie's Michael represents the first (and to date only) interpretation of the character that is actually imposing and worthy of fear. He is huge, he will smash your skull against a wall and let your brains run out on the floor and not think twice about it.
Old Michael stares autistically at people and occasionally walks towards people and tries to cut them. Hes not scary. Hes just some guy in a mask with a kitchen knife who could be (and is often) easily beaten

I say thisAs someone who owns multiple mm masks

>Rob made it scary for the first time for me
I'm sure you found the white trash retard aesthetic highly relatable.

Not him but I agree
Zombies h2 is pure fucking shit that he intentionally ruined because he was contractually obligated to make it

I agree his H2 sucks (aside from the hospital scenes at the beginning)
But his H1 is good and I prefer it to the original

yeah. hes jason voorhees you stupid fuck

hate the original all you want for being boring.
but the point of michael was that he didnt need to be huge. he was just pure evil. he was a regular guy im size.

you are fucking describing Jason voorhees and describing the terminator

like i said. hate the original for being cheesy. but the whole point of the original was that he was evil personified. he didnt have to be huge

you just wanted a big buff monster.

rob zombie destroyed halloween:

lmao no he wasn't they gave him one movie and it did well enough they let him have free reign and 2 is what you got his true message

>. hate the original for being cheesy
I don't find the original cheesy, I find the villain to not be scary. You can say hes scary cause "hes evil" but, how is he any more evil than any other slasher? Not exactly scary based on that alone.
>You just wanted a big buff monster

im so fucking tired of rob zombie white trash one trick pony...
hes creatively bankrupt. he has one trick. white trash shit.

imagine if im hired to do a barbie movie and i made barbies into goth sluts that love beer

is that what barbie is? is that a good representation of a barbie doll? would barbie fans be happy?

>is that what barbie is? is that a good representation of a barbie doll? would barbie fans be happy?
I feel youre argument here is a bit excessive. Zombie keeps Michael what he is, a killer who escapes from a mental hospital and goes after people in the town he from.
He doesn't make Michael wear a different mask (once he escapes) and have him not kill anyone. He does provide Michael some back story which separates it from the original and keeps it from just being a pointless remake like psycho with vince Vaughn was. Its still Michael under the mask, you just know a little more about him now, and his able to be more brutal.
I appreciate the different take on the character. He did not do the equivalent of turning Barbie into an alchoholic goth

Yas Forums pretentious fags will shit on you but you are right.

I usually prefer "classics" or anything made in the 80s for that matter but 2007 Holloween was much better. MM was actually brutal and scary. He wasn't some dadbod having 45yr old with a kitchen knife.

the originals are better than the remakes.

only the remake of F13 is good, halloween and ANOES remakes are trashcan

>only the remake of F13 is good
It was the best of the 3 but none of them were outright bad, not even ANOES

i can't stand the ANOES remake ! i can't ! they turned Freddy as a pedophile ! it's stupid !

lets make a new jason voorhees movie where jason is a 90 pound skinny short guy.

the new jason cant lift a person or break a door. hes very feminine and cant fight.
in my new jason he still chases women but he cant beat up people or break things.
the new jason is played by a 18 year old

my name is rob zombie

you see the original was too manly and too sexist. the original was too macho. i prefer twink hooror characters. i prefer feminine men in movies. less muscles.

jason was too big. too bulky. i prefer slim femimine men

thats what you sound like dudes
lets praise the opposite of what it supposed to be

zoomers listen to Slipknot?

This was a Harvey Weinstein produced Hack Job.

>if you like a series for one thing you can't enjoy it when another series does something similar

Only redditors would get triggered by this true statement.

Agreed. I respect John Carpenter and all his films but the 2007 version is just better. Only a Leddit "film enthusiast" would think otherwise.


but you are enjoying the opposite of wat was intended.

my example if jason is perfectly wat rob zombie did

you can like whatever you want
but rob zombie did what Rian Jhonson did


lets make james bond a wiman too.
who gives a shit about the original creation.

lets make wolverine gay too.
lets make the opposite of whats intended

bravo rob zombie

He's been bitching about it for years

okay let's ignore the original.
lets judge this by itself.

cliche, over the top ridiculous white trash family
costant ridiculous unrealistic cursing every 10 seconds.
trashy stripper mom because rob zombie cant write regular women.
cheesy cartoonish rapist abusive dad
ridiculous cliche school bully story.
michael is 8 feet like jason. jasoncopycat ripoff.
michael has mommy issues like jason
jason mommy issue rip off.
loomis is a fame hungry charlatan
shitty over the top doctor.
michael kills nice janitor for shock factor " omg michael is SO EVIL he killed his only friend"

immature untealistic childish cliche Laurie acts like shes 13
annoying immature teens because rob zombie cant write proper females.
curse curse curse curse because rob zombie needs constant cursing. so edgy
michael is huge and unstopable like h
jason now. he doesnt blend in anymore since hes 8 feet tall
stand out like the fucking terminator now

great fucking movie rob zombie.
great cliche white trash over the top jason rip off

that's a lot of negative adjectives there bud, but I'm not seeing much of an argument.

Just admit the movie wasn't for you, that doesn't make it bad,

>Mr. Zombie, the soundtrack to all of your movies has arrived

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Preferring the emo pussy white trash little bitch who grew up to be a tryhard 9 feet tall WWE wrestler with zero mistique or intrigue and keeping the sister storyline compared to the atmospheric masterwork that contained a kino as fuck villain who was actually scary because he didn't have.cliched reasons to kill. God I truly hate zoom zooms sometimes

>complaining about cliche's in Horror genre
The genre is built on fucking cliche's and Horror movies suck because of it.

It's clearly him experimenting and parts of it feel like a rough draft for Lords of Salem. Personally I love H2 and it feels more like a pure Zombie movie, his first one apes the original too much in the second half

Attached: the-lords-of-salem-2012-01.jpg (1000x1479, 371.49K)

Zombie fans are an embarassing. He's made one good movie, you guys need to let it go.

it is a badly crafted movie.
rob zombie over indulges in negativity to the point of parody at the beginning, making the family ultra trashy and using cursing like an edgy teen.
the beggining is so overly dramatic and dark that it becomes ridiculous.
subtlety is not something zombie knows about. so he throws the kitchen sink of evil redneck white trash to get sympathy for michael
to the point of parody

then on the second half. rob zombie wants you to root against the teen girls
how does he do that?
zombie creates the most umbearable most annoying most over the top annoying preppy females ever created. to the point of parody.

rob zombie is so shitty at subtlety. he maximizes all the bad traits of his characters. his family and laurie's friends are created so cartoonishly that they are ridiculous cliches of annoying people.

He does the same for michael myers.
makes him a huge bulky terminator villain because rob zombie doesnt understand subtlety.
michael is an evil villain so he must be a fucking beast. theres no other way right


you guys are like the COOMERS of horror
instead of going crazy for tits on a movie you guys go bananas for violent kills.
violence coomers

violence doesnt fix a shit script

rob zombie is such a shit writer director that his movies went to patreon
no studio wants to touch his shitty shit


Oh well if he doesn't make enough shekels for the Hollywood establishment, he must be bad!

stupid motherfucker

i said nothing negative about the violence horror coomer

i said not one thing about the kills

rob zombie writes people like an over the top mexican soap opera

he should write wwe wrestling episodes

not even his older fans donated to his shit

31 is nothing but trashy low budget shaky cam garbage

I'm fine with his over the top exploitation schlock style, I find it entertaining. He doesn't appeal to you and that's fine. I like all kinds of horror movies, I'm not some "violence coomer."

I admit that one was pretty weak.

Why was it scarier though? It just had more gore.

>he thinks slasher movies are about characters, not gore and nudity

And that movie is House of 1000 Corpses starring Dwight and Chris Hardwicke

trashy movie for trashy people.

Zombie haters are the embarrassment. Some people just like some trashy hillbilly murder movies every once in a while, meanwhile you faggots come out of the woodwork to seethe and whine about him if someone dares to even whisper his name. It's pathetic really

Watch the Texas Chainsaw remake, its actually pretty good.

I really liked all the major slasher remakes/reboots.
They weren't entirely perfect no but really Friday the 13th, Zombie's Halloween, Texas Chainsaw (one with R Lee Erney) and even ANOES were all enjoyable. Shame that some of them didn't get sequels

yeah lets make james bond a black woman

same shit
you better not complain about the female ghostbusters or black james bond or black little mermaid or any stupid changes.

the way you and rob zombie think of halloween is the same way producers are making black woman jamesbond.

>cliche, over the top ridiculous white trash family

Everything you just described is typical white trash behavior


What the fuck are you even going on about? Jesus Christ


You retards can like whatever you want, I like his stuff despite most of it being mediocre. It's people that pretend he's making anything BUT trashy hillbilly murder movies that ruin him for me.

>Devil's Rejects
>House of 1000 Corpses
Try again, cucklord

That's the dumbest fucking idea for a movie I've ever heard in my entire life.
Fucking moron.

then why make michael myers a child?

at least 50 minutes of this shit is boring family drama and boring asylum shit

if you horror coomers love gore so much.
why can you stand boring white trash drama?

at least one fucking hour isboring dramatic over the top non horror non gore shit

>then why make michael myers a child?
To separate its self from the original film. Why make a new Halloween if its gonna be the same thing

Friday reboots Jason was brilliant, campers were annoying but I guess that was the point.

Hated ANOES, bad CGI, too many scenes ripped from the original but done worse, and horrible direction for Halie, he mumbles all his one liners.

Eh, I would say they are really good for what he is going for, which is 70s drive-in horror but more extreme. He makes the movies he would like to watch, and the fact that he has the wealth and freedom to do that is impressive. Also Lords of Salem is not at all a trashy hillbilly murder movie, it's closer to trippy European horror.

the directors of james bond are going against the typical james bond
going against expectations
from cool guy that fucks women to black sassy woman...

you love movies that shit on the original premise
you love that zombie halloween ignores how the original was made
changes everything about the original

new james bond ignores everything about the original.
black female bond.
awesome right hr?

>Hated ANOES, bad CGI, too many scenes ripped from the original but done worse, and horrible direction for Halie, he mumbles all his one liners.
I didn't find it to be mumbling, he does try to put on a "scary" voice. Still I appreciate it for adding stuff
>micro naps
>adrenaline shots
etc. Lots of additions beyond just coffee maker in the bedroom for stayin awake. Even the car cigarette lighter was a nice touch.