This is legitimately one of the worst movies ever made.
I had to turn it off after an hour because it was just so fucking bad.
fuck you if you like this movie.
This is legitimately one of the worst movies ever made
pull my finger OP
hmm ok...
you are not me
have sex and then proceed to go back to your board
>hippie michael caine
>julianne moore as julianne moore
>dEpORtatTIOn iS lIteRalLy hOlocaUst
>edgy cinematography
>shitty choreography
>dialogue written by an edgy twitter film cunt
>every single character is an annoying letterboxd reviewer's fantasy of themselves in an apocalyptic setting
>this is just observations from the first 10 minutes
this movie is trash and so are you if you think it's "smart", "cool", "groundbreaking", "nuanced", or any other objectively wrong opinion
Yes we are
cool opinion, back of the catalog with your shitty thread now bye bye!
stop bumping it then you fucking retarded newfag
I found it very loud and obnoxious. The chase scene was cool though.
It's one of the best movies of the 21st century, brainlet
How about some real children of men kino
>Children of men
>there are no children
Fucking awful film, 0/10
imagine still calling people newfags as if spending your life on this shitty forum is something to be proud of. Go back to Yas Forums you fucking retard.
I agree. Watched it and turned it off only for people to say I should finish it and that it's actually really good.
I finished it, still garbage
lol i knew as soon as you shat on a movie you'd go on to lash out at its fans too. YOUR ANGER KNOWS NO BOUNDZ
This guy fucks
>>edgy cinematography
Define edgy cinematography
I disagree. Contrarians on Yas Forums are always dragging it, so I watched it to prove them wrong, and what do you know I was right! Great movie.
Hated it. What didn't help was all the hype it got from mouth breathers on Yas Forums that thought the cinematography made it a masterpiece.
basically trying as hard as possible to create a green tint on everything and everyone as if it's so smart, and of course trying to create a "realistic" "grimy" feel by basically making every outfit and set look as cheap and shitty as possible.
I rewatched it for the first time since it came out recently, and I totally forgot how much libshit was in it
not what makes it good, you got filtered
Name one scene with a green tint, there aren't any
So who was the father? I couldn't understand anything with britts screaming at each other
Are you actually retarded?
>trying to create a "realistic" "grimy" feel by basically making every outfit and set look as cheap and shitty as possible.
That isn't cinematography you fuckhead.
I love the feeling you get in this movie that you're part of some small group of people that could change the world. Particularly the farmhouse scenes. It feels like a scene from the Bible or The Weather Underground or something
>film with a cool premise
>does absolutely nothing with it
why the fuck even bother then
>dEpORtatTIOn iS lIteRalLy hOlocaUst
it's really handy when retards format their strawmen this way because it lets you know straight away that you can discount their opinions entirely
The fact that this is one of very few good mainstream movies about terrorism puts it in the top tier of modern war films by default. I wish there were a dozen like it.
it's not the politics, it's the way it's presented. even a written speech would've been more nuanced and subtle than this movie. there's basically zero effort or thought in this film, instead it's just banal messaging handed to you on a tray.
it's about as stupid as those political caricatures they used to show you in school. hurr durr brown people behind cages haha so smart wow haha
the ENTIRE movie, wtf
yes it is and you don't know shit about filming a movie, now fuck off you pleb
>Its a Yas Forumstards cant comprehend movies that critizise their opinions episode
Sounds like your screen is fucked up
ahh, that's it! It reminds me of the beginning of FF7, another time where you play a literal terrorist
if you don't understand that green is the main color in the film's palette then there's something very wrong with your eyes and i'd get that checked. just look at the poster
So you think Luke (feral negro who kills his white ally) did nothing wrong? The presentation was pretty nuanced. Even the beloved hippie was an ineffectual loser making the same joke his whole career.
lol, imagine being this stupid
literally the future of europe the movie.
remember how Yas Forumstards liked this movie before someone explained to them it's not B&R?
when you make movies that get political and defend them as "everything is political sweaty", then you shouldn't be surprised when criticism of said movies get political. you get what you fucking deserve
Yes its babbys first poli-sci course in film form but it's still a good movie. Lighten up bruh
nice kek
perfect film
and that's a good thing
britain is the only functioning state in the movie, poltard
yes yes, everyone stay away from this movie, it's confirmed NOT BASED! *wink*
>refugees are named fugees
this pretty much says everything there is to say about the quality of filmmaking here
>it's like SO politically relevant right now omg
Britain isn't Europe
now this is epic
That, the ship movie and punch drunk love/ eternal sunshine are the memes I've fallen for. Utter trash ''films''
actually they're "named" illegal immigrants, does that change the quality of filmmaking?
imagine having such a fragile political ideology that you need fucking scifi movies to confirm your leanings in order to feel safe
what's the bet op is the most insufferable cunt in real life and can't eat at certain restaurants because of the owner once made a political comment?
two box office bombs and two successful/acclaimed movies, Yas Forums only likes one out of the four, I'm not seeing the common thread here.
imagine being a newfag and sperging out. fuck off to reddit. oh and you're a pleb with shit taste and your mum is full of nigger cum
It was one of those movies that takes a clinical approach to pacing, where there are action beats, where there's tension, where there's character interaction. It felt like watching something that was made in a lab and I never cared about what was on the screen.
Harry Potter was better
based on this post I'd say you tuned out what was happening on purpose, possibly after the title screen.
>tuned out what was happening on purpose
Kinda hard to do in a movie theater. Guess again.
Why do all Yas Forums mental midgets have to over exaggerate everything in order to make their opinion seem as something bold or of value?
Imagine being so stupid you complain about cinematography when you don't even know what cinematography is lol
Twitter didn't exist when this film was made you absolute gobshite.
allow me to explain. You found the coffeeshop bomb during the opening credits to be a "clinical" attempt at shocking you, and then decided you did not care for the character of Theo because instead of being a sympathetic mc, he's complicit in the filmmaker's attempt to make you feel something. Once you decided not to care about him, the rest of the film "just happens" because he is indeed the main character.
Why is reddit so upset? The only thing its got going for it is muh 10 minute tracking shot meme
your average moviegoer won't even recognize long cuts and oners
why don't you marry it?
>it's a faggot calls everyone Yas Forums episode
Also, did Clive Owen have work done? I saw him on a commercial and he looked bogpilled.
Fine, I will!
So what does that make everyone who supports the film's themes? Are they also having fragile political ideologies that they need hollywood directors to kowtow to them and make them feel safe?
Wow, are you saying I didn't like it because of possible reasons based on the events and composition of the movie? That's a real sharp take there. Maybe one day you'll find the right person to psychoanalyze for not liking your favorite movie to change you into a real boy.
OP took a break from Avengers 12, watched this middlebrow flick on accident and still got triggered by it calling outfits of characters "cinematography" lmao
back to your videogames you go
i know you're trolling because nobody is this retarded, but in case you aren't, i assume you are aware of the fact that a cinematographer doesn't just pick colors and cameras? right? you do know that in order to get the shot you want you actually need to design what's in it? right? you can't possibly be this stupid to think cinematography is just operating the camera. but then again that's the type of people that enjoy shit movies like children of men
so? i don't see your point, dumbass.