I'm looking for good Space kino with detective elements...

I'm looking for good Space kino with detective elements, someone recommended this and said I need to endure through the first few episodes and then I will be rewarded later.

Do you guys agree? It's pretty boring so far (only watched 1 episode)... is it worth enduring till later?

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Season 1 is pretty good everything past it is Globohomo in Space
The new season is boring as fuck

It's okay. My favorite character died and my other favorite character doesn't get anywhere near as much screen time as that ugly annoying mutt negress.
Holden can go either way, but he was especially bad in the latest season. Especially when he not only let that woman go despite killing so many but helped her escape.

your friend is an idiot the first season is the best

Season 1 is pretty mediocre but not offensively bad. Although it goes out of its way for "muh gurl powa" shit.
Just started watching season 2 and I don't think I'll finish it. Almost every character is an ugly fucking mutt and it's too jarring for me.

Season 1 and 2 are good 3 is decent and 4 isn't that good

The Good:
>Persian grand mommy
>ship design/aesthetics

The Bad:
>The writing after the first two books/seasons
>pretty much every other female character as they were written by jewish neckbeards
>Belters are just faggots with bad accents and worse tattoos in the series instead of weird humans adapted to low/zero G
>wastes a lot of its more interesting premises

The Cringe:
>interracial space lesbian pastor deus ex machinas a main character from dying
>Holden as both an actor and character
>"I'm evil because I have a British accent"
>the Epstein drive (THAT didn't age well)

>Almost every character is an ugly fucking mutt
go back to Yas Forumsddit

I'm fine with mutts if they're at least a bit cute, but these actors are so fucking ugly.
I can't do it, bro.

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They're called 'Canadians', user

>judging an entire series by 1 episode
just keep watching retard

it's pure fucking shit. also, that mutt on the cover is fucking disgusting and can't act, no one can act in this garbage show. the dialogue is pure cringe. and the sci-fi elements are just retarded.

Well the main mutt with the big nose has some Londoner accent and I think at least a few of them are amerimutts.

I get what you mean mostly, but I wouldn't include Bobby in that, she needs to be intimidating she's supposed to be a marine the character wouldn't work if the actress was a 5'2" twig with a pretty face.

>you must like disgusting goblin people or you're a nazi
What will you guys blame pol for next?

why are you feeling defensive of those godless freaks?

Really dude, you think her ugliness is cause they were going for "realism"? And it's not like her actress looks strong, she's a skinny weak woman.
Also one of her tough marine squadmates is pic related.

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The show is worth it. It's mutts in space, but it makes sense within the setting. The future is a multicultural globohomo shithole and they portray it as such in the show. So much so that people divide each other based on what planet they're from than from their race, because the planetary differences overwhelm everything else. It's good sci fi, the best since BSG. And it hasn't even reached its peak yet. If they follow the books, which they have for the most part, then every season after season 4 is going to be insane.
>season 1 is the world building and set up
>season 2 is the climax of the plot set up in season 1 and sets up the next story arc
>season 3 is the climax of the plot set up in season 2 and finishes its own arc within the season as well
>season 4 is one entire arc by itself
>season 5 is going to be the empire strikes back of the series
>season 6 will literally be space battles: the season
>season 7 will be based laconia
>season 8 will be first contact with the protomolecule destroyers
>season 9 will be the final showdown
That is of course, assuming they are doing one book per season, which has confirmed to be the case for season 5, but not yet for the rest.

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>tfw bobbie will never crush your head between her thighs

why even live?

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somebody post the bobby webm, you know the one. the one that looked like it was made for brap posters

>because the planetary differences overwhelm everything else
So 13% won't do 50% in space?
Also why are women more influential than men are in this universe?

It's alright. Just end it on season 3. Season 4 is Discovery level trash. Maybe even lower.


Huh what?

The only problem I have with the expanse is that it's just the latest in the trend of ultra doomer, pessimistic scifi. Long gone are the days of the optimistic scifi of the 90s and early 2000s. Everything sucks and it's all factionalism and imperialism and the government is evil and there are no good guys.
Getting sick of this generation 2bh.

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God I love Drummer

Her accent is so fucking hot. I'd love to hate fuck her.

Also Amos is best character out of all the main cast

It's a symptom of contemporary western culture. Current generation is nihilistic because our culture is dying. Or already dead.

It's the opposite. The first season is amazing. Good characters, great setting. Then it drops off. I stayed just for the setting.

>So 13% won't do 50% in space?
belters are the niggers of space, so yes, 13% does do 50% in space, just that the 13% changed its definition

How can they be the niggers of space if actual niggers are still around and also in space?

nigger is a state of being

fuck, was about to press play

why the fuck do they insert faggotry in their storylines? are we really outnumbered by faggots that they have to pander to them?

I think you watched Chris Rock's comedy routine on repeat one too many times.


>I need to endure through the first few episodes and then I will be rewarded later.
Yes, I agree.

Whatever you say. Lol!

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Good summary of the series.

Go ahead and do it but keep in mind Season 3 is full bore INTERRACIAL SPACE LESBIANS (and not the hot kind) even more so than the book

Her ass is pretty sweet but her piggy snout ruins her for me.

At first it is all politics so that you get a clear view of what the situation is between Mars, Earth and the Outer Planets Alliance (The Belt). But once you put the blue goo into the equation everything goes apeshit cool, I fucking love this show and I'd gladly do myself a lobotomy everytime I finish watching it just to enjoy it like the first time again.


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Stop trolling

>detective elements
first episode was pretty much this. it's exactly what you're looking for plus kino space civilization set in our own solar system. how did that not interest you? I know acting and production value isn't top-notch but I like it for the world building alone.

Plebs be gone.

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Actually I didn't pay enough attention I think, I was eating and chatting ... I'll rewatch it.

How is it pessimistic? Sure it can be dark and gritty at times but that's how life is.

>Sure it can be dark and gritty at times but that's how life is.
doomers need not apply

Imagine being this retarded.

At least Discovery doesn't have MY GIRLFRIEND'S SON

Damn I thought that the show had already catched up to the books? I was so fucking depressed because of it, damn this is good news.


>trend of ultra doomer, pessimistic scifi
There's a stark difference between realism and nihilism. We all wish we could templar it up, retake Jerusalem, wipe out kikes + nigs + arabs + natives + chinks (japan can stay), but the reality is that we're powerless to do anything because we're just puppets who'd rather spend our time consuming TV like our lives depended on it rather than organizing to make change. So yeah, The Expanse looks relatively accurate to what population would look like then, and while I'd prefer more eye-candy cuties, the reality is that women in military, transportation, and other gruelling jobs tend to be on the fugly side IRL.

>I was eating and chatting
What the fuck is wrong with people?

I live an hour away from Chicago. I watch fantasy to stay away from niggers, not see more of em

Why would someone make shit up about a show they didn't even watch? Really gets the noggin joggin.

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>There's a stark difference between realism and nihilism.
the reality of the modern world is that we've eliminated inter-national conflict except for America which needs to be in a constant state of war to mobilize its economy. We've discovered easy gene editing and sub-second communication with anyone anywhere on the globe. We have access to the sum total of human knowledge in a small box we keep in our pocket. The reason social issues seem like such a big deal all of a sudden is because we solved all the real problems and now there's nothing to compare against them to expose them for the insignificant non-issues they really are.
If people had any kind of perspective on what has been accomplished in the past few decades they would be very optimistic about the future of mankind.

Naomi's son with Marco Inaros I guess. But she's hiding this from Holden isn't she? And it's not portrayed like something good.

Wouldn't want people in muh space opera to have flaws that generated believable character drama, would we?

It’s a good show and it only gets better. However if you are bored by the first season the show will probably be to intelligent for you.

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I was somewhat bored by the first season because it just seemed like GoT in space with a lower budget. Then it grew on me.

>So much so that people divide each other based on what planet they're from than from their race, because the planetary differences overwhelm everything else.
Stopped reading here. That’s as unrealistic as saying “national pride is gonna erase racial fissures.”
