Give it to me
Is this a great end to the saga or just another flickshit Disney churned out?
Give it to me
Do you really feel the need to ask? When people from all backgrounds have been shitting on this for months?
It didn't give the closure to the saga that I wanted it to buylt it was a mostly fine star wars movie I guess.
While better than the first 2 st flicks it's still a shit flick and embarrassment to the Star Wars legacy.
>Give it to me
I'm so bored I ordered the homicide wings from the local chikken delivery place and this morning I have a debilitating case of spicy bhóle
Also John Williams only Oscar is for the music you hear for 20 seconds walking into Star Wars land, not the movies
god i would simp so hard for Daisy
9 films and decades of story telling culminated in Rey just walking towards Palpatine with two lightsabers and killing him because she is simply stronger than him.
Not even trying to meme or anything, it's literally like a Disney Channel movie.
I haven't been here since July last year
I want Daisy to laugh at my 7 inch dicklet
It's definitely the worst of the new Star Wars movies and one of the worst movies in the series overall. The only numbered one I like less is Attack of the Clones.
It's a mediocre closure to the saga, a good film on its own, the best of the sequel trilogy (not that that means much anyway)
>put important characters you expect to be there on the cover
>but also one chinese fatty who is absolutely irrelevant to the story and whose total screentime amounts to single digit number of minutes at best
What the fuck, why
It’s straight garbage, m8.
She is not Chinese you stupid ass amerimutt.
The only good part about thie movie was Daisy's sweaty armpits
downloading it now, thanks
shut up annamite
Whatever. That was not my point.
Attack of the Clones at least overall contributed to the plot. And it had a lot of creativity put into it in terms of character design, environments, machines, etc. That's why Clone Wars era content is the most popular with young fans.
How did the sith dagger make any sense?
Assuming you’ve seen TFA and TLJ, what fuck do you think?
If not, you’ve done well and should continue to steer clear
Anons argue over the ranking order of these ad nauseum. They're truly pissing into the wind.
Each and every one is exactly equivalent in quality.
Just something you have to watch and put behind you, no one has ever rewatched any of these movies.
>le damage control
Fucking idiot
its the utter piece of shit of a collective mind fart of disney marketing team, violet hair pussies that are simply unfuckable and EGO-maniac amateur directors who thought Lucas didnt know his shit.
Take your meds.
Watch Attack of the Clones, and then watch Rise of Skywalker.
I guaran-damn-tee that AoTC is better in every single way.
If you need to ask, you are already mentally cucked. So, you are probably the intended audience.
the plot is offensively stupid, the action/attempts-at-tension feel contrived, but it's not as bad of a movie as I thought it would be having until recently only seen that awful camrip up to the point where poe says "palpatine survived, somehow (sigh)" where i just had to laugh and turn it off, 4.9/10
There was a fundamental disconnect with the setting that was growing from TFA and turned into the clusterfuck that was RoS.
Looking through the books of concept art for both the ST and RotS, there was a a TON of cool stuff that got axed because Disney was afraid of possibly alienating the audience too much, whereas George and his homeboys would just tell the ILM artists to draw whatever the fuck they wanted and then he'd pick out the stuff he liked the most and write it into the script. This is why the PT still had a bunch of cool designs and ideas --- because they gave a fuck about making something meaningful beyond hurr spaceship go woosh laser sword go vrrrrrrrrr
*sigh* somehow, this thread has returned.
Contrarians will tell you it isn’t good. I almost cried seeing all the ships and hearing all the Jedi at the end. Not every big moment has to be climactic
>angry director retcons shit to piss off director that retconned his plot the retconning
>0.07 Mousebucks have been deposited into your Disney account.
>Not every big moment has to be climactic
>The CLIMAX of the series doesn't need to be climactic.
What did he mean by this?
Yeah the villains actually won. All the Skywalkers are dead and a Palpatine stole their name and legacy.
Welcome back, user. Hope you enjoyed your sabbatical
It’s a fun movie about space wizards and adventure, and you think it should follow real world logic and story telling?
This sounds like a terrible head to head
Real talk I would love to be a shill on Disney’s payroll, how do cucks get jobs like this?
You'll learn 2 things.
AotC wasn't as bad as history tells you.
RoS is worse than you initially thought.
Attack of the Clones is an ugly movie shot on early digital with an ugly color palette with the most sterile and boring direction I've ever seen in a blockbuster movie, with some of the worst acting and dialogue ive ever seen
Rise of Skywalker is very well shot and produced and acted, its problems are dipshit story decision based on trying to appease the babies who cries about TLJ
I’m scared to find out how TROS was somehow *worse* than I remember...
>It’s a fun movie about space wizards and adventure, and you think it should follow real world logic and story telling?
Where did I even mention anything about "real world logic" in my prior post?
What do you think
>rouge one
>mid tier
mouthbreather confirmed
It’s the general conception. People whined about new villains and characters being added in at the last minute (Palpatine) yet nobody bitches about Dooku and Grevious being shoehorned in the prequels.
TROS is good because it’s a nice pace away from the cliche of expo>rise>low point>climax>resolution we see in every story
>another flickshit Disney churned out
That would be it. You can tell that everyone just wanted to rip this bandaid off and move on.
>main series Star Wars movie released not 4 months ago
>forgotten about after 4 weeks
>already on home release
>already forgotten about
This is unprecedented for a Star Wars film.
>TROS is good because it’s a nice pace away from the cliche of expo>rise>low point>climax>resolution we see in every story
Go to bed, JJ.
The real problem is it tried to be a climax, when the sequels have been just an extended denouement.
>TLJ not in shit tier
>The real problem is it tried to be a climax, when the sequels have been just an extended denouement.
The conclusion already happened back in 1983.
All the Sequels did was undermine everything that happened in the OT and fuck up the entire saga.
>Attack of the Clones is an ugly mov-
Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi.
do you like RLM?
imagine being so brainded that you put TLJ over TPM.
literal autist.
You just posted a bunch of cgi, which part of that is beautiful?
Say what you want about The Last Jedi, at least they filmed a real island
>Rise of Skywalker is very well shot and produced and acted
Not the same guy but what retarded logic is that? So it can ONLY be good if it's real? Literally the only part of TLJ that was filmed on the island was the scene when Luke threw away the lightsaber. Everything else was mostly filmed in a shitty green screen studio, while only some parts were filmed on the coast of Ireland. Even then, it still looked like dogshit. AOTC at least had an excuse being the first film made in digital while the ST has had all the resources and years of improved technology.