Career Killing Movies

I'll start with an easy one

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lmao he really hasn't done anything since that one huh?

The Dark Knight (2008)

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Only done a few supporting roles, documentaries, and Shrek.

Too soon...

>budget is 62 millions in 2008

what the fuck, did they only drink Cristal in between shots or something


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What a bang. RIP sweet prince

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Love Guru wasn't what did it, it was this shit. LG was just rigor mortis

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LG was like 3 years after this it for sure ended it

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Why did he hate it so much Bros?

This movie was so fucking bad.

still like this movie

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The duality of man

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>lowest rates of interest
Oy vey, he’s leaving money on the table, what a schlemiel

Connery's career was washed up long before this, his last big hits before that were playing 2nd fiddle to Harrison Ford and Nick Cage

I Remember watching this like a dozen times as a kid, and still living Lord of the rings. I can't believe shatner was so petty.
I bet if shatner was around today he'd be the star in some DC movie flop right when infinity war came out and he'd also make a hissy fit.

Adam Sandler makes sure that he doesn't starve.

Also, they tried desperately to stretch this movie out to avoid it being labeled a short.

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How did this not get posted yet?
Saw this the other week. It’s a good dumb movie. Lots of great cliche material.

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loved this movie growing up

what's with the crappy photoshopped faces?

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This film is amazing though. Watched it super high in 8th grade, very good.

Myers probably got 20 million dollars alone

You haven't even seen the worst of the photo covers.

Everyone involved in this probably thought they had it made with all those Oscars.

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Wasn't even that bad

Did Carvey have any solo success at all? Mike Myers did everything he wanted to do

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>plays dressup for SNL bits
>somehow thinks there's an entire movie in it
What about this made sense to anybody?

Based Eddie Murphy laughing at the critics.

Because he was old enough to know when starring in shitty movies was enough.

The guy was in Highlander II and Zardoz and this was the one that broke him.

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More of a career abortion than a career killer. Same with Glitter

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this nigga ain't turtley enough for the turtle club

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Dana Carvey was never a leading man.

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That movie is hilarious

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Except this flick is a classic

>Lead actor playing a bunch of roles in one movie
>Main character is a wacky spy with a silly accent and glasses, who still gets the girl
>Came out literally one week after Goldmember
They knew what they were fucking doing.

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Farley and Mathew Perry were major alcoholic messes by the time they filmed this but its still one of my favorites.

The Turtle Club scene was filmed on 9/11.

I loved this one

Jack sparrow typecast
Depp was better actor before this movie

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I'll always remember when I saw this in the theater with like 10 other people in attendance, and when it was over every single one of them went to the ticket stand and asked for their money back.

monkey mustard

>he's never been a teenager watching this movie with his bros at 3am after playing 1v1 CoD
It's a good movie

This movie had a line of happy meal toys for some reason

fuck you hipster craft drinking piece of shit james and your wife crystal for making me watch this piece of shit myers movie. it fucking sucked. made me physically nauseous.

J DuJ is fine, everyone else I don't even remember.

Don't forget The Avengers!

But he was the producer!